106 Tactics Flashcards
Describe the following in regards to dug-in emplacements: Hasty/Skirmishes/Position
simplest type is SKIRMISHERS TRENCH Quick Cover
Describe the following in regards to dug-in emplacements: Improved ONE-man fighting position
- small as possible
- shoulder width
- deep enough for entrenching tools
Describe the following in regards to dug-in emplacements: Improved TWO-man fighting position
- essentially two one-man holes
- less protection from tanks
- less protection from bombings
- and strafing and shelling
What is camouflage
- color scheme that alters forms, shadow, texture
- using natural concealment
- against air and ground observation
General rules of camouflage. What do we use camouflage on?
- Individuals (skin, dark areas light)
- Vehicles (natural cover)
- Buildings (incorporate to design)
- Supply Points (disperse supplies to minimize destruction)
- Fighting Positions
Utilizing BAMCIS, describe the planning process for issuing a five-paragraph order
- Begin planning
- Arrange Recon
- Make Recon
- Complete the Plan
- Issue the order
- Supervise
- used to lead the troops*
What does Land NAV require?
- Map
- Lensatic Compass
- Pace Count
What are the procedures for basic land navigation using a map
- First - Orient the map with ground
- Lensatic Compass - held level and firm when sighting on an objective and reading Azimuth
- Map - 1:24,000
- Compass - lensatic, orienteering, and brunton
- Pace counting
Explain Resection and Intersection
- Resection - location of the user’s unknown position by sighting on two/three features on a map.
- Intersection - location of an unknown point by occupying at least two, preferably three known positions and sightings on unknown point
Describe the following reports when observed activities DON’T pose threat (SALUTE)
- Size
- Activity
- Location
- Unit
- Time
- Equipment
What are two types of Patrols
Security Patrol - Concerned with defensive combat
Reconnaissance Patrol - Information gathering patrols
Describe the following report HASTY SALUTE (SPOT)
- Size
- Position
- Observation
- Time
12 patrol planning and preparation steps
- Study the mission
- Plan use of time
- Study Terrain/Situation
- Organize the Patrol
- Select Personnel, equip & weps
- Issue Warning Order
- Coordinate
- Recon
- Complete Detailed Plans
- Issue Patrol Order
- Supervise
- Execute Mission
Describe the organization of a patrol for movement
- Formation
- Exercise of Control
- Navigation
- Security
- Front
- Flank
- Rear
- Halting
- Infiltration
Discuss 3 types of signals used in combat in conditions where oral communication is not practicle
- Whistle
- Special Signals
- Arm and Hand
Explain the following Fire Team formation, advantages and disadvantages: COLUMN
- Vulnerable at front
- Used in dense terrain
Explain the following Fire Team formation, advantages and disadvantages: WEDGE
- Provides all around protection
- Used for unknown enemy
Explain the following Fire Team formation, advantages and disadvantages: SKIRMISHES
- Difficult to control over long distances
- Used for known enemy
Explain the following Fire Team formation, advantages and disadvantages: ECHELON
- Protects flank
- Used in slow maneuvering
Explain “Challenge and Reply”
-Two words used to determine FRIEND or FOE, or a duress situation
Discuss immediate actions required for following enemy contact: IMMEDIATE HALT
- 1st patrol detecting enemy force.
- Silent signal for FREEZE
Discuss immediate actions required for following enemy contact: AIR OBSERVATION ATTACK
- 1st patrol detecting enemy force.
