1. Introduction Flashcards
____ is the study of bacteria
____ is the study of fungi (molds, yeast)
____ is the study of parasites
____ is the study of viruses
Yeast and ____ are used in yogurt production
Production of ____ from cornstarch is used as the major sweetener in carbonated beverages
N2 -> 2NH3
Nitrogen Fixation
____ is good for agriculture
Nitrogen Fixation
____ - Clean-up of various toxic chemicals including oil spills
____ - Decomposition of waste products (landfills)
____ is the study of how microorganisms cause disease
____ is the study of the immune system, often included with microbiology due to the interaction of microbes with the immune system
____ is how the body responds to disease
____ wrote that “letters. however small and indistinct, are seen enlarged and more clearly through a globe of glass filled with water”
____ invented the modern microscope (Compound microscope - two lenses)
Zacharias Janssen
____ was the first person to describe cells with a microscope. He was also the first person to call the small cavities separated by walls which he observed in pieces of cork “cells”
Robert Hooke
____ was the first person to observe microorganisms with a microscope. He observed “animalcules” in pond water. Also considered the “Father of Microbiology”
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
____ ____ was a belief that life developed spontaneougly
Spontaneous Generation
Maggots would spontaneously arise from rotten meat. Microorganisms would spontaneously develop in spoiling food. Fresh food had few microbes, but if you let it sit and spoil, you will see many microbes.
Explanation for Spontaneous Generation
____ made the recipe for mice
J.B. van Helmont
Recipe for mice
Dirty Undergarment + Wheat + 21 Days = Mice
____ showed that spontaneous generation of animals does not occur.
1) Placed meat in glass covered containers and saw no maggots develop
2) Placed meat under gauze coverings, saw maggots on the gauze but not on. the meat
3) Concluded that maggots arose from flies laying their eggs on the meat, not from the meat itself
Francesco Redi
____ “proved” spontaneous generation of microbes
1) Heated broth briefly to kill microorganisms
2) Poured broth into flask and put a stopper on so air could not get in
3) The solution became cloudy. Microorganisms were growing in the solution
John Needham
____ tried to refute John Needham, spontaneous generation. does not occur in microorganisms
1) Vigorously boiled broth after sealing flasks and saw no growth of microbes
2) People didn’t believe him. They said boiling destroyed the ability of the liquids to support life and sealing the flasks stopped oxygen from getting in which was needed for life
Lazzaro Spallanzani
____ finally disproved spontaneous generation to every’s satisfaction
1) Poured liquid into flask. Created swan neck. Boiled liquid. No growth.
2) Tipped flask to allow liquid to touch inside of swan neck. Growth
3) These flasks allowed in oxygen and growth after tilting showed that boiling didn’t destroy the ability to support life
Louis Pasture
____ proved that microorganisms cause disease while working with anthrax (Disease of cattle)
Robert Koch
Describe Koch’s Postulates
1) The infectious agent must be present in every case of the disease
2) The infectious agent must be isolated from the diseased animal and grown in pure culture
3) The pure culture must develop the same disease when injected into an animal
4) The same infectious agent must be isolated from the second animal
____: People were exposed to ground material from the lesions of people suffering from smallpox; fairly effective but often patients developed smallpox and died
____ invented the vaccine for smallpox by using the ____ virus
Edward Jenner; Cowpox
____ discovered penicillin by accident
He found that bacteria did not grow near a particular fungal contamination that he saw on his plates. This fungus is Penicillium
Alexander Flemming
We are now seeing increasing numbers of diseases which we thought were under control. This includes ____ and ____
GAS Infections; tuberculosis
Because of the increasing ____, many of these new or re-emerging infections are more difficult to treat
antibiotic resistance