zzTreatment Summaries Flashcards
Management of GBM and WHO G3 Astrocytoma
GBM or WHO G4 Astrocytoma
* Max safe resection
* Adj ChemoRT as per STUPP protocol 60Gy/30F with TMZ 75mg/m2
* Adj Chemo TMZ 150-200mg/m2 for 6mo
* Check MGMT Status
* Depending on PTT factors- mainly ECOG and Age
* Options (in decreasing order of toxicity)
○ 40Gy/15F with concurrent TMZ (only if excellent PS)
○ 40Gy/15F alone If > 60yo and good ECOG<2/KPS >70
○ 25Gy/5F alone If >60yo and poor ECOG>2/KPS 50-70
* If MGMT methylated: ○ TMZ alone is a reasonable alternative ○ Addition of concurrent TMZ with RT will preferentially benefit this population
Recurrence MX
* Re-resection +/- chemotherapy w/ carmustine
* Chemo:
○ Metronomic TMZ
○ CCNU-proCarbazine
○ Avastin + Lomustine
○ Re-challenge with TMZ if MGMT meth’d
* Re-Irradiation only if Time-Interval >6mo
○ Aim: decrease Steroid dependence and improve PFS
○ Dose: 30Gy/10F, 35Gy/10F (Siew), or 40Gy/15F
○ FSRT, Volume: PTV= GTV+5mm
* Tumour Treating Field (TTF)- not available in AUS
* Clinical trial
WHO Grade 3 Astrocytoma
* Tx Paradigm: Max safe resection—> Adj RT 59.4Gy/33F—> adj chemo TMZ
○ Should receive SEQUENTIAL radiotherapy and chemotherapy
§ Upfront radiotherapy is associated with improved time to failure only (lower need for salvage treatment at 54mo)
○ Adjuvant radiotherapy = 59.4Gy/33F ○ Adjuvant chemotherapy = 12 months of TMZ at 150-200mg/m2
WHO G3 Oligodendroglioma
* Tx Paradigm: Max safe resection—> Adj RT 59.4Gy/33F—> adj chemo (PCV EORTC or TMZ extrapolate CATNON)
○ Should receive SEQUENTIAL radiotherapy and chemotherapy
§ Upfront radiotherapy is associated with improved time to failure only
§ However, If young patient, consider delay RT until salvage (French POLCA trial)- Not evidence to support this still under investigation. Based on NOA-04, upfront chemo might worse TTF (more need for salvage treatment at 54mo)
○ Adjuvant radiotherapy = 59.4Gy/33F Adjuvant chemotherapy = PCV (or TMZ as more tolerable- extrapolated from CATNON)
Management of Low grade Glioma
SUM of RCTs showed:
* Adj RT improve seizure control
* improve mPFS 3.5- 5yrs but not OS benefit
* Not for dose escalation to 64.8Gy as increase G3+ toxicity and necrosis
* Dose 45-50.4Gy is adequate
* Criteria for High risk features: SATAN
○ Size <5cm was predictive of outcome
* Adj PCV post RT improve mOS, 10yr OS andd PFS but inly if IDH mut (regardless of 1p19q codeletion), NOT in IDH WT
○ better in Oligo than Astrocytoma
* TMZ monotherapy vs RT alone
○ RT = TMZ (no diff in PFS) in IDH WT and Oligo
○ But in Astro RT > TMZ
○ PFS is inferior to PCV
* STUPP protocol using 54Gy vs Historical (RT -> PCV)
○ STUPP improved mOS and 3yr OS
○ STUPP decreased mPFS and 3yr PFS at 3yr, but improved 10yr PFS
§ mOS improved IF IDH mut and IDH WT, and IF Co-deletion > non Co-deleted
§ MGMT methylation improved mOS
§ IDH WT without MGMT do poorly
○ IDH and 1p19q codeletion is more prognostic than MGMT
-EORTC Nonbelievers compared early Adj RT vs delayed RT and shows PFS benefit with early RT. High risk “SATAN” criteria outlined in Believer’s trial
-Believers and INT/NCCTG - assessed the role of dose escalation for Adj RT. showed that 45-50.4 Gy is adequate over higher dose
-RTOG 9802. New era. PCV gives large OS benefit in high risk (STR or age≥40), especially for oligo and IDH mutant
-RTOG 0424 phase II shows TMZ is also effective. TMZ has never been compared to PCV, but many prefer TMZ for its ease of use
* All pts should receive XRT at some point
* Observe initial for best prognostic category dt significance of late effects (neurocognitive, radn necrosis)
Moderate dose XRT 50-54Gy is adequate. Usually 54Gy for Grade 2 and 59.4Gy for Grade 3
