08. Behavior Change Procedures Flashcards
2 Types of Models
- Planned Models
2 Unplanned Models
Planned Models
Pre-arranged antecedent stimuli that help learners acquire new skills
Unplanned Models
Occur in every day social interactions
Imitation Training
Teaching an individual how to imitate, “do what the model does”
5 Steps of Imitation Training
Assess and teach prerequisites. Select models for training Pretest Sequence models for training Implement Imitation Training
Imitation Training (4-steps)
Probes for imitative behavior
A process involving systematically and differentially reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal behavior
Successive Approximation
The sequence of a new response class that emerges during the shaping process as a result of differential reinforcement
Response Differentiation
A behavior change produced by differential reinforcement
2 Types of Shaping
- Across Response Topographies (behaviors remain a member the same response class)
- Within Response Topographies (another measurable dimension of the behavior is changed)
Shaping versus Fading
Both change behavior gradually, but shaping by changing response requirements and fading, bu changing antecedent stimuli
Guidelines for Shaping
- Assess terminal behavior and available resources
- Select the terminal behavior
- Determine criterion for success
- Analyze the response class
- Identify the first behavior to reinforce
- Eliminate Interfering and Extraneous Stimuli
- Proceed with gradual stages
- Limit the number of approximations at each level
- Continue reinforcement when the terminal behavior is achieved.
Behavior Chain
A specific sequence of discrete responses associated with a particular stimulus condition, where each response and the associated stimulus condition serve as an individual component of the chain.
3 Characteristics of a Behavior Chain
- Performance of a specific set of discrete responses
- The performance of each response changes the environment in such a way that it produced conditioned reinforcement
- The response in the chain must be completed in the correct order and close in time.
Behavior Chain with a Limited Hold
The chain must be performed correctly and within a certain time
Single Opportunity Method
Assess an individual’s ability to perform each behavior in the task analysis in correct sequence
Multiple Opportunity Method
Evaluates the individual’s baseline level of mastery across all behaviors in the task analysis
4 Behavior Chain Methods (FBBLAT)
Backward with Leap Aheads
Total Task
Backward Chaining with Leap Aheads
Same protocol as backward chaining but not every step in the TA is trained, some steps are simply probed
Total Task Chaining
A procedure in which every step in he TA is taught to the individual during every session
Interrupting or Breaking Behavior Chains
A method designed to lesson behavior by unlinking one element of the chain from the next so that one link no longer serves as an SD or conditioned reinforcer for the next link
Behavior Chain Interruption Strategy (BCIS)
Chain is interrupted at a predetermined step so a different behavior can be emitted.
Differential Negative Reinforcement of Incompatible/Alternative Behaviors
Terms that are sometimes used to refer to DR procedures that specifically involve escape as the reinforcer
3 Methods of Increasing Duration of DRO Intervals
- Constant amount of time
- Proportionately
- Session-to-Session change based on the performance of the individual each session