100 Concepts Flashcards
Scaphoid fracture
When occurs
Wgich vessel may be damaged
Occurs as a result of a fall onto the palm when the hand is abducted Extension & abduction of wrist
Pain occurs primarily on the
lateral side of the wrist, especially during wrist extension and abduction Scaphoid fracture may not show on X-ray films for 2 to 3 weeks, but a deep tenderness will bepresent in the snuffbox.
deep radial artery could be compromised
Students elbow other name and it’s cause
Subcutaneous olecranon bursitis)
The olecranon, to which the triceps tendon attaches distally, is easily palpated. It is separated from the skin by only the olecranon bursa, which allow the mobility of the overlying skin.
Repeated excessive pressure and friction may cause this bursa to become inflamed, producing a friction subcutaneous olecranon bursitis.
Golfer’s elbow
Other name
Muscles that might be affected
Golfer’s elbow
Medial epicondylitis)
Medial epicondylitis is inflammation of the common flexor of the wrist where it originates on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Origins of following muscles may be affected:
1. Pronator Teres
Pronates forearm
2. Flexor Carpi Radialis
Flexes and abducts wrist
3. Palmaris Longus flexes wrist (Median n)
4. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris flexes and adducts Wrist
Tennis elbow other name diagnosis and muscle affected
Tennis elbowed Lateral epicondylitis: repeated forceful flexion and extension of the wrist resulting strain attachment of common extensor tendon and inflammation of periosteum of lateral epicondyle. Pain felt over lateral epicondyle and radiates down posterior aspect of forearm. Pain often felt when opening a door or lifting a glass Origins of following muscles may be affected: Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Brevis Extends and abducts the hand Extensor Digitorum Extends fingers and wrist Extensor Digiti Minimi Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Cubital fossa
Contents from lateral to medial: Biceps brachii tendon Brachial artery Median nerve \: venipuncture median Overlies bicipital aponeurosis, so deep structures protected Not accompanied by nerves
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Clinical manifestation
Results from a lesion that reduces size of the carpal tunnel
(fluid retention, infection, dislocation of lunate bone
– most sensitive structure in the carpal tunnel and is the mrdiab nerve
Clinical manifestations:
Pins and needles or anesthesia of the palm lateral 3.5 digits sensation is not affected because superficial palmar cutaneous branch passes superficially to carpal tunnel
Apehand deformity - absentof OPPOSITION
Recurrent Median n to Thenar ms are affected
Clinal manifestation
Muscles affectes
ULNAR TUNNEL SYNDROME: Compression at the wrist between pisiform and hook of hamate carpal bones causes hypoesthesia of medial 1.5 fingers and weakened instrinsic ms (Partial Claw hand bc flexors of forearm are unaffected)
Proximal interphalangeal joints
Distal interphalangeal joints
Metacarpophalangesl joints
Proximal Interphalangeal joint Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Median n
Distal Interphalangeal Joint DIPS- Flexor Digitorum Profundus Ulnar and Median ns
MCPs- Lumbricals
Metacarpal phalangeal joint
Upper brachial palsy Erb-duchene palsy Causes Nerves affected Diagnosis
Injury of upper roots and trunk Usually results from excessive increase in the angle between neck and the shoulder stretching or tearing of the superior parts of the brachial plexus (C5 and C6 roots orsuperior trunk)May occur as birth injury from forceful pulling on infant’s head during difficult delivery
Birth injury or Fall causes Superior Trunk Damage: Erb’s Palsy(Waiters tip)
Combination lesions of axillary, suprascapular and musculocutaneous nerves with loss of the shoulder mm and anterior arm.
As result patient has “waiter’s tip” hand:
adducted shoulder medially rotated elbow extended arm Wrist flexed loss of sensation in the lateral aspect of the upper limb Axillary C5-C6 Musculocutaenous C5-7 Median C6-T1
Klumpke’s paralysis
What it causes
Caused by Climbing a trea and causes Clawing of hand
Inferior Trunk damage
Injury of lower roots and trunk May occur when the upper limb is suddenly pulled superiorly: stretching or tearing of the inferior parts of the brachial plexus
E.g., grabbing support during or as a TOS –falling from height birth injury
Full hand paralysis open extended hand), ulnar and, ulnar and median n damage, thumb is extended bc radial n still good
All intrinsic muscles of the hand supplied by the C8 and T1 roots of the lower trunk affected. Combination lesions of ulnar nerve (“claw hand”)”) and median nerve (“ape hand”) Loss of sensation in the medial aspect of the upper limb and medial 1,5 fingers.
Where is cardiac catheterization done and how
femoral artery is used for cardiac
It can be cannulated for left cardiac angiography & also for visualizing the
coronary arteries
–a long, slender catheter is inserted percutaneously and passed up the external iliac artery, common iliac artery, aorta, to the left ventricle of the heart
Fractures of Femoral Neck What they cause Whom are more affected Which structure damage chances What’s the best treatments
A common fracture in elderly women with osteoporosis is fracture of the femoral neck. Fractures of the femoral neck cause shortness and lateral rotation of the lower limb
Fractures of the femoral neck often disrupt the blood supply to the head of the femur.
At present time the best way in case of femoral neck fracture is hip replacement.
Sciatic nerve injury
What it causes
Weakened hip extension and knee flexion Footdrop (lack of dorsiflexion) Flail foot (lack of both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion)
caused by improperly placed gluteal injections but may result from posterior hip dislocation
& Piriformis syndrome: Trucker’s who sit all day piriformis m compress n, numbness to the affected side.
Posterior hip dislocation
Direction of joint capsule rupture
And what happens to limb
They are most common. A head-on collision that causes the knee to strike the dashboard may dislocatethe hip when the femoral head is
forced out of the acetabulum.
The joint capsule ruptures inferiorly and posteriorly tearing of ishiofemoral lig.)
Shortening and medial rotation of limb occurs
Femoral triangle composition and contents
Sartorius muscle (lateral) ,adductor longus muscle (medial) and inguinal ligament(posterior).
NAVEL—> femoral nerve, femoral artery , femoral vein
Unhappy triad
Affected structures
Because the lateral side of the knee is struck more often (e.g., in a football tackle), the tibial collateral ligament the most frequently torn ligament at the knee
The unhappy triad of athletic knee injuries involves:
Tibial collateral ligament
Medial meniscus
Anterior cruciate ligament
MCL, MM, ACL tears
Tibial collateral ligament
Fibular collateral ligament and difference
Broad flat band extending from
medial epicondyle of femur medial condyle and shaft of tibia to Blends with capsule and firmly attaches to medial meniscus Limits extension abduction of leg knee
Rounded cord between lateral epicondyle of femur and head of fibula
Does NOT blend with joint capsule and does NOT attach to lateral meniscus Limits extension and adduction of leg at knee