Management of Meningioma
> Small+ Asymptomatic- Observe until sx or rapid growth
> Large+ symptomatic -> upfront treatment
Resectable ○ Maximal safe resection, aim for GTR - Simpson criteria ○ Adj RT: depends on the histo, recurrence and GTR/STR § GTR+G1- Observe § GTR+ rec G1- Adj RT § STR+G1- Adj RT vs salvage RT- controversial § GTR+G2- obs and salvage RT- controversial § GTR + rec G2- Adj RT § STR+G2- Adj RT § GTR/STR + G3- Adj RT Dose: G1: □ 50.4Gy/28F if R0 □ 54Gy/30F If bulky residual, rec or adverse radiological feat § G2: □ 54Gy if R0 □ 60Gy/30F If bulky residual, rec or adverse radiological feat § G3: 60Gy/30F Unresectable ○ SRS 13-15Gy/1F or FSRS 25Gy/5F (Use FSRS for larger lesions) § Criteria for SRS: □ G1, <3cm, >3mm from optic apparatus and brainstem, <10cc volume □ distinct margin, little/no oedema ○ Conventional Fractionation § Low grade: □ 50.4Gy/28F □ 54Gy/30F If bulky or adverse radiological feat § High grade: 60Gy/30F
Note: Adverse imaging characteristics suggestive of higher grade
* Peri-tumoural oedema
* Bone invasion
* Lack of calcification
* Lack of intra-tumoural calcification
> Recurrence
* No OS benefit with RT
* IF NO prior RT, >3cm, close to optic apparatus/brainstem, and prior surgery
○ Re-resect, then offer adj RT
○ If unresectable, then EBRT
* IF PRIOR RT, <3cm, not near optic apparatus, no prior surgery
○ SRS 12-14Gy to 50% isodose line
Special sites:
§ Optic sheath -> Def RT 50.4Gy/28F
Surgery, Surg+Adj RT, or observation-> all likely to result in worse vision
Outcome: LC >90%, stabilization of vision in 90%
§ Cavernous sinus-> Def or Adj RT
Outcome: 5yr PFS > 90%. (30% improved neurological function, 60% reduced progression and 10% continued to progress)
Management of Pituitary tumour
* non functioning microadenoma and asymptomatic
Medical management-for functioning adeomas
* as either primary or adjunct Tx to other modalities depending on the subtype
* 70% functioning, 30# non functioning
○ Most common functioning Prolactin > Somastotatin> ACTH
○ Prolactin- bromocriptine
○ Somatostatin- Octreotide. Lanreotide
○ ACTH- KEtoconazole
○ Thyrotroph- Ostreotide,/ bromocriptine, b blocker
Surgery +/- Adj/ salvage RT
* Adj RT indicated if:
○ incomplete resection/ R2 resection and unable to re-resect
○ High risk pathology. eg carcinoma
○ Recurrence after Surgery
Def RT
* SRS/ FSRS-> IF size < 3cm and >3mm from optic apparatus/brainstem. NOT for carcinoma
* Fractionated EBRT-> IF size >3cm and <3mm from optic apparatus/brainstem
Adjuvant head and neck RT
Post operative radiotherapy
* Low risk (No PORT - 5y LRR 10%): T1-2, N0-1, no PNI/LVSI.
* Intermediate Risk (PORT): SM < 1-5 mm ([ECOG 3311] uses 3 mm), 2+ LN, > 3 cm LN, PNI, T3-4, < 1 mm ECE (OP). Grade and LVSI have been identified as possible risk factors for LRR, but individual significance remains unclear.
* High Risk (POCCRT): ECE and/or SM+. May consider for 3+ LN, low neck nodes, re-resect if SM+.
○ Beadle ASTRO abstract: High-risk groups have 30% LRF and DM (need chemo).
Indications for PORT to primary:
○ pT3-4, LVI, PNI, Close margin (≤ 5 mm - whether or not is a true indication for PORT is controversial because not listed on NCCN, but is entry criteria for [RTOG 09-20], so take into account how close margin is and other factors).
○ PORT for glottic LX if: pT4 (not pT3 like non-glottic LX, OPX and HPX), pN2-3, LVSI, PNI, SM < 5 mm (controversial).
Indications for PORT to nodes:
○ N2 or N3 (e.g. nodes > 3 cm), nodal disease in levels 4 or 5.
○ Generally, always treat primary and nodes together except for parotid or skin primary.
○ No neck dissection in high-risk patients.
