1.1 Basic Anatomy Flashcards
What are the four Muscles of Mastication?
Medial Pterygoid
Lateral Pterygoid
What muscles ELEVATE (close) the mandible?
Medial Pterygoid
What innervates the Muscles of Mastication?
Trigeminal nerve
What muscles RETRACT the mandible?
What muscles DEPRESS (open) the mandible?
Lateral Pterygoid
What muscles Permits SIDE-TO-SIDE movement of the mandible?
Lateral Pterygoid
What muscles PROTRUDE the mandible?
Lateral Pterygoid
What innervates the Temporalis?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Temporalis do?
Elevates (closes) mandible
Retracts mandible
What innervates the Masseter?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Masseter do?
Elevates (closes) mandible
What innervates the Medial Pterygoid?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Medial Pterygoid do?
Elevates (closes) mandible
What innervates the Lateral Pterygoid?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Lateral Pterygoid do?
Depresses (opens) mandible
Protrudes mandible
Moves mandible side-to-side
What innervates the Muscles of the Face?
Facial nerve
What are the Muscles of the Face?
Orbicularis oris
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor
Levator labii superior
Levator labii superior alaeque nasi
Levator anguli oris
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferior
What muscle draws upper lip upward and outward?
Zygomaticus minor
What muscle closes, opens, protrudes, inverts, and twists lips?
Orbicularis oris
What muscle raises the angle of the mouth?
Levator labii superior alaeque nasi
What muscles elevate the upper lip?
Levator labii superior
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor
Levator anguli oris
What is the smiling muscle?
Zygomaticus major
What muscle draws the angle of the mouth upward and backward?
Zygomaticus major
What muscle draws the angle of the mouth down and inward?
Depressor anguli oris
What muscle pushes up the lower lip?
What muscles depress the lower lip?
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferior
What muscle causes dimples?
What muscle draws the corners of the mouth outward?
What muscle gives an expression of strain to the face?
What muscle holds food in contact with the teeth?
What muscle flattens the cheeks?
What muscle raises the chin?
What muscle retracts the angles of the mouth?
What does the Orbicularis Oris do?
Closes lips
Opens lips
Protrudes lips
Inverts lips
Twists lips
What innervates the Orbicularis oris?
Facial nerve
What does the Zygomaticus Minor do?
Draws upper lip upward and outward
What innervates the Zygomaticus minor?
Facial nerve
What does the Levator Labii Superior do?
Pulls up or elevates upper lip
What innervates the Levator labii superior?
Facial nerve
What does the Levator Labii Superior Alaeque Nasi do?
Raises angle of the mouth
What innervates the Levator labii superior alaeque nasi?
Facial nerve
What does the Zygomaticus Major do?
Draws upper lip upward
Draws angle of mouth upward and backward
What innervates the Zygomaticus major?
Facial nerve
What does the Levator Anguli Oris do?
Elevates corners of mouth
What innervates the Levator anguli oris?
Facial nerve
What does the Depressor Anguli Oris do?
Draws lower lip down
Draws angle of mouth down + inward
What innervates the Depressor anguli oris?
Facial nerve
What does the Depressor Labii Inferior do?
Depresses lower lip
What innervates the Depressor labii inferior?
Facial nerve
What does the Mentalis do?
Pushed up lower lip
Raises chin
What innervates the Mentalis?
Facial nerve
What does the Risorius do?
Draws corners or angle of mouth outward
Causes dimples
Gives expression of strain to face
What innervates the Risorius?
Facial nerve
What does the Buccinator do?
Flattens cheek
Holds food in contact with teeth
Retracts angles of the mouth
What innervates the Buccinator?
Facial nerve
What are the Muscles of the Palate?
Levator veli palatini
Tensor veli palatini
What innervates the Muscles of the Palate?
What is the exception?
Vegus nerve
Tensor veli palatini is innervated by the Trigeminal nerve
What muscle raises the soft palate?
Levator veli palatini
What muscle stretches the soft palate?
Tensor veli palatini
What muscle raises the back of the tongue (during the 1st stage of swallowing)?
What muscle shuts off the nasopharynx (during the 2nd stage of swallowing)?
What muscle shortens and raises the uvula?
What does the Levator Veli Palatini do?
Raises soft palate
What innervates the Levator Veli Palatini?
Vegus nerve
What does the Tensor Veli Palatini do?
Stretches soft palate
What innervates the Tensor Veli Palatini?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Palatoglossus do?
Raises back of the tongue (during 1st stage of swallow)
Narrows fauces
Elevates posterior tongue
What innervates the Palatoglossus?
Vegus nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
What does the Palatopharyngeus do?
Shuts off nasopharynx (during 2nd state of swallow)
What innervates the Palatopharyngeus?
