(05) Endocrine System - Parathyroid Gland Flashcards
(Parathyroid Gland)
- A pair of parathryoid glands associated with (or not - varies with species) what?
- Embryologic derivation is from what?
- A capsule comprised of what surrounds each gland? In what animals is the conective tissue compnent thick?
- Parenchyma is mainly small cells in what? These cells = what which secrete what?
- Dark (basophilic cytoplasm) chief cells are metabollically active or inactive?
- Light chief cells are what?
- each of the two lobes of the thyroid gland (total of four parathyroid glands)
- third and fourth pharyngeal pouch endoderm
- thin connective tissue; pig and ox
- clusters or cords; Chief (or principal cells) which secrete parathyroid hormone
- active (and nuclei with condensed chromatin)
- inactive or depleted of granules
(Parathyroid Gland)
- What is the sole purpose of the parathyroid glands? in what range?
- By doing this what else do parathyroid glands control concerning bones? therefore what?
- As the blood filters through the parathyroid glands, they detect the amount of calcium present in the blood and react by making more or less what?
- control calcium levels within blood; between 8.5 and 10.2
- amount of calcium in bones; the strength and density of bones
- parathyroid hormone (PTH)