10. Motor Learning Flashcards
What is a Motor Skill?
A motor skill is a coordinated movement or action that involves using muscles and sensory information to achieve a specific goal
What is an Ability?
Ability – a general, enduring trait affected by both learning and heredity (e.g., balance)
What is a Skill?
Skill – specific to a given task and gained through experience
(e.g., performing the balance beam in gymnastics, a skill that requires the ability to balance)
What are Motor Abilities?
List some Examples.
Many separate components called motor abilities contribute to the way in which skill learning occurs. Including;
Muscular strength,
muscular endurance,
cardiovascular endurance,
speed, agility,
balance, eye/hand/foot coordination,
control precision,
multi-limb coordination, reaction time, manual dexterity,
and power.
What are the Characteristics of Skilful Motor Performance? (4)
- Production of a fast output of high quality.
- An appearance of ease and smoothness of movement.
- An anticipation of variations in the stimulus situation before they arrive.
- Reduction in time to make a choice of responses once the signal is identified.
What are Motor Skill Classification Systems used for? (3)
- Determine which components of a skill are common or similar to components of another skill.
- For each classification system, consider each of the two categories as extreme ends of a continuum.
- Most activities will be between the extremes, containing elements of each.
What are the Three classifications systems?
Gross vs. Fine Classification system:
Based on the precision of movement:
- This classification system is most commonly used in special education adapted physical education, and rehabilitation.
What are Gross Motor Skills?
Gross motor skills
- involve large musculature as the primary basis of movement
- walking, throwing, jumping, most sport skills
- While precision of movement is not an important component, the smooth coordination of movement is essential to the skilled performance of these tasks.
What are Fine Motor Skills?
Fine motor skills
- skills that require the ability to control small muscles of the body in order to achieve the successful execution of the skill.
- Generally, these skills involve hand-eye coordination and require a high degree of precision in movement
- writing, drawing, piano playing, watchmaking
What type of therapists usually work with Gross and Fine Motor Skills?
- Physical therapists usually work with gross motor skills
- Occupational therapists usually work on fine motor skills.
Discrete vs. Continuous Classification System:
Based on the distinctiveness of beginning and end points of the movement:
What are Discrete Motor Skills?
Discrete motor skill
- clearly defined beginning and end points
- throwing a ball, pushing in the clutch in a car, hitting a key on a computer
- Discrete skills can be put together in a series - serial motor skills - starting a standard transmission automobile, a dance routine, shooting an arrow in archery.
What are Continuous motor skills?
Continuous motor skill
- has arbitrary beginning and endpoints.
- The performer or some external force determines the beginning or en point of the skill rather than the skill itself
- steering a car, swimming, running, etc.
Closed vs Open Classification System:
Based on the stability of the environment in which the skill is performed: Closed vs. Open
- This classification system is most commonly used in physical education.
What are Closed Skills?
- the performance environment is stable and predictable
- golf, bowling, archery, weightlifting, swimming, etc.
- These skills are self-paced.
- The stimulus waits to be acted on by the performer.
- Require similar responses each time a response is required
What are Open Skills?
- the performance environment is constantly changing and is therefore much less predictable
- hitting a tennis ball, racquetball, baseball, team sports
- Externally paced task
- The performer is required to make rapid modifications in her plan of action to match the demands of the situation. The performer must act according to the action of the object or the characteristics of the environment.
What are Fundamental Movement Skills?
- Fundamental Movement Skills- the foundational movements to the more specialized and complex skills used in play, dance and sport
- Throwing, Catching, Jumping, Striking, Running, Kicking
- Agility, Coordination and Balance
- Physical education teachers use their knowledge of fundamental movements to help children develop their motor skills
Fundamental Movement Skills Training focuses on three categories:
What is Physical Literacy?
- “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.”
- Whitehead, 2014
Ideally, fundamental movement skills and physical literacy are developed in childhood and maintained throughout life.
- “Children who develop early motor competencies are more physically active during childhood” (Lopes et al., 2001)
- “active children and youth are more likely to stay active into adulthood “(Telama et al., 2001).
- “Top athletes are likely to have participated in more sports earlier and specialized later
“(Bridge & Toms, 2013).