111 CBRN Flashcards
Discuss effects of BIOLOGICAL Agents
Use of pathogens or toxins as a weapon ex:
- Anthrax
- Cholera
- Smallpox
- Mycotoxin
Discuss effects of NUCLEAR Weapons
- Blast (shockwave & fireball)
- Thermal Radiation (electromagnetic radioation, 100,000,000 degrees celcius)
- Nuclear Radiation (Re-arrangement of matter)
Discuss levels and limitations of the Mission Oriented Protected Posture System (MOPP) levels
0 - have gear near 1 - don suit (use m8/m9) paper 2 - don boots 3 - don mask 4 - don gloves
Limitations: Heat Stress, Dehydration, Nutrition
Discuss the Chemical/Nuclear Detectors: M8
- Red (Blister)
- Yellow (Nerve)
- Green (Nerve)
Discuss the Chemical/Nuclear Detectors: M9
Shades of Red
Discuss the Chemical/Nuclear Detectors: M256
-Detector Kit, use after to determine if safe to unmask
Explain Chemical Warfare
- used for death, injury, irritation effects
- (3) types
- casualty
- incapacitating
- harassing
Explain Chemical Warfare
-when PATHOGENS or TOXINS are used as a weapon
Explain Radiological Effects
(4) types
- Alpha-particles
- Beta-particles
- neutrons
- gamma rays (mass destruction property/personnel)
Explain the following Routes by which AGENTS enter the BODY
- Skin
- Eyes
- Ingestion
Describe the Colors/Markings for NATA CBR
Yellow - Chemical (gas)
Blue - Biological (bio)
White - Radiological (atom)
Red - Chemical minefield (gas mines)
Discuss levels of DECONTAMINATION
Immediate - personnel
Operational - sustain ops
Thorough - detail overall
Clearance - allows unrestricted transportation
- Individual gear
- overboot & hood
- overgarnment removal
- overboot and glove removal
- monitor
- mask removal
- mask recon
- re issue
Discuss the characteristics of M291
Skin Decon Kit (wallet like pouch)
Discuss the characteristics of M292
Equipment Decon kit
Discuss purpose/use of M-100 Sorbent Decon System (SDS)
- Wipe down vehicles
- Use within 15 min of exposure
- powdered sorbent (no need for water)
- will replace M11 & M13
Discuss unmasking after CBR when a detector IS available
- Senior person select 1-2 personnel
- unmask
- use chemical detector kit (if neg continue)
- direct 2 more persons to unmask, 5 min
- observe for 10 min
- check for delayed symptoms
- all steps (15 minutes)
Discuss unmasking after CBR when a detector IS NOT available
- Senior person select 1-2 personnel
- unmask
- use m8 paper
- direct 2 break seals, keep eyes open 15 seconds, reseal
- observe for 10 min
- if no symptoms break seal, take 2-3 breaths reseal
- 5 min, do it again
- observe 10 min then take off
Explain 3 types of chemical warfare and symptoms
Nerve - Disrupts normal functions (muscles, nausea, convulsion, spasms)
Blistering - Produce casualties, reduce combat effectiveness
Chocking - gases
Discuss following for CBR, pre-during and post attack actions of a NUCLEAR attack
Pre - attack will increase Survivability
During - drop face down, close eyes, protect skin
Discuss following for CBR, pre-during and post attack actions of a BIOLOGICAL attack
Pre - have up to date immunizations
During - Don MOPP Gear
Post - report, take samples, decon
Discuss following for CBR, pre-during and post attack actions of a CHEMICAL attack
Pre - assess the threat, decon
During - give warning, take cover MOPP4
Post - recovery, adjust MOPP
Explain the conditions that effect NUCLEAR, BioLOGICAL and Chemical operations, in the littoral environment
Nuclear - tidal surges, thermal effects, residual contamination
Biological - Weather/Meteriological (hot or cold effect casualty)
Chemical - Blister agents cause casualties, water causes agents to hydrolyze
MOPP differences between Afloat and Ashore
MOPP 0: only in Ashore, carry, keep ready
MOPP 1: Afloat -make sure IPE is available
Ashore - Don overgarnment
MOPP2: Afloat - activate detector
Ashore - Don boots
MOPP3: Afloat - don protective suit & boots (countermeasure wash down)
Ashore - don mask
MOPP4: Afloat - Don protective gloves & mask
Ashore - Don gloves
When was the First large scale use of Chemical Weapons
World War I - germans
- chlorine gas to allied forces (Belgium)
- over 5,000 casualties reported
Describe the purpose and use of the NAAK
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
- auto injector
- pralidoxine chloride
Describe the purpose and use of the Protective MASK
- M40 Serier CB Mask
- rubber
- binocular eyelens
- elastic head harness
Discuss different types of anti-personnel agents (VLAS)
VLAS Vapors Liquid Aerosol Solids
Describe the purpose and use of JSLIST gear
Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Tech
-protects against liquids, solids, vapor