03 - Pathogenic Mechanisms of Bacteria (Part II) Flashcards

(Strategies Directed against acquired immunity)
(Suppression of Antibodies)
- Here the invading organism targets what cells?
- the organism prevents what?
- mycobacterium tuberculosis (causes tuberculosis) reduces what response?
- those of the immune system that specifically react to them
- the body from mounting an immune response against it
- the interleukin-2 response
(Strategies Directed against acquired immunity)
(Hiding Against Cells)
- many bacteria avoid by hiding inside cells of immune system
- do they present antigens that will provoke an immune response?
- They multiply inside these cells, and then further invade when?
- give three examples… what do they invade?
- no
- when they are greater in number
- brucella, listeria, mycobacterium tuberculosis; macrophages
(look at next two pages of slides)

- What bacteria spores persist at burial sites of anthrax infected animals (sometimes over 70 years!)
- bacillus anthraces
(first sign in animals… enlarged spleen…. don’t open up carcass cause spores can spread around)

(Toxins produced by bacteria causes tissue damage)
- What is a toxin excreted by a microorganism?
- How does this cause damae to the host?
- Where do these act on surface of host cells?
- Well known exotoxins include botulinium toxin… produced by what two bacteria?
- an exotoxin
- by destroying cells or disrupting normal cell metabolism
- on the surface
- clostridium botulinium and corynebacterium diphtheriae

(Toxins Produced by bacteria cause tissue damage)
- What toxins are part of the outer membrane of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria?
- Is it secreted by bacteria like exotoxin?
- Endotoxins trigger phagocytes to release what?
- endotoxins
- no… is a structural component in bacteria which is released when bacteria are lysed
- cytokines (local or systemic symptoms)
(Strategies Directed Against Phagocytes)
(inhbit chemotaxis)
- chemotaxis lead what where?
- some bacteria produce toxins which inhbit movement of chemotaxis… what is an example of this
- phagocytes to site of infection
- staphylococcus aureus
(inhibition of phagocytosis)
- Phagocytes work by grabbing, then engulfing bacteria… how do some bacteria avoid this?
- by not giving phagocytes anything to grab onto
(killing the phagocyte)
- Some bacteria release toxins that kill phagocytes…
name 4
- mycobacterium tuberculosis
- streptococcus pyogenes
- some staphylococci
- bacillus anthraces (anthrax)
(Colonization of the phagocyte)
- bacteria that allow themselves to be phagocytized… but resist being killed once inside
- Many bacteria use what cell as sancuatary? what is the benefit?
- what are two bacteria that use this strategy?
- macrophages… other immune cells won’t bother them
- mycobacterium leprae and mycobacterium tuberculosis
(Indirect mechanisms of tissue by pathogens)

(tell me what make each toxin)
- diptheria toxin
- alpha-toxin
- cholera toxin
- toxic shock

- C. diptheriae
- S. aureus
- V. cholera
- S. aureus
- Certain species produce superantigens, why are they called this?
- Superantigens overstimulate T cells by binding to what?
what causes shock?
what is the most important of these?
- What can high levels cause?
- ability to polyclonally activate large fractions (2-20%) of T-cell population
- the MHC molecule and the TCR
overproduction of cytokines
- severe and life-threatening symptoms… including shock and multiple organ failure
(Antibiotic Induced Infections)
- Treatment with antibiotics can cause massive death of commensal organisms that normally colonize the colon
- what can happen after that?
- give an example?
- pathogenic bacteria proliferate quickly
- clostridium difficile

then he skipped a bunch of slides - starting at p68 - so figure out whether or not you need to know these