1006 - Uniform And Clothing Standards Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for maintaining this document.
The Deputy Chief of Support Services or hislher designee
Who shall be responsible for:
- Interpreting, following and enforcing the TFD uniform and clothing standards
- Approving station specific t-shirts to be worn by TFD personnel
Battalion Chiefs
Who shall be responsible for following and enforcing the TFD uniform and clothing standards.
Company Officers and Supervisors
TFD uniformed personnel shall be dressed in Class B uniforms or TFD polo shirts, approved TFD t-shirts and/or TFD sweatshirts as appropriate, by __________ while on duty.
0730 hours
Some general guidelines:
- Only uniform garments issued by the department and approved station specific t-shirts, whether purchased by TFD or the employee, shall be allowed.
a. Similar garments offered by other sources are not allowed. - TFD uniformed personnel shall not wear only part of the TFD uniform on or off duty (e.g., Class B shirt or weather coat only).
- TFD uniformed personnel shall not wear department-issued uniform garments off-duty.
a. The exception is for department related events for which wearing department issued garments off-duty has been approved in advance by the Chief. - TFD polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats andlor other logo items purchased by the employee may be worn off duty as appropriate.
- All personnel shall be mindful of their conduct whenever wearing TFD logo apparel since wearing such garments identifies them to the public as TFD members.
Interpretation and enforcement of these uniform and clothing standards shall begin with __________and follow __________.
company officers or supervisors
the chain of command as necessary.
Forty hour uniformed and non-uniformed daytime personnel may, upon approval of the Fire Chief, wear a variety of civilian casual business garments bearing the official TFD emblem.
True or false?
TFD uniformed personnel shall not affix any emblem, pin or other supplemental item to uniforms without the permission of ______.
the Fire Chief
Inappropriate conduct while wearing TFD logo apparel may result in ____________.
disciplinary action in accordance with TFD Policy 1010.
TFD uniform personnel shall wear ____________when required to appear in court.
regular Class A or Class B uniforms (not sweatshirts, polo shirts or t-shirts)
Uniform Appearance
- Uniform garments shall be clean, neat, pressed and in good repair.
- T-shirts, polo shirts and uniform shirts shall be tucked in.
- All but the top button shall be buttoned on Class B uniform shirts and polo shirts.
- Metal insignia, badges and nametags must be maintained in a high luster without scratches.
- Items such as handkerchiefs and combs must not be worn or carried exposed on the uniform.
Class A (Dress) Uniforms
- Complete Class A uniforms are required for uniformed personnel.
- All new members of the department, after completing their first year of probation, shall be provided with a complete Class A uniform.
Class A uniforms shall consist of:
a. Black uniform jacket and pants
b. White long or short sleeve uniform shirt
c. Tie
d. Metal badges, name tag and collar insignia
TFD Class A uniform nametags shall be positioned as follows:
a. On the right side of the jacket chest
b. Centered midpoint between the right side of the jacket edge and overlapping left side lapel
c. Top of the name tag level with the top of the left chest jacket pocket
Collar brass shall be mounted on the collar of the TFD Class A uniform jacket.
a. Fire Chief: Gold with five bugles
b. Deputy Chief: Gold with four bugles
c. Assistant Chief: Gold with three bugles
d. Battalion Chief: Gold with two bugles
e. Captain, Paramedic Supervisor, Deputy Fire Marshal: Silver with two bugles
f. Lieutenant, Fire Inspector, LieutenantPararnedic: Silver with one bugle
g. FirefighterlParamedic: Caduceus
h. Fireboat Pilot: Boat Wheel
i. FirefighterIEMT: Buglelladder
Class A uniform jackets shall display rank stripes and years of service as follows:
a. Fire Chief: 5 gold stripes
b. Deputy Chief: 4 gold stripes
c. Assistant Chief: 3 gold stripes
d. e. f. g. h. Battalion Chief: 2 gold stripes
e. Captain, Paramedic Supervisor, Deputy Fire Marshal: 2 silver stripes
f. Lieutenant: 1 silver stripe Firefighter,
g. Firefighter, FirefighterIParamedic: 1 blue stripe
h. One maltese, gold, silver or blue depending on rank, for every 5 years of service
Class A hats andlor gloves shall be worn for specific events as directed by the Fire Chief.