○ DOI oral tongue primary > 3-4 mm [Ganly Cancer ‘12].
○ If only one + node and no adverse features, NCCN says “Consider RT”.
Adding Chemo to PORT:
○ Absolute indications: ECE or SM+.
○ Relative indications: Multiple positive nodes, PNI/LVSI, T4a primary, or OC primary with level IV nodes.
Nodal volume coverage for H&N RT
Management for early larynx and hypopharynx
Carcinoma in situ
- Laser ablation, VC stripping, micro-excision
- RT for recurrent or widespread dx.
Stage 1-2 (T1-2N0) ->prospective data only no RCT for Sx Vs. RTx
- Rich lymphatics: T1-2 (30-40% N+) and T3-4 (55-65% N+)
- Definitive RTx alone to 70/56Gy primary + bilateral neck nodes (preferred dt voice preservation, less morbid, surgical salvage option of recurrence).
○ LC T1 90%, T2 80-90%
- Surgery - Laser excision or Supraglottic laryngectomy + bilateral ELND (retention of vocal and swallowing function, but high aspiration risk)- not suitable if poor lung function
○ LC T1 100%, T2 81%
○ Alternative - Total laryngectomy + bilateral ELND
- Definitive small field RT (Hypofn 2.25Gy/#) –> 63Gy/28F (T1) or 65.25Gy/29 (T2) ↑ LC (15%) vs. 2 Gy/F. NO neck ENI needed
○ LC: T1 90%, T2 75-80%.
○ Organ preservation - 80-90%. Surgery salvageable in 90-95%
○ LVH uses 60Gy/25F for T1
- Surgery- Laser excision - T1 or T2 non-bulky.
○ LC: same as RT
○ Contraindication for laser: deep pre-epiglottic space extension, infiltration of the cricoarytenoid joint leading to vocal cord fixation, paraglottic space encroachment, anterior commissure infiltration and inadequate exposure of the larynx.
○ Alternative- Partial/hemilaryngectomy or total laryngectomy (based on anatomic considerations, poor voice quality).
- Note:
○ Data suggest similar oncological and vocal preservation outcomes between options
○ Decision making is as per institutional experience and patient preference
○ Salvage laryngectomy is the ultimate treatment for failure after either approach
Management of Sinonasal cancers
* Always establish relevant supportive care early
* Smoking cessation
* Dietician and speech pathology input
○ Consideration of prophylactic gastrostomy
* Dental input
○ Pre-RT OPG
* Social & psychological supports as appropriate
- T1-T2 N0:
- Surgery
- Consider observation in nasal cavity/ethmoid sinus for G1, SM-, T1.
- Maxillary sinus: PORT for SM+, T3/4, PNI, LVSI or adenoid cystic. *Always ask surgeons to re-resect positive margins.
- RT alone is uncommon
Caveat: - Adj concurrent chemoRT for pt with close/pos margin and ENE
- Elective nodal treatment in neck neg is controversial. But high rate LN relapse if LNs not electively treated (controversial).
○ Cover node IF ENB , SqCC, SNUC, or adenocarcinoma (higher neck mets 30%), T3/4, PNI+, LVI+, or clinically involved LN
- T3-T4 or N+:
- Consider CCRT for intracranial extension (>R0), high grade.
- Ipsilateral neck only, unless the tumor crosses the midline.
- Coverage of node-negative neck is controversial: Consider if G3, ENB, pT3-4, maxillary sinus or invasion of palate, NPX, skin of cheek or maxillary alveolar ridge.
- Volume:
○ Cover RP and IB-IV, IF node positive.
○ Consider elective coverage of RP and IB-II, IF maxillary T3-4 or undifferentiated histology. - If adenoid cystic, you do not need to cover neck due to a low probability of nodal spread.
Management of endometrial cancer - Adjuvant - Low and Int risk
Management of endometrial cancer - Adjuvant - High-int risk
Management of endometrial cancer - Adjuvant - High risk
Management of ovarian cancer
Stage 1- LR (complete staging, G1-2, encapsulated, good margin)- observe
* If incomplete staging, may benefit from 3x carbo+ paclitaxel
Stage 1-2 HR (St1c-2, incomplete surg staging, HG serous or clear cell)- benefit from 6x Carbo/Paclitaxel
Stage 3-4:
* If unresectable
○ Induction chemo 3x carbo/taxol+/- avastin -> Surg-> HIPEC with Cis-> Adj chemo x6
○ optimal cytoreduction-> IV/IP chemo with carbo/taxol+/- avastin
Maintenance Treatment
* PARPi if BRCA pos
* Avastin if BRCA neg
* Assess Platinum free interval
○ If <6mo, trial of other agents- topotecan, caelyx, AI, VEGFi, TKI or PARPi
IF >6mo, then rechallenege with chemo.
