075 Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Retroperitoneum Flashcards
Retroperitoneal contents include the __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, and __.
The retroperitoneum is contained anteriorly by the __ and posteriorly by the __.
The retroperitoneum is contained anteriorly by the POSTERIOR REFLECTION OF THE PERITONEUM and posteriorly by the ABDOMINAL WALL.
The retroperitonueum is contained cranially and caudally by the __ and the __, respectively.
The retroperitonueum is contained cranially and caudally by the DIAPHRAGM and the EXTRAPERITONEAL PELVIC STRUCTURES, respectively.
The intercostal vessels and nerves travel between the internal intercostal and innermost intercostal muscles within the costal groove on the __ margin of the superior rib.
The intercostal vessels and nerves travel between the internal intercostal and innermost intercostal muscles within the costal groove on the CAUDAL margin of the superior rib.
The lumbodorsal fascia merges anterolaterally with the __ and is composed of three layers that cover the posterior abdominal wall musculature.
The lumbodorsal fascia merges anterolaterally with the TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS MUSCLE and is composed of three layers that cover the posterior abdominal wall musculature.
The boundaries of the posterior pararenal space are the __anteriorly and the __ posteriorly and laterally.
The boundaries of the posterior pararenal space are the POSTERIOR LAMINA OF GEROTA FASCIA anteriorly and the TRANSVERSALIS FASCIA posteriorly and laterally.
The anterior and posterior laminae of __ form the boundaries of the perirenal space which has a cone-like shape that is open caudally in the extraperitoneal pelvis.
The anterior and posterior laminae of GEROTA FASCIA form the boundaries of the perirenal space which has a conelike shape that is open caudally in the extraperitoneal pelvis.
Perinephric fluids collections can expand __ due to this opening in the perirenal space.
Perinephric fluids collections can expand CAUDALLY due to this opening in the perirenal space.
The __ represents the lateral border of the fusion of the colonic mesentery with the posterior peritoneum.
The WHITE LINE OF TOLDT represents the lateral border of the fusion of the colonic mesentery with the posterior peritoneum.
The blood supply to the adrenal arises from the __, the __, and the __.
The blood supply to the adrenal arises from the INFERIOR PHRENIC, the AORTA, and the RENAL ARTERY.
The renal hila are at the level of __, and the renal veins are __ to the renal arteries.
The renal hila are at the level of L1, and the renal veins are ANTERIOR to the renal arteries.
The paired gonadal arteries typically arising __ from the aorta below the renal arteries.
The paired gonadal arteries typically arising ANTEROLATERALLY from the aorta below the renal arteries.
The SMA to IMA collateral circulation occurs via the __, which allows the IMA to be sacrificed without colonic ischemia.
The SMA to IMA collateral circulation occurs via the MARGINAL ARTERY OF DRUMMOND, which allows the IMA to be sacrificed without colonic ischemia.
In general, the proximal ureter receives its blood supply __, and the distal ureter receives its blood supply from a __ direction.
In general, the proximal ureter receives its blood supply MEDIALLY, and the distal ureter receives its blood supply from a LATERAL direction.
The left gonadal vein enters the __ at a right angle and the right gonadal vein enters into the __ directly; this anatomic distinction results in higher rates of varicoceles on the left.
The left gonadal vein enters the LEFT RENAL VEIN at a right angle and the right gonadal vein enters into the IVC directly; this anatomic distinction results in higher rates of varicoceles on the left.
Testes are embryologically __ and have retroperitoneal blood supply and primary lymphatic drainage.
Testes are embryologically RETROPERITONEAL and have retroperitoneal blood supply and primary lymphatic drainage.
The lymph of the left testis drains to the __ with some drainage to the __.
The lymph of the left testis drains to the LEFT PARAAORTIC NODES with some drainage to the INTERAORTOCAVAL NODES.
The right testis drains primarily to the __ with some to the __ and a small amount to the __.
The right testis drains primarily to the INTERAORTOCAVAL NODES with some to the RIGHT PARACAVAL NODES and a small amount to the LEFT PARAAORTIC REGION.
The lymphatic drainage of the testicles is consistent with global lymphatic flow from __
The lymphatic drainage of the testicles is consistent with global lymphatic flow from RIGHT TO LEFT.
The parasympathetic autonomic nervous system has __ outflow and the postganglionic fibers are often contained within the walls of the innervated viscera.
The parasympathetic autonomic nervous system has CRANIOSACRAL outflow and the postganglionic fibers are often contained within the walls of the innervated viscera.
The preganglionic sympathetic nervous system fibers exit from the spinal cord from __ and may synapse within the sympathetic trunk or within the autonomic plexuses.
The preganglionic sympathetic nervous system fibers exit from the spinal cord from T1 TO L2 and may synapse within the sympathetic trunk or within the autonomic plexuses.
The somatic nervous system provides sensory and motor innervation to the pelvis and lower extremities through the __.
The somatic nervous system provides sensory and motor innervation to the pelvis and lower extremities through the LUMBOSACRAL PLEXUS.