El Pail - Útil 02 Flashcards
¡el español tiene palabras concisas que no existen en inglés!
1. use/wear for the 1st time [Clue: hence premiere a film]
2. same name as you or namesake
3. father/mother-in-law of your son-daughter
4. to lie awake or to be unable to sleep
5. to confine or limit (fig) <- to put on a corset (lit)
- estrenar
- tocayo
- consuegro
- desvelarse
- encorsetar
- to live with someone
- stay out late/go to bed late or stay up all night
- to get up early
- after diner conversation
- glare (as in of the sun)
- convivir
- trasnochar
- madrugar
- sobremesa
- resol
- I was a chubby little girl, [a] keg waist and …
- Every year when we went to the village [fun]fair …
- … it sounded so yokel/bumpkin to my arrogant spoiled brat + nerdy airs
- … the yo-yos in [] mood. B. What N lit mean?
- … some charitable soul interested in pointing out my failings …
- Fui una niña regordete, cintura de barrilete y …
- De año EN año, cuando ibamos a la feria del pueblo …
- … sonaba tan cateto a mis soberbios oídos de niñata + empollona
- … los subibajas en EL ánimo 2. a seesaw, in kids play area
- … algún alma caritativa interesada en señalarme mis faltas …
- It happened to 99% of my fellow human beings [fml] …
- She was slagged off/badmouthed/dragged through the mud in the social networks at the expense of her appearance B. vb
- She seems to have put on weight
- For her lack of compassion FOR her fellow human being [less formal/normal word]
- It’s about not ridiculing women’s bodies B. vb = to ridicule
- Le ha pasado al 99% de mis congéneres
- Le pusieron a parir en las redes a costa de su físico B. poner a parir a alguien
- Ella parece subido de peso
- Por su falta de compasión CON el prójimo.
- Va de no hacer escarnio CON el cuerpo de las mujeres. B. hacer escarnio
- Be that as it may, Susana has put together a few options… B. Alt exp 4 Be that as it may
- It turns out the whole gang [who] looked like + hustlers, rogues, charlatans and freeloaders were …
- Koldo was what he appeared to be: an errand boy.
- the reality tends to be/usually is pig-headed, obvious and uncouth.
- Sea como fuere, Susana ha reunido algunas opciones … B. Sea como sea (fuere = fut. subj, almost disappeared)
- Resulta que toda esa banda con pinta de + apandadores, pícaros, vendehúmos y vividores eran …
- Koldo era lo que aparentaba: un recadero.
- la realidad suele ser + terca, obvia y zafia.