1 Flashcards
Pt has prostate cancer. Hi serum ALP levels. you suspect mets. What marker would indicate liver metastasis rather than bone?
gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
hemineglect is most commonly associated with damage to this lobe
right parietal
Personality disorder characterized by voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotional expression, and contentment in isolation (vs. avoidant).
Schizoid (think of an android)
Personality disroder characterized by eccentric appearance, odd beliefs and magical thinking, interpersonal awkwardness.
Briefly describe the pathophysiology of hypersensitivity pneumonitis? What type of a hypersensitivity reaction is it?
Type III hypersensitivity reaction: IgG-actinomyces Ag complexes deposit in alveoli and bronchioles.
What is the role of the Fas-FasL interaction?
FasL, expressed by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes induces apoptosis in cells expressing foreign Ag or autoreactive T-cells.
What is the defective molecule in Marfan’s syndrome?
fibrillin, a component of the microfibril sheath that surrounds elastin fibers
Where (at which particular body parts) is fibrillin expressed?
Zonular fibers (lens)
aortic media
What do Bordetella pertussis and Bacillus anthracis have in common with regard to their toxins?
Each has atoxin that is an adenylate cyclase that works by increasing intracellular cAMP and causing fluid buildup.
Tx for acute arsenic poisoning?
chelation w/ Dimercaprol
Side effects of dimercaprol?
nephrotoxicity and htn
Most common source of arsenic poisoning?
arsenic-containing insecticides
What is CaNa2EDTA used for?
Chelating agent for mercury and lead poisoning. It forms complexes w/ di- and tri-valent ions.
What is the Tx for cyanide poisoning? how does it work?
Amyl nitrite. Forms Methemoglobin, which binds CN to form cyanomethemoglobin, which is non-toxic.
Chelating agent for pts. receiving multiple blood transfusions.