1 8 Using IT Flashcards
Data that are organized in a meaningful fashion
Raw, unsummarized and unanalyzed facts
attributes of useful information
real time information
Frequently updated information that reflects current conditions
information technology
The set of methods or techniques for acquiring, organizing, storing, manipulating, and transmitting information.
management information system
Specific form of IT that managers utilize to generate the specific, detailed information they need to perform their roles effectively
product lifecycle
The way demand for a product changes in a predictable pattern over time
Types of management information systems
transaction processing systems operations information systems Decision support systems expert systems enterprise resource planning e commerce
transaction processing systems
A mgmt information system MIS designed to handle large columes of routine, recurring transactions
operations information systems
Gathers , organizes and summarizes comprehensive data in a form that managers can use in their nonroutine coordinating, controlling, and decision making tasks
Decision support systems
Interactive system that managers can use to make nonroutine decisions
executive support system
A sophisticated version of a decision support system that is designed to meet the needs of top management
group decision support system
An executive support system that links top managers so that they can function as a team
artificial intelligence
Behavior performed by a machine that, if performed by a human being, eould be called “intelligent”
expert system
a management information system that employs human knowledge, embedded in a computer, to solve problems that ordinarily require human expertise
SW programs that help perform dimple managerial tasks
sw agents, softbots, knowbots
enterprise resource planning system ERP
Multimodule application software packages that coordinate the functional activities necessary to move product from the product design stage to final customer stage.
Trade that takes place between companies, and between companies and individual customers, using IT and the internet
B2B commerce
Trade that takes place between companies using IT and the internet to link and coordinate the value chains if different companies
B2B marketplace
An Internet based trading platform set up to connect buyers and sellers in an industry
B2C biz to consumer
Trade that takes place between a company and individual customers using IT and the Internet
strategic alliance
An agreement in which managers pool or share their organizations resources and know how with a foreign company, and the two organizations share the rewards and risks of starting a new venture
B2B network structure
A series of global strategic alliances that an organization creates with suppliers,manufacturers, and/or distributors to produce and market a product.
boundaryless organization
An organization whose members are linked by computers, faxes, computer-aided design systems, and video teleconferencing and who rarely, if ever, see one another face to face
knowledge management system
A company-specific virtual information system that systematizes the knowledge of its employees and facilitates the sharing and integrating of their expertise.