11. labelfree FRET Flashcards
What is the fluorescence lifetime ?
What is the fluorescence lifetime ?
100 molecules
What defines 𝜏௨ ?
Why is the fluorescence lifetime interesting ?
particular environment
Application: mapping the complex of RNA polymerase
How to measure tau?
How to measure tau scheme?
Example of a fluorescence decay
(Frequency-domain lifetime measurements)
What is FLIM
Confocal fluorescence microscopy: principle
Point excitation – point detection: how to image??
Why is FLIM interesting ?
Example: autofluorescence FLIM of stomach tissue
Why is FLIM interesting ?
Example: imaging pH in skin
Why is FLIM interesting ?
Example: differentiation state of stem cells
Other examples: viscosity
Other example: Imaging 9 different probes via FLIM
everybody does FRET
FRET principle 1
FRET principle2