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what is a Graafian follicle
the developed follicle at the edge of the ovary prepared for rupture of contained ova. Remnants will become corpus lutetium
where is the area of implantation of a fertilized egg
stromal cell of the endometrium
how many sperm are released during ejactulation
how many sperm will reach the fallopian tube ampulla
few thousand
what is the pH of sperm
what makes up semen
sperm accounts for 10%
seminal fluid is the bulk
prostate fluid - causes white color
how long will sperm live for at body temp
24-48 hours
What is capacitation
degranulation of the head of the sperm to break down barriers (aka follicular layer of ovum)
What is the corona radiata
remaining follicular cells after release of the ovum from Graafian follicle. contains carbs for ovum as well as hyaluronic acid
what is zona pellucida
layer of glycoproteins that prevent multiple sperm from binding. initiates sport capitation
what is monospermy
once sperm has entered the ovum, cell will depolarize so no others are able to enter
who determines sex
dad - delivery of either X or Y gene
what is the SRY gene
gene is on the Y chromosome
without SRU expression, female characteristics will continue to develop
when does implantation occur
between day 16 and 22 of normal cycle
what occurs during implantation
corpus luteum is active and progesterone is causing secretory phase of endometrial lining
blastocysts loses its outer covering
what is a blastocyst
By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells (pole) will become the embryo.
what do the stromal cells of the endometrium release
glycogen, proteins, lipids to ensure nutrition for development of fetal tissue
when does placenta develop for function
by day 16
what is the inner aspect of the trophoblast
what is the outer layer of the trophoblast
what does the trophoblast secrete
human chorionic gonadotropin (Hcg)
what causes the continued stimulation of corpus luteum to secrete progesterone
the secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin
when is the hypothalamus/pituitary developed in utero
by 12th week
what develops into the placenta
trophoblastic cords from blastocysts
when does the fetal heart begin to contract
day 21
how is fetal hemoglobin different than regular hemoglobin
cary 20-50% more O2 than mom hemoglobin
hgb can carry more O2 with lower CO2
increases O2 delivery for fetus
left shift of oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
where should the location of the placenta be
what does the placenta secrete
estrogens and progestins
what does progesterone do throughout pregnancy
helps keep uterine contractions low throughout pregnancy
increased breast development throughout pregnancy
what does estrogen do during pregnancy
increases Na+ and H20 reabsorption in the kidneys - fluid retention
causes vasodilation to prepare for the required demand of uterine contraction
spikes at end of pregnancy
what is the normal amount of amniotic fluid
500 - 1,000mL
how often is fluid exchanged for amniotic fluid
fluid exchanged every 3 hours, key electrolytes every 15 hours
what are the effects of the pituitary during pregnancy
increase in size by up to 50% in mom
increases release of ACTH, thyrotropin and prolactin
decrease in FSH/LH as result of negative feedback loop from the increased placental secretion of estrogen and progesterone
what happens with the adrenal glands during pregnancy
glucocortiocids increase to increase amnio acid levels to be used by fetal tissues
increased aldosterone secretion- Na+ reabsorption - increased fluid retention
what happens with the thyroid and parathyroid during pregnancy
gland enlarges by 50% during pregnancy
hcg and placenta causes increase in thyroid hormone demand
fetus will increase demand for calcium, if not maintained through diet, PTH will increase - increased osteoclastic activity - increased circulating calcium
what are the changes for mom during pregnancy
uterus will increase 22x from baseline
breast doubled in size
CO increased 30-60% in first trimester
decreased BP
plasma volume increases
increased factors VII - X
minute ventilation increases
progesterone will increase sensitivity to CO2 levels
weight gain
what is the typical weight gain during pregnancy
-baby: 8lbs
-uterus: 3lbs
-breasts: 2lbs
-fluid retention: 5lbs
-fat accumulation: 3-13lbs
-increased hunger
what does the increased progesterone and hCG cause
N/V, associated with relaxed stomach muscles, decreased gastrointestinal motility
what are early pregnancy symptoms
late period
tender breasts
light spotting
when does the fetus grow the most
the last 2 months of pregnancy
when does moms metabolism increase and body heat increase
third trimester
what occurs for mom during third trimester
minute ventilation increases
decreased intrathoracic cavity and movement of diaphragm
increased heat b/c of metabolism and fetal change
increased urination
increased swelling
increased breast growth, may have galactorrhea
back pain
what is parturition
labor to delivery
what are the hormonal changes during parturition
decrease progesterone
increase of estrogen
what are the stages of labor
1st: onset to complete dilation
2nd: cervical dilation to birth of baby
3rd: delivery of placenta
what is the first stage of labor
onset to complete dilation
move to more regular contractions with increase strength and decrease in time
prostaglandins allow for appropriate progression
what is the timing progression of dilation
typically 1-2 cm dilation/hr in active phase
what is the 2nd stage of labor
cervical dilation to birth of baby
oxytocin will maintain the contractions for completion of delivery
fetus will enter pelvis
what is the 3rd stage of labor
delivery of placenta
as placenta separates, will see increased vaginal bleeding
fundus of uterus will become more rounded and expel the placenta
how quickly after baby delivery will the placenta be delivered
typically 5-30 minutes after