a. Chief Officer: White hat with gold braid
b. Captain, Paramedic Supervisor, Deputy Fire Marshal, Lieutenant: Black hat with silver braid
c. FirefighterIParamedic,FirefighterIEMT: Black hat
When directed by the Fire Chief, Class A uniform hats shall be:
a. Worn on the head when outdoors
b. Held under the left arm, bill facing forward when entering a building
c. Placed on the lap or under the chair when seated
Class B general info:
- Class B uniforms shall meet the requirements set forth in the 1990 or 1994 editions of NFPA 1975.
- The Class B uniform shirt is considered more formal than a TFD polo shirt, t- shirt or sweatshirt and should be worn on emergency responses andlor whenever the most professional TFD image is to be projected.
- Class B uniforms for Firefighters through Captains shall be department- issued, consisting of:
a. Navy blue Nomex uniform shirt
b. Navy blue IYomex uniform pants
c. Soft badges, name tag and collar insignia - Class B uniforms for Chief Officers shall be department-issued, consisting of:
a. White uniform shirt (long or short sleeves)
b. Navy blue Nomex uniform pants
c. Hard brass badges, name tags and collar insignia
- Class B uniforms shall be worn when/where:
a. At public functions
b. During inspections
c. During formal training
d. For routine internal TFD business
TFD Polo Shirts
- TFD will issue one polo shirt per employee per year in lieu of one t-shirt as noted in section 5.6.1 of this document.
a. White for Chief Officers, navy blue for firefighters through Captains b. Employees may purchase additional polo shirts from the department at their own expense. - Polo shirts may be worn when appropriate as an alternative to the Class B uniform shirt, and only for:
a. Routine internal TFD business
b. Emergency responses
c. Informal training
d. Formal training classes and public functions where a more casual look is acceptable - TFD operations personnel shall wear TFD polo shirts with department issued Class B uniform pants.
- Administration, civilian and 40 hour employees may wear TFD polo shirts with appropriate civilian pants or slacks.
- The general public is not allowed to purchase TFD uniform items.
- To be approved, station specific t-shirts must:
a. Have sleeves
b. Be made of natural fiber (preferably 100% cotton) or Nomex
c. Be navy blue or white in color
d. Display no advertising or political opinion
e. Be in good taste
4. TFD t-shirts or approved station specific t-shirts may be worn on duty as follows:
a. On emergency responses
b. While actively engaged in station and/or rig maintenance
c. For physical fitness training d. Under TFD sweatshirts or Class B uniform shirts
i. If the sweatshirt or Class B uniform shirt is removed, a department issued or an approved station specific t-shirt is the only acceptable t-shirt to be wearing on duty
5. TFD t-shirts shall not be worn for routine internal TFD businesss, public functions, inspections or formal training.
TFD Coveralls 1. Only the following TFD personnel may wear TFD coveralls:
a. Firefighter/Paramedics only after 2000 hours when working on a transport vehicle
b. Training and Safety personnel while actively engaged in drill ground activities
c. Tech rescue personnel for specific events and training as appropriate
d. Fire Garage personnel Tech rescue personnel coveralls shall be provided by the department.
Other TFD personnel, who are allowed to wear coveralls and choose to do so, may purchase them from the department at their own expense.
TFD Baseball Hats
- TFD baseball hats are optional garments that may be purchased from the department at the employee’s expense.
- TFD baseball hats may be worn only as follows:
a. On routine TFD internal business
b. On emergency responses - TFD baseball hats shall be worn with the bill facing forward.
- TFD baseball hats shall be clean and in good repair.
a. Frayed or extremely faded hats shall not be allowed. - TFD baseball hats shall not be worn at public functions, inspections or formal training.
- TFD uniformed personnel shall wear high or low top black boots or low- heeled black shoes that are able to be shined when wearing a Class A or Class B uniform.
