01 - serum chem Flashcards
4 ↑BUN
- pre-renal (dehydration, ↓ CO, shock)
- renal (↓GFR): inflam/degen/cancer/toxic
- post-renal: urinary outflow obstruction
- GI bleeding
2 ↓BUN
- ↓hepatic: shunt, ↓hepatic mass, anorexia
- ↑urea excretion: PU/PD, diuresis
↑ creatinine
- ↓GFR (pre/renal/post)
- ↑ muscle mass
↓ creatinine
- low BCS/muscle wasting
5 ↑Phosphorus
- ↓GFR (pre/renal/post)
- hypoparathyroidism
- ↑ intestinal absorption
- osteolysis
- normal bone growth
7 ↓Phosphorus
- ↑ renal excretion
- anorexia
- intestinal malabsorption
- hypovitaminosis D
- hypercalcemia of malignancy
- 1° hyperparathyroidism
- ↑insulin
7 ↑ Calcium
- malignancy
- addison’s
- 1° hyperPTH
- osteolysis
- granulomas
- ↑ vit D
- renal failure
7 ↓ Calcium
- ↓ albumin
- renal failure
- pancreatitis
- hypoparathyroidism
- malabsorption
- ethylene glycol
1 ↑ Magesium
- ↓ GFR
4 ↓ Magnesium
- ↓ protein
- diuresis
- ↓ GI absorption
- endocrine dz
2 ↑ total protein
- dehydration
- hyperglobulinemia
5 ↓ total protein
- hemorrhage
- ↓ albumin
- liver failure
- overhydration
- starvation
5 ↓ albumin/↓ globulin
- overhydration
- 3rd space
- GI dz (PLE, maldigestion/absorption)
- cutaneous (deep pyoderma/burns)
- external blood loss
1 ↓ albumin/normal globulin
3 ↓ albumin/↑ globulins
- inflammation
- cancer: lymphoma/mult myeloma
- liver failure
1 ↑ albumin/↑↓ globulins
5 ↑ sodium
- ↓ water intake
- panting
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- renal diuresis
3 ↓ sodium (sub categories)
- dilutional
- loss of Na > water (diarrhea, renal dz, addisons)
- loss of Na=water, replaced by water (hemorrhage, 3rd space loss, exudative skin lesions, diarrhea)
moves with sodium
if not something acid/base
4 ↑ potassium
- ↑ intake
- translocation: acidosis, ↓ insulin
- acute renal failure
- bladder rupture/outflow obstruction
4 ↓ potassium (sub categories)
- loss in urine (CKD, postobstructive diuresis)
- loss in GI (vomiting, diarrhea)
- translocation: alkalemia, insulin
- diet
1 ↑ bicarbonate
- loss of acid (GI or renal)
2 ↓ bicarbonate
- low albumin
- ↑ cationic proteins (rare, gammopathy)
3 ↑ T. Bili (sub)
- pre-hepatic (cholestasis)
- hepatic: anorexia, sepsis, lepto, ↓ liver fxn
- post-hepatic cholestasis
4 ↑ ALP
- post-hepatic cholestasis
- bone growth/disease
- drugs: steroids/phenobarb
- metabolic: DM, hyperT4
3 ↑ GGT
- post-hepatic cholestasis
- biliary hyperplasia
- drugs: steroids, phenobarb
2 ↑ ALT (sub)
- 1° liver dz (inflam/infectious, neoplastic, toxic, trauma, fatty)
- 2° liver dz (↓ perfusion, post-hepatic cholestasis, pancreatitis, endocrine: DM, hyperT4)
2 ↑ AST
- +↑ ALT = hepatocellular dmg
- +↑ CK = skeletal muscle dmg
3 ↓ cholesterol
- liver failure
- addison’s
4 ↑ cholesterol (sub)
- post-prandial
- pancreatitis
- post-hepatic cholestasis
- endocrine (hypothyroidism, cushings, DM)
4 ↑ glucose (sub)
- post-prandial
- pancreatitis
- stress
- endocrine: DM, Cushing’s, hyperT4
5 ↓ glucose
- liver failure
- sepsis
- addison’s
- insulin overdose
- paraneoplastic
6 causes of regen anemia
- parasites (bartonella, babesia, cytauxzoon)
- fragmentation (DIC, vasculitis, hemangiosarcoma)
- copper tox
- oxidative injury
- blood loss
5 non-regen anemia
- chronic dz/inflammation
- renal failure
- endocrine (addisons, hypoT4)
- aplastic anemia
- myelodysplasia/fibrosis
5 neutrophilia
- inflammation (infectious or non)
- corticosteroids (stress)
- epinephrine (excitement)
- neoplastic
3 neutropenia
- inflammation (intense)
- endotoxemia
- decreased production (myelophthisis)
3 lymphocytosis
- inflammatory dz (esp infectious w/ antigenic stim)
- neoplasia
- addison’s
4 lymphopenia
- glucocorticoids (stress)
- acute inflam (esp viral)
- disruption of lymphatic flow (chylothorax)
- immunodeficiency
pretty much same as neutrophils
4 eosinophilia
- allergies/hypersensitivity
- parasites
- addison’s
- paraneoplastic (mast cell)
leukogram pattern for
(neut, left shift, lympho, monocytes, toxic)
↑ no ↓ ↑ no
leukogram pattern for
mild/chronic inflammation
(neut, left shift, lympho, monocytes, toxic)
↑ +/- no/↓ ↑ no
leukogram pattern for
acute inflammation
(neut, left shift, lympho, monocytes, toxic)
↑ ↑ ↓ N/↑ usually
leukogram pattern for
overwhelming inflammation
(neut, left shift, lympho, monocytes, toxic)
↓ ↑ ↓ normal yes
what is a left shift?
what is a degenerative left shift?
indicating what?
band neutrophils over reference
band neutrophil higher than mature neutrophil
severe inflammation
what qualifies as a regenerative anemia?
reticulocyte count above ref interval