11-1: Types of Nuclear Decay Reaction Flashcards
Elements above what atomic number do not fall in the belt of stability?
Elements found above/below the belt of stability need to (?/?) their (?/?) ratio?
Gamma Ray Emission
High energy radiation emitted that does not change the proton or neutron numbers
Alpha (a) Decay
Loss of an alpha particle, or a helium nucleus (2 protons + 2 neutrons)
Beta Decay
Nucleus ejects a beta particle and an antineutrino (neutron becomes a proton)
Positron Emission
Also called B+ Decay
Nucleus ejects a positron and a neutrino (proton becomes a neutron)
What is alpha decay prevented by?
Paper, clothing
What is B- decay prevented by?
Aluminum sheet
What is B+ decay prevented by?
Aluminum sheet
What is gamma emission prevented by?
Lead sheet
What are the charges for the different types of decay?
Alpha = 2+
Beta- = 1-
Beta+ = 1+
Gamma = 0
What are the masses for the different types of decay?
Alpha = 4
Everything else = 0
Which types of decay cause transmutations?
Everything except gamma emission
Which types of decay are natural/artificial?
Everything is natural
Which types of decay are spontaneous?