1.1 - Health And Safety In relation To Ict Systems Flashcards
What 6 things are needed when considering a risk assessment for an ICT workstation?
- Identify the hazards the user is exposed to
- Identify the risks the hazards can produce
- Put safety precautions in place to reduce the risks
- Train workers to deal with risks that remain
- Check regularly the situation to see if it has become worse
- Encourage staff to report problems
What are display screen equipment regulations?
They are health and safety regulations that apply to computer use
What health problems can be caused by computers?
- Eye strain
- Back and neck problems
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Epilepsy
How is eye strain caused?
- concentrating on the screen for too long
- sitting too close to the screen
- refocusing eyes between the screen and paper
- glare from the light reflecting on the screen
How to prevent eyestrain?
- take regular breaks
- use blinds to reduce glare
- sit at least 1m away from screen
- refocus eyes regularly
How is RSI caused?
-from repeated similar movements, such as typing or clicking mouse buttons
How to prevent RSI?
- use wrist rests when typing
- take frequent breaks
- have the keyboard at the same height
- press keys and buttons lightly
How are back and neck problems caused?
By repetitive movement
-bad posture
How to prevent back and neck problems?
- keep good posture
- take frequent breaks and move around
How is deep vein thrombosis caused?
-sitting still for long periods of time
How to prevent deep vein thrombosis?
-take frequent breaks and move around
How is epilepsy caused?
- by screens which flicker at certain frequencies
- strobe effects on screen displays
How to prevent epilepsy?
- screen filters can reduce flicker
- use a high screen refresh rate
What are 5 steps to having a well designed workstation?
- Sit upright, knees and elbows at 90 degrees with feet flat on a footrest
- Chair should have a back support
- Chair should have wheels
- Eyes should be 1m away from the screen
- Keyboard should be at the right height
What is the meaning of ergonomic?
-designed to minimize discomfort and injury