短文和訳 Flashcards
Though brilliant, rich and famous, she eventually chose a life of poverty and service to the poor.(2019 東大)
In part to give her the best education possible, her father invited leading intellectuals of the day to the family’s home.(2019 東大)
Most knowledge acquired from experience, she believed, is prone to error and open to dispute.(2019 東大)
From mathematics, however, come truths that are wholly certain.(2019 東大)
It was composed not in Latin, as was the custom for great mathematicians such as Newton and Euler, but in Italian, to make it more accessible to students.(2019 東大)
It took much skill and good judgement to reduce to almost uniform methods discoveries scattered among the works of many mathematicians very different from each other.(2019 東大)
Agnesi excelled at math, but she also loved it, perceiving in its mastery an opportunity to serve both her fellow human beings and a higher order.(2019 東大)
I suppose everyone would agree that one of the particular things we observe when we try to take a general look at the world as it is today is a growing demand on all sides and by every kind of human being for a greater share in the control of his life and destiny.
Fundamental to the existence of science is a body of established facts which come either from observation of nature in the raw, so to speak, or from experiment. (北大・京大)
Even the traditions we Japanese learn from other countries we adopt and adapt in ways that make them our own. (大阪市大)
I strongly believe that it is always the scientist’s responsibility to make clear when he is speculating and when his calculations are clearly warranted by his observations. (慶応)
What the tourist considers most picturesque about a country the people living there often think shameful and unprogressive. (日大)
Only when the existence of bacteria and their influence on food became known, could man begin to deal adequately with food preservation. (青学大)
バクテリアが存在し、それらが食料に影響を与えることが知られるようになって初めて、 人間は食料の保存に適切に対処し始めることができるようになった。
There is a general apathy to if not positive distrust of science itself as a search for truth: for, to the ordinary American, science is identified with mechanical inventions. (早大)
真理の追究としての科学それ自体に対しては、まったく信じていないとは言わないまでも、 一般的に無関心である。というのも、普通のアメリカ人にとっては、科学と機械の発明は同じものだからである。
The self-promotion required by an artist, writer, composer, or thinker attempting to gain the support of a patron was judged unacceptable behavior when done by a woman. (早大)
A hero, it is said, is someone who is larger than life, whom we can admire for great qualities or abilities that we may never have. (関学)
英雄とは、誇張されている人、 つまり、人が決して持つことはないかもしれないような偉大な資質や能力を持っているという理由で賞賛される人である、と言われている。
It is no surprise that the most complex features of the Universe, which proved most reluctant to yield to the traditional methods of scientific investigation, should exist on our scale. (東北大)
宇宙で最も複雑な特徴は、従来の科学的な調査方法ではどうしても解明できないとわかったが、 そうした情報が私たち人間のレベルで存在していても、何ら驚くには値しない。
“Lefties die young” was the title of an editorial in a newspaper in 2001. It is a popular myth, and is almost certainly false, but that has not stopped it enjoying wide and continuing popularity. (群馬大)
(「左利きの人は早死にする」 というのが、2001年のある新聞の社説のタイトルであった。)これは一般的な俗説であり、ほぼ確実に間違いなのであるが、それにもかかわらず、この俗説は幅広い人気を持ち続けている。
Language is very dependent on background. It is possible that thinking skill is also dependent on background, but if so, it seems to be so to lesser extent. (学習院大)
(言葉遣い) は (人の) 経歴に大いに左右される。) 思考する技術もまた経歴に左右される可 能性があるが、たとえ左右されるとしても、 言葉 (遣い)ほどではないようだ。
Many British Council libraries abroad have got rid of their books altogether and replaced them with rows of computer terminals — a terrible, not to say misguided, act of vandalism. (慶大)
海外の英国文化振興会の図書館の多くは、 蔵書を全て処分し、数列のコンピューターの端末に 取り替えたが、これは、心得違いとは言わないまでも、ひどく野蛮な行為である。
Thirst is deadlier than hunger. Denied food, you might survive for a few weeks, but without liquid refreshment, you would be lucky to last more than a few days. (名古屋市立大)
A small child, being weak and defenseless, finds it unbearable to believe that there are no adults who love, support, and guide him and if there are not, he invents them. (静岡大)
