11/30 Anatomy Lab of Lower Limb Flashcards
Obturator foramen
iliac fossa
ASIS of Os Coxa
ischial tuberosity
the long thin part of the ishium towards the pubis bone.
ischial ramus
ishial spine
greater sciatic notch
lesser sciatic notch
bone on the anterior inferior of the os coxa
superior pubic ramus
inferior pubic ramus
head and neck of femur
greater trochanter of femur
lesser trochanter of femur
linea aspera
tibial tuberosity
medial malleolus
The upper extremity of the bone on the lateral aspect of the lower leg
head and neck of fibula
the outside ankle bones
lateral malleolus
the small bones of the foot
the bones from the small bones of the foot out to the toes
the toe bones…
Lumbar plexus
lateral cutaneous n. of thigh (L2-L3)
obturator n. (L2-L4)
femoral n. (L2-L4)
lumbosacral trunk (L4-L5)
the plexus of nerves at the glutial region
sacral plexus.
superior gluteal n. (L4-S1)
the main motor neuron that innervates the gluteus maximus muscle. It is responsible for the movement of the gluteus maximus in activities
inferior gluteal n. (L5-S2)
The very large nerve that runs down the posterior upper leg
sciatic n. (L4-S3)
common fibular n. (L4-S2)
Superficial fibular n.
deep fibular n.
tibial n. (L4-S3)
tensor fascia lata m.
the largest and most superficial of the but muscles
gluteus maximus m.
the middle but musslce
gluteus medius m.
the deepest “but” muscle
gluteus minimus m.
the muscles surrounding the head of the femur and attaching tot he os coxa
external hip rotators
piriformis m.
superior gemellus m.
inferior gemellus m.
obturator internus m.
quadratus femoris m.
iliopsoas m.
iliacus m.
psoas major m.
rectus femoris
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius m.
vastus lateralis m.
Sartorius m.
pectineus m.
adductor brevis m.
adductor magnus m.
adductor longus m.
gracilis m.
biceps femoris m.
semitendinous m.
semimembranosus m.
tibialis anterior m.
extensor halluces longus m.
extensor digitorum longus m.
Peroneus longus m.
peroneus brevis m.
Gastrocnemius m.
Soleus m.