1113 Part 1 Exam Flashcards
What are the types of examinations
Physical (vitals, appearance), radiographic (X-rays), clinical(intraoral and extraoral)
describe pulse
heart rate, take with 2 fingers for 30 seconds and multiply by 2 to get BPM
which arteries can you measure pulse from
radial (wrist), Branchial (elbow), carotid (neck)
which has higher heart and breathe rate an infant or adult
how do you document pulse
rhythm, rate, volume (weak or strong)
how do you measure breathing rate
breathe rate and volume (shallow or deep), act like your’e taking pulse again and watch the breathe
what is a healthy heartrate of an infant
70-120 BPM
what is a healthy heartrate of an adult
60-100 BPM
What are average respiratory rates
adult - 12-20 breathes per minute, adolescent - 12-16 breathes per minute, child - 18-30 breathes per minute
describe hypertension
when blood pressure is too high
what are the 2 pressures of the heart
systolic (top) when the heart pumps, Diastolic (bottom) when the heart is at rest
what is high systolic blood pressure
130 -139
what is low blood pressure
around 90/60
what is a normal blood pressure
describe class 1 cavity
pits on top (posterior)
describe class 2 cavity
occlusal on the molar (can be multi surface)
describe class 3 cavity
proximal incisal
describe class 4 cavity
proximal and tip of incisors
describe class 5 cavity
describe class 6 cavity
cusp tip or incisal edge (any tooth)
what are the classes of furcation
Class 1 - not enterable, class 2 - enterable but not through, class 3 - able to be passed through with tissue, class 4 - able to be passed though no tissue
what are the classes of mobility
Class 1 - able to be moved 1mm class 2 - able to be moved over 1 mm Class 3 - able to be moved up and down
what are the stages of aging
functioning - full natural teeth, frail - starting to get medical problems, some natural teeth, Dependent - no natural teeth
what are the categories of special needs
1 - no modifications, 2 - unique schedules or chair positions, 3 - life long implications, 4 - significant accommodations such as different meeting rooms 5 - require limited care to treat serious oral disease
what is xerostomia
dry mouth
does xerostomia cause dark and brittle teeth
what causes dark and brittle teeth
growing secondary dentin reduces the pulp chamber
describe Down syndrome
Extra chromosome, may lead to other disorders
describe parkinsons
Can’t produce dopamine, causes tremors
describe alzheimers
Progressive disorder leading to deterioration of mental capacities
describe lou gherigs disease (ALS)
Loss of motor neurons, causes weakness, survival time of 3-5 years
describe osteoarthritis
Chronic arthritis in older patients
describe grand mal seizure
Stiff and jerking seizure
describe petit mal seizure
Intervals of unawareness
describe myoclonic seizure
Short jerking parts of the body
how do you accommodate patients with cardiovascular issues
avoid stress, check vitals, no not administer vasoconstrictors or epinephrine
describe emphysema
when the lungs take in too much air (overinflated)
what chair position is used for patients having trouble breathing
describe hyperthyroidism
no not give epinephrine, fast heartrate, overheated, sensitive
describe cerebral vascular accident
what is hypertension
fainting, you may need to raise chair slowly
what are the stages of anesthesia
what are the signs and symptoms of a diabetic emergency
Mood changes, hunger, anxiety
what are the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction
Nausea, vomiting, short breath
Describe cerebral vascular accident
Loss of nervous system function, slurred speech or weakness of facial muscles
What is it called when the heart has to work harder due to a blocked artery
Describe angina
A decrease in blood supply to the muscles
What are the levels of care
Emergency (out of pain), standard care (functional state), optimum care (ideal state, veneers)
What are the probing scores
0 - colored area visible 1 - area visible, bleeding may occur 2 - calculus detected, visible 3 - partially visible 4 - colored area gone (5.5 mm)
What are the stages of anesthesia
Stage 1 - relaxed and fully conscious stage 2 - less aware of surroundings stage 3 - feels no pain or sensation
stage 4 - cardiac arrest
What are the drugs in an emergency kit
Naxolone - reverse opioids, glucose - hypoglycemia and blood sugar, ammonia inhalants - prevent fainting, nitroglycerin - tab or spray for angina relief, aspirin - myocardial infraction, diphenhydramine- mild allergic reactions, epinephrine- severe allergic reactions, albuterol - asthma