幼い子供は、弱くて無防備なので、 自分を愛し、支え、導いてくれる大人がいないと考えること を耐えがたいことだと思う。 もしそうした大人がいなければ、自ら創り出すのである。
When the foreign learner of English first comes to the British Isles, he is usually surprised and dismayed to discover how little he understands of the English that he hears. (一橋大)
英語を学ぶ外国人が初めてイギリス諸島にやってくると、耳にする英語のうちで、自分が 分かる部分がいかに少ないかということに気づいて、驚き狼狽するのが普通である。
While the legal distinction between terrorism and warfare is clear, international law usually means little to terrorists, who convince themselves that their actions are justified by a higher law. (慶大)
テロと戦争の法的な区別は明白なのだが、国際法は通常テロリストにはほとんど意味をなさ ない。というのも、彼らは自らの行為がもっと崇高な法によって正当化されると確信している からである
IQ scores now fall into a bell curve mainly because that is where the original English and American psychometricians thought they should fall. (上智大)
Language is nothing but a set of human habits the purpose of which is to give expression to thoughts and feelings, and especially to impart them to others. (日大)
言語は一連の人間の習慣に他ならず、 その目的は思想や感情を表現し、とりわけそれらを他人に伝えることである。
Having no one with whom to compare myself, I did not know for a long time whether I was better or worse than other boys. (九大)
It can be argued, indeed, that the conservation movement, as we know it today, is largely a product of the industrial revolution. (成蹊大学)
“Nothing is fixed in Italian cooking, let alone any other aspect of the culture of Italy, be it art, music, architecture or whatever,” said the original-thinking magician of the kitchen. (東工大)
「絵画、音楽、建築、あるいは何であれ、イタリア文化の他の分野では言うまでもありませんが、イタリア料理においても決まっていることは何もありません。」 と創意に富む台所の魔術師は言った。
The extraordinary spread of English around the world would never have begun, were English a difficult language to learn. (東農大)
People, in fact, are more closely related to chimpanzees in terms of their DNA than the horse is to the zebra, the porpoise is to the dolphin, or the sheep is to the goat. (慈恵医科大)
The facts of your social class, beliefs, race, nationality or sex preference should no more determine how you are treated by the law than should your shoe size. (同大)
人の社会階級、 性別、信仰、人種、国籍、あるいは性的嗜好といった事実が、法律による人の扱われ方 (法律によって人がどのように扱われるか) を決めるべきでないのは、靴のサイズがそうすべきでないのと同じである。
If you choose your friends in the ground that you are virtuous and want virtuous company, you are no nearer to true friendship than if you chose them for commercial reasons. (京教・信大・東芸大・同大)
More important, one finds that the more complex and multi-leveled the history is, and the more important the issue it raises for today, the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division. (京大)
Most of us don’t mind waiting so long as we know why we are waiting. It is the feeling of being neglected that breeds or dissatisfaction, not the mere fact of a delay. (小樽商大)
The difficulty is not just one of the time to assimilate information; it is also the time to mature judgement and come to conclusions which only ring true after complex studies and discussions with others and oneself. (京大)
Nature is that part of the world which man did not make and which has not been fundamentally changed by him. (東女大)
自然とは、 この世の中で、 人間が作ったのではなく、また人間の手によって根本的に変えられることのなかった部分である。
We think that our universe consists of only those things we can see or touch. (明大)
Ever since the earliest days of computing, no one who cared about progress could ignore the great advantage connected with group effort. (東工大)
Nobody can be termed a complete man who has no knowledge of what science has to teach, and, equally human obligation cannot be escaped on the grounds of being a specialized scientist or technologist. (慶大)
*The two persons become well acquainted, their intimacy loses more and more its miraculous character, until their antagonism, their disappointments, their mutual boredom kill whatever is left of the initial excitement. (都留文化大)
*the two persons : 恋する二人
恋する二人がお互いをよく知るようになり、 親密になるほど奇跡的な性質がどんどんと失われていき、ついには二人の対立、失望、お互いを退屈だと思う気持ちのせいで、最初の頃のわくわくする気持ちのどんな残りも消えてしまうのだ。
I enjoy my own company, and feel quite happy about going to the cinema or the theater alone. (東女大)