08_Research and Publication Flashcards
Informed Consent For Research:
8 Requirements
Purpose, duration, and procedures of research
Right to decline participation
Foreseeable consequences of declining or withdrawal
Reasonably foreseeable factors that may influence their willingness to participate
Any prospective research benefits
Limits of confidentiality
Incentives for participation
Whom to contact for questions about research and research participants’ rights
Informed Consent for research that involves a Treatment Intervention
3 core pieces of information
Experimental nature of intervention
Control group will not receive treatment
Alternative treatments available if they choose not to participate
Research situations when informed consent is not necessary
When a study is not likely to cause harm or distress
Part of a normal educational or occupational practice
Anonymous survey/questionnaire
Otherwise permitted by law/institutional regulations
True or False?
Psychologists must obtain informed consent from research participants before recording their voices were images in all circumstances.
Consent is not needed when:
- recording occurs in a naturalistic setting
- recording is not used in any way that identifies or harms individuals
Inducements For Participation
Students must be offered alternative activities when participation research is part of a course requirement
Financial and other inducements are permissible as long as they are not coercive
(e.g. $500/hour to undergo physical pain; special privileges to inpatients who participate)
3 types
Misrepresenting the study’s purpose or procedures
Using confederates
Observing participants when they do not know they are being observed
3 conditions that must be met for use of Deception
Effective non-deceptive alternative procedures are not feasible
Deception does not involve physical pain or severe emotional distress
All participants are debriefed at conclusion of participation, or no later than conclusion of data collection
Research with Animal Subjects:
Requirements of Experimenters
Research is conducted in compliance with laws, institutional requirements, and professional standards
Individuals handling animals are properly trained and assigned tasks consistent with their knowledge and experience
Research with Animal Subjects:
Pain, stress, and privation
Justified by potential findings of the study and when alternative procedures are not available
Steps must be taken to ensure that pain is minimized
If an animal’s life must be terminated, it should be done as rapidly and painless as possible
Research Data
Prohibited from fabricating data
Required to take real steps to correct any errors that occur
e.g., requesting a journal print a correction
Sharing Research Data
Once published, psychologist Must share their data with colleagues for independent interpretation, verification, or reanalysis
True or False?
Psychologists are not required to share data that has not yet been presented in a published research study.
Ethical standard only applies to published works.
Publication Credit:
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
Unacceptable to take credit for someone else’s work even if the work or data source is cited occasionally
Publication Credit:
Order of credit
Based on each person’s contribution rather than their status
Who is listed as the principal author on a multiple-authored article substantially based on a student’s dissertation?
The Student
Dissertation supervisors and others are ordinarily credited through second authorship or in acknowledgments
When can a student NOT be listed as the primary author of an article based primarily based on their dissertation?
Exceptional Circumstance: Timeliness
If a student does not produce a first draft of a manuscript within 12 months of defending dissertation, supervisor can take the lead and be listed as principal author
Student would still remain an author on the article, just not primary