09/14/ psychopathology Flashcards
What is somatic disorder?
a person who has physical symptoms not fully explained by a medical condition
Conversion disorder (cue) converts issues into physical ones
loss of physical functioning due to psychological issues,
illness anxiety disorder (cue), double worry anxiety
exhibits excess worry about their health. they have symptoms they over exaggerate. it is on their mind frequently
facetious disorder or Munchausen disorder
patient wants to see themselves in the sick role and purposely produces symptoms.
malingering disorder (Cue) malandro mal lingers for good
intentionally produce the symptoms to avoid something negative or gain something appealing.
dissociative disorders (Cue) no association MIC
when a person’s identity memory or consciousness is disrupted
What is the difference between medical amnesia and dissociative amnesia
Medical amnesia is caused by medical condition and people do not usually recover memories, there is a slow decline. dissociative people lose memory and quickly regain it back.
Dissociative identity disorder (did) (Cue) personalities do not associate
personality is spiltered of, difficulty integrating different aspects of personality. causes severe childhood trauma neglect abuse. personality is created to escape stress or traumatic event
depersonalization/derealization disorder (cue), not personal, not attached
detached from their body or surroundings around the world, they feel unreal, like they are operating in a fog. The client is not present and not in touch with their feelings.
What is anorexia nervosa?
severe under-eating tendency to distort their body image. very focused on their weight. Extremely skinny
causes of anorexia ( five causes)
1 attempt to get control of life 2 uncomfortable with the idea of sex make themselves ugly unconscious level 3 low levels of serotonin leads to depression 4 social media 5 lack of grey matter helps you think things through
Bulimia nervosa (cue) bully body to throw up
tend to eat more than the average person, make themselves throw up
Binge eating disorder
a person who eats rapdily and more than normal 1 time a week for 3 months are usually overweight and obese
1 pica, 2 rumination,
1 person who eatss non food items, 2 overtly senstitve gi tract person eats recently discarded food spits out food eats it again
avoidant restrictive food intake
a person eats a very narrow range of food, usually to regulate their emotions