- When on duty TFD uniformed personnel shall wear with:
a. Class B uniforms: Black socks or plain white socks (no stripes) that cover the ankle
b. Class A uniforms: Black socks only - Shoes and boots must be shined and in good repair.
Other Uniform and Clothing Items
- Black belts are required.
- Navy blue stocking caps may be worn in cold weather.
- White or navy blue t-shirts may be worn under Class B uniform shirts.
a. If the outer Class B uniform shirt is removed, the only acceptable t- shirt to be worn alone is the department-issued TFD t-shirt or an approved station specific t-shirt. - Only white t-shirts shall be worn under Class A uniform shirts.
- TFD personnel who wear something other than a TFD t-shirt, approved station specific t-shirt or TFD sweatshirt while working out shall put on an approved TFD shirt garment prior to leaving the station in accordance with Section 5.6.4 of this document.
- TFD personnel shall not wear shorts while on duty except while:
a. Actively engaged in physical fitness training
b. Sleeping
c. Wearing turnouts
Additional Guidance for Fire Prevention Bureau Inspectors
- TFD Fire Prevention Bureau (FPB) personnel may wear Class B uniforms, TFD polo shirts or TFD sweatshirts while on duty.
- FPB personnel also may wear appropriate civilian business attire, including footwear.
- FPB personnel shall be issued two white or navy blue TFD polo shirts per year.
- TFD t-shirts will not be issued to personnel while assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau.
- FPB personnel may purchase TFD polo shirts, in other designated colors, from the department and wear those while at work.
- FPB personnel also may purchase other TFD logo clothing items (e.g., sweater, coat) and wear them on duty.
- FPB personnel shall be issued the same Class B uniform shirts as TFD operations personnel.
- FPB personnel shall wear Class B uniforms at:
a. Public speaking and public relations events
b. Educational events
c. Other events, as appropriate
Additional Guidance for TFD Dispatchers
- TFD dispatchers shall wear Class B uniforms or TFD polo shirts, TFD t- shirts or TFD sweatshirts with Class B uniform pants while on duty.
- Footwear requirements for TFD dispatchers are outlined in section 5.1 1 of this document.
Additional Guidance for Training and Safety Personnel
- TFD Training and Safety personnel may wear Class B uniforms, TFD polo shirts, TFD issued t-shirts, approved station specific t-shirts or TFD sweatshirts while on duty.
- Training and Safety personnel also may wear appropriate civilian business attire, including footwear.
Clothing Standards for Non-Uniform Personnel
- Fire Garage and Electrical Division personnel will be issued two polo shirts or two t-shirts for wear on-duty.
- Other non-uniform employees will be issued two polo shirts that may be worn on duty or while officially representing TFD.
- Non-uniform employees shall dress appropriately for their positions.
a. T-shirts that are not TFD issued and/or TFD approved are not appropriate attire for non-uniform employees. - Non-uniform employees may wear TFD polo shirts, TFD issued or approved station specific t-shirts and/or TFD sweatshirts while on duty andlor in business situations when a casual look is acceptable.
- Additional TFD polo shirts or TFD t-shirts may be purchased for wear on duty as appropriate.
TFD Personnel
- Select t-shirt fabric, style and design in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Section 5.6.3 of this document.
- Submit to Station Captain.
- If shirt is approved by Battalion Chiefs, proceed with production of t-shirts
- If shirt is not approved by Battalion Chiefs, start over per the guidelines set forth in Section 5.6.3 of this document.
Station Captains
- Check that t-shirt submission is consistent with guidelines set forth in Section 5.6.3 of this document.
- Submit the proposed t-shirt to the Battalion Chief to whom your station is assigned for approval at the next Battalion Chief meeting.
- Notify personnel of Battalion Chiefs group decision.
Battalion Chiefs
- Check that t-shirt submission is consistent with guidelines set forth in Section 5.6.3 of this document.
- Place t-shirt approval on the agenda for the upcoming Battalion Chief meeting.
- Present t-shirt submission to Battalion Chiefs for approval.
- Notify Station Captain of Battalion Chiefs’ decision.