1 Davenport Musculoskeletal Physiology Flashcards
4 Skeletal improvements to enhance speed
Very limb elongation
Much proximal mass distribution
Many Disproportional growth of distal bones
Such Increase spine flexibility
Speed =
Distance traveled/time
Distance =
Stride length
Stride frequency
What does proximal mass distribution do to increase speed
Increase stride frequency
What does disproportional growth of distal bones do to increase speed
Elongates limb and increases frequency
What are consequences of adaptations to increase speed
Change in stance
Loss of digits
Loss of manipulative skills
What is the least movable part of muscle
What are the 3 muscle types
Were would you find a parallel muscle
Where would you find a fusiform muscle
Where would you find a fan-shaped muscle
What happens when muscles are pennated
Smaller range of shortening
Greater force
What are type 2 muscle fibers
Fast twitch
What are type 1 muscle fibers
Slow contraction
Endurance runners have more of what muscle fibers
Type 1
Sprinters have more of what muscle fibers
Type 2
Agonist muscles
Produce similarly directed movements
Antagonist muscles
Oppositely directed movements
Isometric contraction
force generated at constant length
Lifting a weight
Isotonic contraction
Internal force exceeds the external force
Muscle shortens at constant velocity
Lifting an immovable object
Concentric movement
Isotonic contraction in shortening direction
ex. Lifting a weight
Eccentric contraction
Lengthening of contraction muscle
ex. after kicking a ball, muscles tighten to stop your leg from moving forward
Typically decrease joint angle
increase joint angle
Moment arm definition
perpendicular distance from an axis to the line of application of force
Torque equation
Force x movement arm
How is range of motion/movement arm related to insertion of a muscle on a joint
Insertion closer to joint= larger range of motion, lower movement arm
How does torque change as joint angle changes
The movement arm is small when arm is fully flexed/extended = smaller torque