- Silent signal for FREEZE
- When aircraft is approaching, 1st patrol announces “Aircraft”
Discuss immediate actions required for following enemy contact: HASTY AMBUSH
- Avoid contact
- Prepare to initiate unplanned ambush on the enemy
Discuss immediate actions required for following enemy contact: ASSAULT
- Used defensively to make & quickly break undesired but unavoidable contact
- Offensively to decisively engage the enemy
Discuss immediate actions required for following enemy contact: NEAR AMBUSH
-Killing zone under heavy, highly concentrated fire close range
Discuss immediate actions required for following enemy contact: FAR AMBUSH
-Under heavy, highly concentrated fire but from a greater range
Describe the following type of movement: CROSSING A WALL
- rolls over the wall
- keeping low silhouette
Describe the following type of movement: OBSERVE AROUND CORNERS
- “short stock technique” or popping the corner
- Prone position near corner, muzzle always pointing in direction you are looking
Describe the following type of movement: PAST WINDOWS
-stay below the windows level and “hug” the building
Describe the following type of movement: DOORWAYS
- should not be used as an entrance or exit
- if used, move quickly and low to next position
Describe the following type of movement: PARALLEL to BUILDINGS
- Hug side of building
- Stay in shadows
- Present a low silhouette and move quickly to next position
Describe the following type of movement: CROSSING OPEN AREAS
- Conceal Movement with smoke grenades
- Use Shortest distance between bldgs.
- Recon and select best cover & concealment
- Always cover fire for assault team
Describe the following type of movement: ASSAULT ELEMENT EMPLOYMENT
-Move in groups of 2 between bldgs
Describe the following type of movement: MOVEMENT INSIDE BUILDINGS
-Avoid silhouetting themselves, hug the way
Describe the flowing characteristics of machine gun fire: TRAJECTORY
-Path of projectile through the air
Describe the flowing type of firing technique: POINTED QUICK FIRE
- Shooter looks, brings up rifle simultaneously
- Rifle becomes extension of the pointer
Describe the flowing type of firing technique: INSTINCTIVE SHOOTING
-Body turned with the weapon in order to achieve a natural point of aim
Describe the flowing type of firing technique: PIE-ING
- effective technique for clearing dead space inside rooms and buildings
- to gain security on hallways, stairwells, mouse-holds etc.
Describe the flowing type of firing technique: AIM-QUICKFIRE
- focus on target, rifle up
- eye rear sight aimed at target
- focus on front sight
Describe procedures for handling detainees/Enemy prisoners of war
- Don’t attack those who surrender
- Never Kill, mistreat, or torture prisoners
- Don’t take Personal Property
- Civil Rights (Apply to them)
- Don’t Poison
What is the Code of Conduct
Comprised of 6 Articles
I. I am an american
II. I will never surrender
III. I will make every effort to escape
IV. I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners
V. I am required to give my Name, Rank, Service Number, and Date of Birth
VI. I will never forget that I am an American, Trust in my god and the USA.
Describe the Procedures to establish a LZ in the DAY
- level ground
- approx 100ft larger than the diameter rotor blades
Describe the Procedures to establish a LZ in the NIGHT
- level ground
- approx 150ft larger than the diameter rotor blades
Name the 4 types of fences and their purpose
Double Apron Fence - low wires, prevent crawling, prevent stepping over it
Triple-Standard Concertina - looks like a triangle
Low wire entanglement - serves as a surprise obstacle
Tanglefoot - in shrub, use concealment
Describe the 3 classes of wire entanglements
Tactical - funnel enemy into fields of fire
Supplemental - offsets patterns
Protective - last wire entanglements, camp defense
Discuss priorities of establishing a defense
- Proper use of terrain
- Cover
- Concealment
- Obstacles
- Avenues of Approach
- Security
- Mutual Support
- Defense in Depth
- All-around Defense
- Coordinated Fire Plan
- Use of Barriers
- Flexibility
- Dispersion
Discuss the following type of clearing technique: clearing a STAIRWELL
- Shooter #1 turns around and covers overhead proceeding backwards up the stairs
- Shooter #2 follows one step behind and to the side of the Shooter #1
Discuss the following type of clearing technique: clearing T-SHAPED HALLWAY
- Both shooters move to dominant positions without entering the intersection
- Shooter #1 clears his sector then says “Ready”
- Shooter #2 clears his sector then says “Move”
