05_Cognitive Learning Theories Flashcards
Latent Learning (Tolman)
Learning often takes place without being immediately manifested in performance improvements
Tolman studied with rats who formed “cognitive maps” without being reinforced until day 11
Once reinforced, they outperformed rats who were reinforced since first trial
Insight Learning (Kohler)
Internal cognitive restructuring of perceptual field that enhances an organism’s ability to achieve its goals
(Gestalt psychology)
e.g. experiment with chimpanzee who joined sticks together to reach banana (achieve goal)
Observational Learning (Bandura)
Social learning theory/social cognitive theory
Most complex human behaviors are learned by observing another
*Useful for enhancing or inhibiting existing behaviors
Social Learning Theory:
4 Types of Observational Learning Processes
Social Learning Theory:
Learning can occur without reinforcement
However performance requires motivation
Motivation is enhanced when the learner is reinforced
Reinforcement can be internal, vicarious, or external
Social Learning Theory:
4 model characteristics that increase the likelihood of imitation
High status, prestige, or expertise
Similarity to the observer, especially age and gender
Behavior is visible, salient, and a relevant to observer’s needs and goals
Model has been reinforced for the behavior
Social Learning Theory:
Vicarious Reinforcement
When model is reinforced for engaging in behavior
Treatment of phobia
Most effective models
Coping models who initially exhibit apprehension but then overcome their fears and perform the desired behavior are more effective than mastery models who initially engage in a behavior without fear
Social Learning Theory:
Guided Participation
Modeling is most effective when the learner observes a model perform the behavior
Learner than performs behavior with assistance from the model
A.k.a. Participant modeling
True or False?
For treatment of snake phobia, live modeling with guided participation is superior to observing a film model or systematic desensitization.
Social Learning Theory:
Primary source of motivation based on a person’s beliefs about their ability to perform a behavior or task, or achieve certain goals
*Central concept of Social Learning Theory
4 Information Sources
Enactive attainment
Vicarious experience
Verbal Persuasion
Emotional and physiological states
Enactive Attainment
Prior success in performing the task
Vicarious Experience
Observing others similar to oneself successfully perform the task
Social Learning Theory:
Reciprocal Determinism proposes there interactive and influential relationship between these 3 Factors
Overt behaviors
Cognitive, affective, and personal characteristics
Learned Helplessness:
Depression occurs when a person makes internal, stable, and global attribution for negative events
I.e. depressed people:
–attribute cause of negative events themselves
–believe they will always cause negative events to
happen to them
–think they cause negativity in all aspects of their lives