. Flashcards
What nutritional strategies should endurance athletes use?
-endurance activities significantly deplete energy and fluid stores
-athletes should aim to maximise glycogen stores by increasing carb intake 2 to 3 days before competition
-carbohydrate supplements {energy gels/drinks or bars} also useful
-start exercise fully hydrated
What nutritional strategies should athletes competing in strength and power events use?
-nutritional strategies should support the development of lean body mass (muscle) and meet energy demands
-although not as important as for endurance events, carbohydrates are still important
-combining carbohydrates with protein post exercise promotes an anabolic environment and increases protein synthesis that helps muscle growth. However excess protein intake should be avoided
What nutritional strategies should athletes competing in sports requiring strength and endurance use?
-Nutritional demands will be dictated by the nature of the individual sport and participant requirements, but key nutrients in all cases are carbohydrate and fluid
What nutritional strategies should athletes competing in weight-category or weight-controlled events use?
-Specific weight may be considered important for optimal performance placing greater emphasis on what the athlete eats BUT important to remember that the fewer calories consumed the fewer nutrients consumed. Calcium and iron intakes particularly low in study investigating diets of females in these sports
-Eatwell guide applies to the planning of dietary intakes for all these sports but greater emphasis may be placed on low fat diet BUT should not be at the expense of essential nutrients carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals
-Adequate fluid intake and hydration are also essential to maintain concentration for the technical demands of these sports