01 Legal and Architectural Flashcards
- I attach the receipt for the documents
- Paul Stacey (hereafter referred to as the Bidder)
- Undertakes** to purchase, **in the terms and conditions to be stated, the property identified as …
- The property in question will be delivered free of charges, encumbrances, defects and evictions.
- Te adjunto el resguardo de los documentos
- Paul Stacey (en adelante, el Proponente)
- Se compromete a** comprar **en las condiciones y plazos que se dirán, el inmueble identificado como …
- El inmueble en objeto será entregado libre de cargas, gravámenes, vicios y evicciones
- The proponent undertakes to sign the private purchase contract.(or bidder, less formal)
- If the proposal is not accepted by the seller within 15 days
- The failure to sign the purchase contract within the deadline… for reasons attributable to the proponent
- The public deed of sale
- El proponente se compromete a suscribir el contrato privado de compraventa
- Si la propuesta no fuese aceptada por el vendedor en el plazo de 15 días
- La falta de suscripción del contrato de compraventa en los plazos… por causa imputable al proponente
- La escritura pública de compraventa
- Indeed, their website is being updated and the email address that comes with it isn’t operational now. (CLUE: with not con]
- I would also like to point out [to you] that you should keep …
- the Anti-Money Laundering Law
- I expect to receive the amount in my bank account shortly. (NB Amount = amount of the loan)
- Efectivamente, la página de ellos se está actualizando y el correo que viene en ella no está ahora operativo.
- Quiero indicarte también, que debes de guardar …
- la Ley de Blanqueo de Capitales
- espero recibir el importe en mi cuenta bancaria en breve
- estimate of payments for the purchase
- pending payment
- table of accounts with payment forecasts
- the balance (eg of an account) [Explain N 1. ← N 2. ← vb]
- previsión de pagos para la compra
- pendiente de pago
- cuadro de las cuentas con las previsiones de pagos
- el saldo [N1. ← balance, bank account ← N 2. balance or remainder, of an amount to pay ← saldar = to settle or to clear, as in pay off a debt]
- I am making arrangements by telephone but it seems that it’s not possible this way.
- If I don’t get it resolved during the morning, I will go to** (or **travel to) the office tomorrow to resolve it. (NOT durante)
- The “junk”. It’s a very correct (or proper or pure) word, perfectly correct, but I was surprised that you used it,
- Like I said, normally you would’ve spoken to me about old furniture and junk).(NB word also = rubbish)
- That’s a shit** (or **rubbish**) **job (eg, cuando una persona no hace nada bien)
P Estoy haciendo gestiones por teléfono pero parece que no es posible por este medio.
- Si a lo largo de la mañana no me lo resuelven, mañana me desplazaré a la oficina para resolverlo.
- Los “trastos”. Es una palabra muy castiza, perfectamente correcta, pero me ha sorprendido que la utilices,
- Pues como te digo, lo normal es que me hubieses hablado de muebles viejos y porquerías).
- Es un trasto.
- I´ll need you to provide me with the price for … [1. Nb vb tenses 2. provide = fml 3. price, think tender or offer price]
- the opening of bore holes** and demolition of **ceilings… [1. bore/test holes - construction] [ceiling N → adj → vb]
- as well as** loading, transport and **landfill** (or **dumping**) **fees for the waste.
- The bill** has to be **paid by direct debit, I suppose from the “CAIXABANK” one (→ referring to the account with Caixabank)
- The cost is approximately 39 € (including VAT). I hope you are happy** **with this … [CLUE: happy with think in agreement with]
- necesitaría me facilitases la oferta para …
- la apertura de catas** y demolición de **cielorasos (o cielo raso) … [raso (adj) = level, as in flat → _rasar_1. _to level off_ 2. to graze, as in to skim]
- así como** carga, transporte y **canon de vertido de los residuos [1. canon = fee or levy 2. vertido = gen, spill or discharge + dumping]
- El recibo** hay que **domiciliarlo en una cuenta, supongo que en la de “CAIXABANK”
- El coste es 39 € aproximadamente (ya con el IVA). Espero que estés conforme con esto …
- I have sent an email to the Agency to arrange a visit to the property. (From lawyer email)
- From (or By) the looks of the propert_y, _I think that in this situation i_t will difficul_t to rent it out. (why text = 1. every day words + 2. word order)
- When** they contact me, I have **provided them my telephone number so that they can get in touch with me, I will let you know. (1. Loc exp = when 2. vb = to provide 3. to indicate)
- demolition of false wattle ceiling and transfer to container at door
- He enviado mail a la Agencia para concertar una visita a la propiedad
- Por el aspecto que tiene la propiedad, en esta situación veo difícil que se pueda alquilar
- En el momento que contacten conmigo, les he facilitado** mi teléfono para que se pongan en contacto, te lo **indicaré
- demolicion de falso techo de cañizo y traslado a contenedor en puerta …
- The termination of this contract will take place at the end of …. [Clue: think legal speak eg not este]
- Notwithstanding the foregoing, the customer may terminate the contract at any time during its term, … [Clue: think of]
- by giving at least three months’ notice by e-mail.
- urban planning licence FEE [Note: licence = permit]
- La resolución del presente contrato se producirá cuando concluya …
- No obstante lo anterior, el cliente podrá resolver el contrato en cualquer momento de su vigencia,…
- notificándolo por e-mail al menos con tres meses de antelación.
