105 C4I Flashcards
Discuss the PURPOSE of Naval Intelligence
- Support the CMDR
- Ident. centers of gravity & critical vulnerabilities
- Support Planning & Execution of OPS
- Protecting the Force
- Support Combat Assessment
Discuss the PRINCIPLES of Naval Intelligence
- Know the adversary
- Cmdrs needs are paramount
- Ensure Unity of Intelligence Effort
- Plan for Combat
- Use an all-source approach
Discuss the Speed of Service objective (Time) for Message Precedence: ROUTINE
3 - 4 Hours
or start of next day
Discuss the Speed of Service objective (Time) for Message Precedence: PRIORITY
1 - 3 Hours
Discuss the Speed of Service objective (Time) for Message Precedence: IMMEDIATE
30 Minutes
Discuss the Speed of Service objective (Time) for Message Precedence: FLASH
No fixed time, less than 10min
What is TPI - Two person integrity
Prevents single person access to COMSEC
Discuss the following Term: ACCESS
It is the Opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified material
Discuss the following Term: CLASSIFICATION
specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure
Discuss the following Term: COMPROMISE
security violation, w/confirmed exposure
Discuss the following Term: NEED TO KNOW
determined by an authorized holder of classified info, that a recepient requires access
Discuss the following Term: CLEARANCE
-meets personnel security standards, eligible for access
-3 types
Top Secret
What is EEFI and their Codes?
Essential Elements of Friendly Information Code 1 - Position Code 2 - Capabilities Code 3 - Operations Code 4 - Electronic Warfare Code 5 - Personnel Code 6 - COMSEC Code 7 - Wrong Circuit
Discuss the following Term: MINIMIZE
Drastically reduces normal message telephone traffic
similar to silence on the net
Discuss the following Term: BEADWINDOW
Unauthorized disclosure over a non-secure net only response is “roger out”
Discuss the following Radio Communications Frequencies: HF
- 3 - 30 Mhz
- Point to Point
- Ship to Shore
- Ground to Air
- Fleet Broadcast
Discuss the following Radio Communications Frequencies: VHF
30 - 300 Mhz
- Ship to Ship Amphibious
Discuss the following Radio Communications Frequencies: UHF
-To Aircraft
Discuss the following Radio Communications Frequencies: SHF
X - Band (8 - 12 Ghz)
Ku - Band (12 - 18 Ghz)
Ka - Band (26 - 40 Ghz)
Discuss the development of an Intelligence/Tactical picture
- provides situational awareness and understanding of environment for staff
- provides the Cmdr. with the 5 W’s
Discuss the Contents of the CEOI
Communications Electronic Operating Instructions
- controlling document for Single channel radio comms in Joint Ops & exercises
- Freqs, Alt Freqs, Crypto, Call Signs
List and describe watch stations within the TOC
- J3 Operations
- J2 Intel
- PR - Personnel Recovery
- Med - Medic
- ISR Collection mngr (ISR battle captain)
- JOC NCO (COP manager)
- Weather
- Various LNO Positions
- all can change depending on OPS
List and describe TOC equipment and resources
TOC/JOCs are the C2 (Command and Control centers)
- Workstations
- Radios (LOS/SATCOM)
- Medical/PR equip
- COP manager provides Area of Operations Situational Awareness
Discuss the following types of circuits and nets: TACTICAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DIRECTED, and FREE
- Tactical - Short Range
- Administrative
- Directed - need permission
- Free - don’t need permission
Discuss the following requirements for handling CMS?
- Responsibilities: manage cms account/advice CO
- Training: Physical/handling
- Storage Req’s: Proper Stowing
- Receipt: proper documentation
- Inventory: Properly maintaining, TPI all inventories
- Destruction: TPI, reflect on cms inventory
What is the purpose of the Date Time Group (DTG) on a naval message?
Identification, Tracking and filing purposes
Discuss purpose of the Unexploded Ordnance Hazards Report (UXO)
To identify through out COC for safe disposal
- do not touch
- do not approach
- do not transmit in the vicinity of UXO
Define the (4) different types of Control?
OPCON (operational) authoritative direction necessary to accomplish a mission
ADCON (administrative) doctrinal responsibilities
TACON (tactical) direction/control to accomplish mission
COCOM direction over all aspects of military ops
Discuss the following messages, situations and timelines: OPREP, Navy Blue
notification of a Major incident to the CNO
Discuss the following messages, situations and timelines: OPREP, Unit Sitrep
does not meet OPREP-3 pinnacle or Navy blue criteria
Discuss the following terms as they relate to Naval Intel: KEY ATTRIBUTES
- Timeliness
- Objectivity
- Usability
- Availability
- Thoroughness
- Accuracy
- Relevance
Name the (8) different sources of Intelligence
OSINT - Open source HUMINT - Human intelligence IMINT - imagery SIGINT - signals MASINT - Measurement and signature CI - counter intelligence TECHINT - technical METOC - meteorological/oceanographic
Discuss the following term: INTELLIGENCE CYCLE
- Planning and Direction
- Collection
- Processing
- Production
- Dissemination
Discuss Support for Expeditionary Forces
- different from open ocean OPS
- less warning/reaction time. any advisory acquisition is significant
- Non-traditional methods apply
- Open Source Intel
- Medical Intel
What are the 5 types of Orders?
OPORD - issued by CDR affects execution
WARNORD - mission task, constrains, combat force to the CDR
OPLAN - Deployment order/prep
FRAGORD - Operational order
EXORD - order to initiate military operation
CONOPS - describe how forces will accomplish the CDR’s intent
Explain the use of the following: NAVAL MESSAGE and E-Mail
Naval message: official Navy message, formal means of communication across the fleet
E-mail: Digital documentation using network comms
Discuss the Communications PLANS
Need to be:
-uncomplicated, reliable, flexible and resposive for the CDR to communicate w/subordinates
-simplifies comms between groups
Discuss Terms in relation to Command & Control: NATURE and PURPOSE
a. enables the CDR understand the situation in his battle space towards accomplishment of the mission
b. Process: planning, directing, coordinating and controlling forces
Discuss the following terms as they relate to Naval Intelligence: NATURE
product resulting from the collection, exploitation, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation and interpretation
Discuss the factors that affect the capabilities of radio Communications
- Weather
- Terrain
- Antenna
- Power
What are 3 forms of NON-Verbal communications?
Hand/Arm signals
Special - any pre-determined method (smoke, visual etc…)
Pronounceable words or phrases that have been assigned meaning to expedite message handling