1/24: Intro to Fixed Prosth and Full Coverage Preps Flashcards
What is an indication to used fixed prosthodontics/full coverage preparations?
Where there has been extensive coronal destruction
- caries
- Trauma
- Previous restorations
- Endodontically treated posterior teeth
- Where maximum retention and resistance form is needed
- Where axial and occlusal contour require sub
What is a contraindication?
- Where more conservative restoration can function (i.e., parietal veneer crown)
- Estheics
Where does the functional cusp bevel to?
1.5mm tapers to 1.0mm
What is the full depth of the retention groove?
depth of a 170L bur
What is the morphologic occlusal reduction of a functional cusp?
1.5 mm
What is the morphologic occlusal reduction of a central fossa?
What is the morphologic occlusal reduction of a non-functional cusp?
What is the size of a chamfer margin?
0.5 mm
What is the size of the axial reduction?
What is the complete metal crown preparation sequence?
- Occlusal reduction/functional cusp bevel
- Axial reductino
- Proximal reduction
- Secondary retentive deatures (if required)
- Margination
What is occlusal reduction?
Depth-orientation grooves
Round-end taper diamond (5856L-016)
What do depth cuts follow?
Typically following the incline of the tooth
On a complete metal crown what is the clearance on functional cusps and central grooves?
1.5m clearance
On a complete metal crown what is the clearance on non-functional cusps?
What bur should you use to make a functional cusp bevel?
Round-end taper diamond (5856L-016)
What does the functional cusp bevel realign?
The functional cusps with the opposing central groove
What does a functional cusp bevel provide?
A uniform 1.5mm occlusal clearance
What bur should you use for facial and lingual axial reductions?
Round end taper diamond (5856L.016)
Small chamger tapered diamond (6878K.016)
What is the adequate dimension of reductino on the facial and lingual side?
Where should there be parallelism?
What is the ideal taper on opposing walls?
6-10 degree taper TOC
What bur should you use for proximal axial reduction?
Needle chamfer diamond (5878K.012)
Small chamfer diamond (6878K.016)
What bur should you use for a margination-finish line?
Small chamfer tapered diamond (6878K-016)