Vegus nerve
What does the Uvulae do?
Shortens and raises uvula
What innervates the Uvulae?
Vegus nerve
What are the Suprahyoid Muscles?
Mylohyoid (anterior belly digastric)
Digastric (anterior belly)
What muscle elevates tongue and floor of mouth?
Mylohyoid (anterior belly digastric)
What muscles depress jaw when hyoid is in fixed position?
Mylohyoid (anterior belly digastric)
Digastric (anterior belly)
What muscle raises hyoid bone when jaw is in fixed position?
Digastric (anterior belly)
What muscle draws hyoid bone forward?
What elevates hyoid and tongue base?
What muscle is involved in tongue depression?
What muscle is involved in tongue protrusion and depression?
What muscle elevates the tongue up and back?
What muscle narrows the faces and elevates posterior tongue?
What does the Mylohyoid do?
Elevates tongue + floor of mouth
Depresses jaw when hyoid bone is in fixed position
What innervates the Mylohyoid?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Digastric do?
Raises hyoid bone if jaw is in fixed position
Depresses jaw when hyoid bone is in fixed position
What innervates the Digastric?
Trigeminal nerve
What does the Geniohyoid do?
Draws hyoid bone forward
Depresses mandible when hyoid bone is in fixed position
What innervates the Geniohyoid?
Cervical nerves C1 + C2 through hypoglossal
What does the Stylohyoid do?
Elevates hyoid and tongue base
What innervates the Stylohyoid?
Facial nerve
What does the Hyoglossus do?
Depresses tongue
What innervates the Hyoglossus?
Hypoglossal nerve
What does the Genioglossus do?
Protrudes tongue
Depresses tongue
What innervates the Genioglossus?
Hypoglossal nerve
What does the Styloglossus do?
Elevates tongue up and back
What innervates the Styloglossus?
Hypoglossal nerve
What nerve is involved in general sensation for the anterior 2/3 of tongue?
Trigeminal nerve (V)
What nerve is involved in taste for the anterior 2/3 of tongue?
Facial nerve (VII)
What nerve is involved in taste and general sensation for the posterior 1/3 of tongue?
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
What nerve is involve in sensation for the tonsils, pharynx, and soft palate?
Pharyngeal branch of the Vegus nerve (X)
What nerve is involve in sensation for the pharynx, larynx, and viscera?
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Vegus (x)
What afferent controls are supplied by the Trigeminal Nerve (V) when swallowing?
General sensation of the anterior 2/3 of tongue
What afferent controls are supplied by the Facial Nerve (VII) when swallowing?
Taste in the anterior 2/3 of tongue
What afferent controls are supplied by the Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX) when swallowing?
Taste + general sensation in poster 1/3 of tongue
Secondary afferent info
What afferent controls are supplied by the Internal Branch of the SNL (Vegus X) when swallowing?
Mucosa of valleculae (groove behind root of tongue)
What afferent controls are supplied by the Pharyngeal Branch of Vegus Nerve (X) when swallowing?
Sensation of the tonsils, pharynx, and soft palate
What afferent controls are supplied by the Vegus Nerve (X) when swallowing?
Sensation of the pharynx, larynx, and viscera
What provides efferent innervations for Mastication?
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
What provides efferent innervations for the Buccinators?
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
What provides efferent innervations for the Floor of the Mouth?
Trigeminal Nerve (V)
What provides efferent innervations for the Lip Sphincter?
Facial Nerve (VII)
What provides efferent innervations for the Tongue?
Hypoglossal Nerve (XII)
What provides efferent innervations for the Pharyngeal Constrictors + Stylopharyngeus
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
What provides efferent innervations for the Palate?
Vegus Nerve (X)
What provides efferent innervations for the Pharynx?
Vegus Nerve (X)
What provides efferent innervations for the Larynx?
Vegus Nerve (X)
What provides efferent innervations for the Esophagus?
Vegus Nerve (X)
What efferent controls are supplied by the Trigeminal Nerve (V) when swallowing?
Floor of Mouth
What efferent controls are supplied by the Facial Nerve (VII) when swallowing?
Lip Sphincter
What efferent controls are supplied by the Hypoglossal Nerve (XII) when swallowing?
What efferent controls are supplied by the Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX) when swallowing?
Pharyngeal Constrictors
What efferent controls are supplied by the Vegus (X) when swallowing?
What is the Cricopharyngeal muscle?
Lays at base of pharynx and top of esophagus
Acts as a sphincter
What is the name of the sphincter that separates the Esophagus from the Pharynx?
Upper Esophageal Sphincter (UES)
Pharyngeal Esophageal Segment (PES)
What is the name of the sphincter that separates the Esophagus from the Stomach?
Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES)