11 & 12 Flashcards
- The difference between the styles of Northern/Southern Renaissance art
more gradual, didn’t live among ruins of Rome
- The principals of linear perspective.
- Michaelangelo’s “David”
David became a symbol of Florence.
- Sistine Chapel
Located in the Vatican, in Rome.
Executed in Fresco.
Took four years to complete.
Organized into squares.
Depicts religious themes
- Difference between Gothic and Romanesque architecture.
Carved what they saw on the surface, face, clothing, limbs, rather than first considering the body’s frame.
The body provides the framework on which fabric drapes, and therefore must be considered first.
Use of full contraposto.
- Reason for expanding Churches during the Renaissance
- Riace Warriors
The Bronzi di Riace are two famous full-size Greek bronzes of nude bearded warriors, cast about 460–450 BC
- Sutton Hoo
Sutton Hoo is the site of a ship burial that was initially excavated in 1938 and yielded among other important middle age artifacts, a fully buried ship that served as a burial chamber for a 7th-9th century anglo saxon king
Animal Style
Typical of work from this time, made by the “barbarians”, animal style shows imagery of abstracted animals, as well as an interlacing of ribbons or knot work.
-The animals are thought to be influenced by these people’s ancestors who were nomadic herdsmen.
- Illumination
The monks not only copied text but illuminated them, which means that they also illustrated and decorated them.
- Ziggurat, and know where it is located
Ziggurat- A temple or shrine raised on a monumental stepped base.
Located in the southern most area of Mesopatamia, called “Sumer”.
Ur which is in modern Iraq
- Characteristics of Egyptian art
The principal message in Egyptian art is continuity- a seamless span of time reaching back into history and forward into the future.
The Sphinx is the most important symbol in Egyptian art. It is meant to convey the essence of stability, order, and endurance.
- Examples of Cycladic art
Almost all of the art found is the simplified, abstracted nude female

Minoan art
The Minoans are named after King Mino, whose Queen gave birth to the half bull, half human creature, the Minotaur.
The Minoan culture was centered around the great city of Knossos.

Mycenean art
This culture formed around the city of Mycenae, and was located on the South coast of the Greek mainland.
Mainly noted for their elaborate burial customs, presumably acquired by Egyptian influence.
They were the only Aegean culture to use gold, presumably supplied by Egypt.

- Reliquary
- Pantokrater
Greek for “Ruler of All”
the Pantokrator image emphasizes the divine, awe-inspiring, even terrifying majesty of Christ as opposed to his gentle, approachable, human incarnation as Jesus

- Krater
- Works of Giotto
The Lamentation
The Lamentation shows the mourning of the dead Christ.
- The scene is composed as though it were on a stage and we are a participating audience.
- Space going back from the picture plane seems to be continuous, as opposed to the flattened decorative space seen in middle age painting.

Works of Duccio
Duccio. Christ Entering Jerusalem
Duccio was one of the artists that were influential in making the shift from the art styles of the middle ages into that of the Renaissance.
His masterpiece was the Maesta Altar, which was multi sectioned and meant to displayed on the alter of a church.
-His use of architecture was almost unprecedented in defining space and directing movement, rather than acting as a simple backdrop.

- Equestrian art
The Romans are credited with developing the equestrian sculpture
- Meaning and origin of the “Renaissance
Means “Rebirth”, and refers to the revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that is one of the key characteristics of the period.
- Sfumato
Derived from the Italian word for “smoke”.
Leonardo Da Vinci. Madonna and Child with St. Anne
achieved by multiple layers of translucent glazes give a hazy atmosphere, softened contours, and velvety shadows.

- Annunciation
Campin was a Flemish artist (Belgian).
Depicts the same event that we saw by Titian, the Annunciation.
Painted around the time that the principles of linear perspective were discovered in Italy, but would not filter into Northern art for another 75 years. Campin relies on a sort of intuitive perspective, so when closely inspected, the perspective is innacurate.
Full of symbolism, mostly referring to Mary’s purity.