- Both shooters bottom-hook in their next position
Discuss the following type of clearing technique: clearing L-SHAPED HALLWAY
- Shooter pies as far as possible and moves FWD to increase angle of fire, Shooter #1 moves accordingly with Shooter #2
- Shooter #1 Announces “Ready”
- Shooter #2 Responds “Move”
- Shooter #1 remains Standing, Shooter #2 remains kneeling, both while pivoting around corner
Describe the flowing characteristics of machine gun fire: BURST of FIRE
- Normal Burst 6 to 20 for HEAVY machine gun
- Normal Burst 6 to 12 for MEDIUM machine gun
Describe the flowing characteristics of machine gun fire: CONE of FIRE
-Vibrations of gun, tripod , ammo type and atmospheric conditions, change the trajectory of each bullet
Describe the flowing characteristics of machine gun fire: BEATEN ZONE
-Area on the ground upon which the cone of fire falls
Describe the flowing characteristics of machine gun fire: DEAD SPACE
-Range which a weapon cannot cover fire or observation
Describe the flowing characteristics of machine gun fire: DANGER SPACE
-Space between the machine gun and the target where the trajectory does not rise above 1.8 meters (average height of soldier)
Discuss methods of determining range
Naked eye Method - till around 1,000 meters
Assisted Method - Binoculars or Laser range finders
Map Method - Slowest but effective
Range card Method - used to engage targets in limited visibility
Discuss the methods of engaging the following type of target: POINT TARGETS
-Targets having a width or depth no greater than the beaten zone for the ground on which they are located
Discuss the methods of engaging the following type of target: WIDE TARGETS
-Prioritizing target objectives and effective fire
Discuss the methods of engaging the following type of target: DEEP TARGETS
-Determine distance/environmental factors for distant targets
Discuss the methods of engaging the following type of target: OBLIQUE TARGETS
-Adjust fires for most effective fire and situational awareness
Discuss the methods of engaging the following type of target: AREA TARGETS
-Ensure ROE’s for area targets and effectiveness of fire
Discuss the methods of engaging the following type of target: MOVING TARGETS
ROE’s and collateral damage assessment required
Discuss procedures for preparing a range card
- Know the targets
- Know last positions of the targets
- know the obstructions requiring the range card
- Ensure card is legible and can be easily understood
Discuss the use of tactical lighting
- used to assist in low illumination situations
- ensure you are using non firing hand
- can be used for both primary and secondary weapons
Discuss the elements of a fire plan sketch
- Sectors or Zone of Fire
- Individual Fighting Positions
- Crew Served Weapons
- Rifleman Positions
- Terrain Features
- Fire Team Leader
Describe “Fire Sectors”
-Areas of responsibility
Describe “Fire Limits”
Range of fire
- Forward Limit - range of weapons
- Lateral Limit - Line of Sight using terrain features
Describe “Fire Discipline”
-Maintain ROE, be aware of ammo amount & friendly casualties
Discuss the following elements of mission planning: COA Development
-Planners use the mission Statement
Discuss the following elements of mission planning: COA War Game
-Detailed instructions on how the information pertains to enemy
Discuss the following elements of mission planning: COA Comparison and Development
-Evaluate all Friendly COA’s, then agains each other CDR Picks best one
Discuss the following elements of mission planning: ORDER Development
-Serves as principle means for guidance
Elements of a mission plan and info on each (SMEAC)
Situation - enemy forces, friendly forces
Mission - 5w’s (who, what, when, where & why)
Execution - CMDR’s Intent, Operation, Tasks
Administration and Logistics
a. food, bullets and medical
Command & Signal - CEOI comms operating instruction
JSOI joint signal operating inst.
Describe the following terms ico mission planning: KOCOA
- Key Terrain
- Observation
- Concealment
- Obstacles
- Avenues of Approach
Define and discuss application to mission planning of: METT-TC
- Mission
- Enemy
- Terrain
- Time
- Troops
- Civilians
Define and discuss application to mission planning of: SAFE
- Security
- Automatic Weapons
- Fields of Fire
- Entrench
Define and discuss application to mission planning of: DRAW-D
- Defend
- Reinforce
- Attack
- Withdraw
- Delay
Discuss the acronym METOC and how it applies to mission planning
Meteorological and Oceanographic
-how oceanography, meteorology and space affect
-exploiting best time to execute, plan, support