11/29 quiz Flashcards
Upper class in society, doctors, lawyers, big business owners.
Made up of small business owners, independent farmers and artisans ( a person who made goods by hand)
Middle Class
signed a contract to work for 4 to 10 years for anyone who would pay their passage over to the New World.
Indentured Servants
1730s and 1740s religious Revival led by Jonathan Edwards.
Great Awakening
The man who led the Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards
The man who wrote Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” (vengeful God)
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards wrote this essay about a vengeful God
“Sinners in the hands of an Angry God”
The man who carried on the Great Awakening.
George Whitfield
Education was important in the colonies because…
They wanted everyone to be able to read the bible.
All towns with 50 or more families had to be provided by the government with a…
school teacher and a school house.
Schools with private school teachers and a school house that were payed by tax dollars are called…
public schools.
Middle Colonies had schools were you paid privately this was called a
private school
Schools where women opened their homes to teach the boys and girls were called…
Dame Schools.
New England Colonies had…
Public Schools.
Middle Conlonies had…
Private Schools.
Southern Colonies had
Dame Schools (with private tutors).