06. Measurement Flashcards
3 Dimensional Quantities (RTT)
Temporal Extent
Temporal Locus
When the behavior can be counted (Count, Rate, Celeration)
Count per unit of time/time
Temporal Extent
When the duration of behavior can be measure (duration)
Temporal Locus
Measuring the time at when the behavior occurs (point in time
Response Latency
Time between onset of a stimulus and initiation of a response
Interresponse Tme
Amount of time that elapses between 2 consecutive instances of a response class
2 Derivative Measures
- Percentage
2. Trials-to-Criterion
A measure of the number of response opportunities needed to achieve a predetermined level of performance
2 Definitional Measures
- Topography
2. Magnitude
Form or shape of the response, not the function
Force, intensity, severity of the behavior
Continuous Measurement Procedures
Measurement conducted in a manner such that ALL instanced of the response class are detected during the observation period (event recording)
Discontinuous Measurement Procedures
Measurement conducted in a manner such that some instances of the response class of interest may not be detected (time sampling methods)
3 Procedures for Measuring Behavior ETT
Event Recording
Time Sampling
Used to measure duration, response latency, and interresponse time
Time Sampling
A variety of methods for recording behavior during intervals or at specific moments in time