- TASA por licencias urbanísticas
- in order to exercise the right of withdrawal, …
- the customer shall notify X of his decision to withdraw from the contract …
- by registered mail to the address: [Clue: by = a phrase + not por]
- before the relevant** (or **pertinent) period expires [Nb: word order diff to Eng] [vb - 1. to fall due 2. to expire]
- para ejercer el derecho de desistimiento, …
- el cliente deberá notificar a X su decisión de desistir del contrato …
- a través de carta certificada a la direción:
- antes de que venza el plazo correspondiente [vencer]
- Find attached the surveyor’s order form, just like we discussed at the Zoom meeting.
- Topographical measurement of plot and building contour [CLUE: building not efdificio]
- Delivery time: 10 days, except for difficulties beyond the company’s control.[vb - to deliver]
- Make good invoice [adj → vb] [Context: reimbursement of expenses paid on my behalf]
- Te adjuntamos _la hoja de encargo de la topógrafa, tal y como hablamos en la reunión Zoom.
- Medición topográfica de parcela y contorno construcción
- Plazo de entrega: 10 días, salvo dificultadades ajenas de la empresa [entregar]
- _la factura de,suplidos_ [suplido → suplir = to make up for, as in remedy the lack of]
- constructions located below ground level** (or **underground) [Exp: N + adj ← vb progression to remember, EACH has 2 meanings]
- 90% rebates on… [Clue: on NOT en] [N ← vb?]
- application for a licence from the Town Council to carry out tests on the framing [→ what else N = in house construction?]
- construcciones situadas bajo rasante [rasante N = slope or gradient, of a road → adj = low-flying or low-level ← rasar = 1. to level off**, eg a spoon 2. **to skim** or **to brush ← arrasar = to raze, to the groun]
- bonificaciones del 90% sobre… [S ← bonificar = to give a discount of, to award a bonus of]
- la solicitud de licencia al Ayuntamiento para la realización de catas en forjados [→ forjado de hormigón = concrete slab]
- plan 1 with dimensions
- We´ve included a ladder
- council delegate*** for ***urban development and public works [N emphasises the seat on the council, ie the position)
- Opinion of the municipal technical commission for the monitoring of the special plans [N - opinion, also = decision = judgment]
- plano 1 con cotas
- hemos incluído una escalera de barco
- concejalía delegada*** de ***urbanismo y obra pública
- Dictamen de la comisión técnica municipal de seguimiento de los planes especiales
- Finally, [having] examined the proposal submitted…, [adj → vb, think to contribute, as in what is necessary eg money for a whip round]
- And for the record** and **to take effect in the file reference [loc vb = to take effect → vb on own means?]
- resulting from the approval of the minutes, in order and with the approval of the President. [Nb, 2nd approval seen in Valeria]
- Alt exp - to be a night owl → explain (Chus)
- Alt exp x2 (ser alondra) - to be an early bird (Chus)
- Finalmente, examinada la propuesta aportada… [aportar]
- Y para que conste** y **surta efectos en el expediente de referencia [surtir efectos → surtir = to stock or to furnish + efectos = belongings, personal or stock, store]
- resulten de la aprobación del acta, de orden y con el Visto Bueno del Sr. Presidente
- ser trasnochador/a → trasnochar = ir a la cama tarde, espacialmente cundo sales de fiesta
- ser madrugador/a** + **ser tempranero/a (más coloquial)
- your comments about [a] house adapted for disabled people** + **has rung [our] alarm bells [[loc vb, when sth causes s.o to be attentive]
- Water connection for building site (vb origin, unexpected)
- It is intended to rehabilitate and transform it into a single dwelling …
- … with a single water meter** on the façade **in accordance withregulations
- but in the meantime, we would like to supply the house with water again … [Nb. NOT mientras tanto]
- nos salta la alarma** con tus comentarios sobre vivienda adaptada para **minusválidos
- AcometidA agua para obra (→ acometer = to attack (lit), to assail (fig))
- Se pretende rehabilitar y transformar en una sola vivienda …
- … con un único contador de agua en fachada conforme normativa
- pero mientras transcurre este tiempo, nos gustaría volver a dotar de agua a la vivienda
- The said alterations will take effect in the land registry office from 27 July 2022.
- we did less work to reduce costs
- I hope I’ve answered your letter.
- If anything’s been forgotten, please let me know.
- _Dichas alteracione_s tendrán efectos en el Catastro Inmobiliario desde el 27 de julio de 2022.
- hemos realizado menos trabajos para abaratar los costes
- Espero haber contestado a tu carta.
- Si hubiese quedado algo en olvido, te ruego me lo indiques.
- Before issuing the invoice,
- I will ask for your agreement as to the amount that I consider fair
- your speed** helps us **in relation to the management and trust of the builders [1. speed, think nimble 2. builders 3. Why no the?
- … of the specialist to whom you have assigned the file to be able to follow up with him [vb - to follow up with s.o]
- Update
- Antes de emitir factura,
- pediré tu conformidad con la cantidad que estime justa
- tu agilidad** nos ayuda **de cara a la gestión y confianza con constructores [3. no el cos’ referring in general]
- … del técnico al que le has asignado el expediente para poder darle seguimiento** [**darle seguimiento]
- Puesta al día
- Financial advisor** and **wealth manager
- His cost isn’t high and I think it is manageable (or acceptable).
- The insurance that the previous proprietors had is only third party …[Clue: think civil]
- … i.e.the dwelling causes damage tothird partiesor their property, e.g. to anadjoining dwelling while renovation work is being carried out.
- Samu y Tania face one another
- Asesor financero** y **gestor de patrimonio
- Su coste no es elevado y creo que asumible
- El aseguro que tenían los anteriores propietarios es solo de responsabilidad civil …
- … es decir, que la vivienda produzca un daño a terceras personas o a sus bienes, por ejemplo, a una vivienda colindante mientras se realizan trabajos de reforma.
- Samu y Tania se ven las caras