1002 1st Pdf Flashcards
Cell surface modifications are used in
Cell movement
Epithelial tissues cover the And line the. To form
Protective layer
Epithelial cells show
Polar differentiation
Apical ( free surface ) specialization
Cilia flagella
Finger like projections from the cell surface
Function of microvilli
Increase the surface area for absorption
Where are the specialized absolve or located
1- intestinal epithelium
2- proximal tubule of the kidney
3 - epithelium of gall bladder
Microvilli contains
A bundle of straight parallel filaments (20-30 actin filaments )
Actin filaments extend into apical cytoplasm and enter terminal web
Actin filaments are packed bundles by
Fibrin and violin
Actin filaments are attached to plasma membrane by
Lateral arms consisting of myosin-l and calmodulin
What is thicker around the microvilli
Glycocalix pas +
Eyelash or hair like processes are
Cilia and flagella
A complex internal structure composed of microtubules is found in
Function of cilia and flagella
To more fluid over the surfaceof the cell
Localisastions of cilia and flagella
1- surface of epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract
2- uterine tables epithelial cells
3- efferent ducts