1 Reading- Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey (Lemon and Verhoef 2016) Flashcards
ºCustomer experience is
a multidimensional construct focusing on a customer’s cognitive, emotional, behavioral, sensorial, and social responses to a firm’s offering
ºComponents of the customer experience
Customer satisfaction, service quality, marketing (trust and commitment), brand experience, emerging construct of customer engagement.
Stages of the customer experience: The costumer journey
1. pRepurchase:
Interaction with the brand, category and environment. Recognition, search and consideration
: The costumer journey2. Purchase
Customer interaction during the purchase. Characterized by behaviors such as choice, ordering and payment. Important concepts: touch points, choice overload, purchase confidence and decision satisfaction
The costumer journey3. Post-purchase
Customer interaction following the actual purchase. Includes behaviors such as usage and consumption. The product itself becomes a critical touchpoint in this stage. Focused on the consumption experience, service recovery, decision to return products, repurchase and seek variety, as well as non purchase behaviors such as word of mouth and other forms of customer engagement. Loyalty loop: after the purchase a trigger may occur that either leads to customer loyalty or begins the process anew.
- Brand owned touch points in the customer journey
Customer interactions during the experience that are designed and managed by the firm and under their control. They include all brand owned media (Ads, websites, loyalty programs) and any brand controlled elements of marketing (packaging, service, attributes, price, convenience, sales force
touch points in the customer journey2. Partner owned
Customer interactions during the experiences that are designed, managed, or controlled by the firm and one or more of its partners. Partners can include marketing agencies, multichannel distribution partners, multivendor loyalty program partners and communication channel partners
of touch points in the customer journey3. Customer owned
Customer actions that are part of the overall customer experience but that the firm, its partners, or others do not influence or control. Customers thinking about their own needs or desires in the pre-purchase phase. Ex. Choice of payment method
touch points in the customer journey4. Social/external/independent
Recognize the important roles of others in the customer experience. Throughout the experience, customers are surrounded by external touch points that may influence the process. Third party information sources such as revere sites, social media, influencers
2 facts about Dynamics and external influences
Fact: Attitudes toward the search ability of channels are positively related to attitudes on the purchase ability of channels. Pat experiences can also affect Curren experiences though expectation formation and stickiness one experience evaluations.
Fact: Customers develop relationships with brands, which influence their identity. Customer decisions become routinized, and extraordinary experiences have long- lasting effects.
3 research suggestions about dynamic and external influences
ºThe customers dynamic external environment can have a significant influence on customer experience
º Extreme crises can have a strong, negative, and enduring effect on the customer experience
º The economic situation (recession, expansion) influences the customer experience across firms, and the drivers of customer experience may depend on the economic situation
customer journey analysis focusses on
how customers interact with multiple touch points, moving form consideration, search, and purchase to post purchase, consumption, and future engagement or repurchase.
Customer journey analysis has it roots in both
both service management and multichannel management.
- Service blueprinting
Customer-focused approach for service innovation and service improvement. Similarities to business process improvement and total quality management modeling approaches. Maps the entire service delivery process. It suggests two key insights.
2 key insights in service blueprinting
ºService blueprint can provide a solid starting point for customer journey mapping
ºCustomer journey analysis should understand and map the journey from the customer perspective and, therefore, requires customer input