10A) Carbohydrates, 10B) Proteins and Lipids Flashcards
What are pentoses?
A sugar with 5 carbons, found in DNA and RNA.
What are Hexoses?
A sugar with 6 carbons.
What are the three Monosaccharides?
Glucose, Galactose, Fructose
Glucose + Glucose=
Glucose + Fructose=
Glucose + Galactose=
What are the names of the enzymes that breakdown disaccharides?
Sucrase, Lactase, Maltase
What are the three polysaccharides?
Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose
Once absorbed, fructose and galactose are turned into _____ in the liver.
Enzyme names usually end in ______.
Starch is made by plant cells to store ______.
What elements are components of protein?
C, H, O, N and sometimes Se and S
What two functional groups are found in all amino acids?
Carboxylic Acid and an Amine
If there are less than 50 amino acids in the polymer chain it is a _____.
If there are more than 50 amino acids in the polymer chain it is a _____.
What determines which of the 20 amino acids an amino acid is?
The “R” Side chain differs
The enzyme for protein breakdown into peptides is _____.
The enzyme for peptide breakdown into amino acids is _____.
Lipids are made of what elements?
H, O, C, and sometimes N and P
What are the three kinds of lipids?
Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Steroids
Triglycerides have a backbone of _____.
The enzyme that breaks down triglycerides is called _____.
How are phospholipids different from triglycerides?
Contain P and often N, only two fatty acids attached to glycerol, it is polar at the head.
Steroids are arranged in a _____.