1002 - Rules Of Conduct Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for maintaining this document?
The Deputy Chief of Support Services
Who shall be responsible for:
- Ensuring all subordinates under his/her supervision comply with all orders, rules, regulations, practices and procedures of the department
- Promptly reporting any flagrant violations or dereliction of duty through the chain of command
- Understanding that failure to meet these responsibilities will cause for disciplinary action
All TFD Supervisors and those working up in supervisory positions
General Conduct Expectations:
- All TFD personnel shall:
a. Conduct him/herself, both on and off duty, in a way that reflects favorably on the department
b. Notify his/her immediate supervisor of any matter s/he becomes aware of that might affect the best interests and welfare of the department
c. Be responsible and understand that s/he shall be held accountable for his/her actions
d. Be respectful, cooperative and professional in the performance of his/her duties and in all dealings with the public and department members
e. Act lawfully at all times
f. Use his/her training and capabilities to protect and assist the public
g. Work competently in his/her position
h. When working up, complete all assignments and exercise the full responsibility of that position
i. Maintain a neat and professional personal appearance
j. Respond promptly to all incidents to which s/he is dispatched or assigned
k. Devote his/her time and attention to his/her assignment during emergency incidents
l. Devote his/her time and attention to his/her assignment while interacting with the public, both in and out of the station
m. Be on time for shift change and other work assignments and be ready to perform assigned duties at all times
n. Be on time for training sessions, drill groups, company conferences and other official TFD meetings and gatherings
o. Fully participate in all training activities
p. Check his/her TFD e-mail twice per shift; morning and afternoon
q. Acknowledge his/her pay receipt in PTS on payday or the next shift worked after payday
r. Seek guidance through the chain of command if unclear about department expectations
All TFD personnel shall not
a. Conduct him/herself in a manner, to include engaging in rumors or gossip, that brings reproach or discredit to TFD
b. Engage in conduct that dishonors the individual as a TFD employee (e.g., lying, cheating, stealing, fighting) or impairs the efficient operation of the employee or department
c. Use his/her position, uniform, badge or identification for personal gain or influence
d. Lend his/her name as a member of the department to any commercial enterprise or sanction the use of the name and prestige of the department for any purpose
e. Loan, sell, give away or appropriate for his/her own use any department or public property
f. Be under the influence of alcohol or other debilitating drugs or substances while on duty
g. Leave work without making proper notification to and obtaining authorization from his/her direct supervisor
h. Willfully damage, tamper with or take TFD property or that of another person, including co-workers, patients and other members of the public
i. Violate the confidentiality of co-workers, patients or other members of the public as it relates to protected health information
j. Neglect patients or treat them inappropriately or disrespectfully
k. Conduct personal business (e.g., take or make personal cell phone calls) while assigned to an emergency incident, attending training or otherwise participating in official TFD activities unless such business is of a personal or family emergency
l. Leave his/her district, except when dispatched, assigned or on official TFD business (e.g., going to the Training Center or Fire Garage) m. Interfere with the work performance of other TFD and/or City of Tacoma employees
n. Engage in sexual activity at work
o. Sexually harass or intimidate any TFD personnel, other City of Tacoma employees, patients or any member of the public
p. Physically harass, intimidate or threaten any TFD personnel, other City of Tacoma employees, patients or any member of the public
q. Engage in horseplay, while on duty, that may result in physical injury or property damage
r. Engage in any political activities while on duty and/or in uniform or PPE when off duty
s. Accept or receive any compensation, gifts, favors, rewards or gratuity as delineated in the City of Tacoma Code of Ethics
What do you do if you receive Conflicting Orders?
- If a TFD employee receives an order that is in conflict with a previously issued order, s/he shall:
a. Bring the original order and the name of the person who issued it to the attention of the officer who issued the conflicting order
b. Carry out the order to the best of his/her ability if the officer who issued the conflicting order insists on compliance after receiving the above information - An officer who decides to override a previous order shall be held responsible for the subsequent results of that decision and required to justify the decision to override the initial order to his/her immediate supervisor.
Personal Contact Information
- All TFD personnel shall:
a. Maintain a phone at his/her residence
b. Ensure his/her current phone number and current street address is on file at his/her payroll station and TFD Headquarters
i. Street addresses shall not be P.O. boxes - If a phone number or address changes, TFD personnel shall:
a. Provide verbal notification within 24 hours to his/her–
i. Payroll station
ii. Immediate supervisor
iii. Battalion 2
b. Route a completed FIR 2510 0003 form through channels to Headquarters