1.1 Japanese Garman (Tokohu) Flashcards
What is a hazard?
A hazard is an event that is a potential threat to people or property
What is a disaster?
Disaster is an event where losses are actually experienced/harm caused
Hazard risk equation
Risk = event x vulnerability/ capacity to cope
When did the tokohu earthquake happen?
March 2011
Where was the epicentre?
43 miles to the east
How powerful was the earthquake?
Most powerful to hit Japan.
4th most powerful in the world
What else happened alongside the earthquake?
133ft tsunami
How many were dead, injured and missing?
15,800 dead
6,000 injured
2,500 missing
What was the economic damage?
What was the magnitude of the earthquake?
9.1 which lead to a huge tsunami 30 minutes later, breaking sea walls and disabling 3 nuclear reactors within days
How to measure vulnerability?