Management of vulva cancer - primary
Management of vulva cancer - Nodal (negative)
Management of vulva cancer - Nodal (Positive)
Management of Vaginal cancer
Vagina ca Treatment Paradigm SUM
w VIS/VAIN: WLE, topical 5-FU or imiquimod, laser vaporization. 1 Rx course and req close and extended FU
○ Rarely RT - 42.5Gy/5F HDR to surface/ 0.5cm depth; entire length
w Stage I (vagina only):
○ Superficial tumours (<5mm thick) → brachytherapy alone
○ Definitive RT alone (EBRT + BT) - very select cases may do surgery in small, superficial, resectable locations.
§ Surgical options are morbid:
□ Radical upper vaginectomy + LND ± Rad Hys.
® Upper vaginal lesions = conservative excision or upper vaginectomy.
□ Exenteration.
® Distal vaginal lesions include total excision and inguinal LND.
® Esp if rectovaginal/ vesicovaginal fistula
Note: Adj RT undesirable as increase toxicity. But can be considered if close/ pos margin, or node +. Use concurrent Chemo if node +
w Stage II+ (Paravaginal tissue+):
○ Definitive CCRT + Boost (Concurrent Cisplatin 40 mg/m2 x6 - extrapolated from cervix data and US NCDB data showed OS better with CCRT vs RT)
§ Combination of EBRT and brachy (or EBRT boost)
□ Whole pelvis 40-50Gy
□ Boost to gross residual of 20-30Gy
○ After EBRT:
* IF disease is < 5 mm deep by exam and MRI, can do Cylinder/ Intracavitary brachy
* IF >5mm, hybrid intracavitary + interstitial boost or free hand needles.
○ Contraindications to brachy.->Then use EBRT boost 14-20Gy
§ extensive residual disease
§ deeply infiltrating disease
§ Poorly defined margins
§ involvement of rectovaginal septum/bladder
w Stage IVA:
○ Brachy can cause fistula! Consider exenteration (provided clear margin possible)
○ If Fistula- urinary diversion or colostomy
○ Excision of bulky node prior to Definitive RT
○ Ovarian Transposition prior to RT for premenopausal women
w Isolated local recurrence - no prior RT
○ High dose palliation for local control (esp if long DFII)
○ Exanteration if clear margin feasible
w Isolated local recurrence - prior RT
○ Salvage Exenteration if clear margin possible
○ urinary diversion or colostomy
w Isolated pelvic recurrence (previous RT)
○ limited options
○ IMRT/ IGBT - high risk of complications and tox
w +/- concurrent cisplatin (depending on P/T/T factors)
Metastatic disease
w systemic metastatic disease - poor response rates
w consider clinical trial
Management of Stage I+II Melanoma
Stage I + II (clinically LN negative)
Management of primary:
- Surgical excision with adequate margins
○ Melanoma in situ: 0.5mm
○ ≤1mm: 1cm
○ 1-4mm: 1-2cm
○ >4mm: 2-3cm
- Definitive radiotherapy (60Gy/30F or 50Gy/20F)
○ Indications:
§ Unresectable
§ Medically inoperable
§ Mucosal site
§ Lentigo maligna or lentigo maligna melanoma (50Gy/25F IF >5cm or 45Gy/10F if <5cm field size)
Management of LNs:
- SLNBx if: as per MSLT-I
○ 1-4mm thick; or
○ >0.75mm with 1 other risk factor (mitotic rate, ulceration)
- ⇒Positive SLNBx:
○ Completion LNDx MSLT-I- improved 10yr DFS 65-71% , DMFS, and CSS 42->63% ; or
○ Close ultrasound FU (if small deposit <1mm) with salvage LND MSLT-II: Immediate LN Dx small improvement in 3yr DFS 68 vs. 63% but no difference in OS significant morbidity (lymphoedema),DeCOG-SLT
Adjuvant RT to primary IF: 48Gy/20F ***** or 30Gy/5 twice weekly
- Desmoplastic histology, esp. neurotropic
- Inadequate surgical margins, where further surgery difficult (e.g. Face, H&N area)
- PNI/Extensive LVSI 90% relapse with in-transit / satellite lesions
- Recurrence
- +Margin
- DOI >4mm, ulceration, satellosis
Evidence: No RCT data, but Ph2 TROG and MDACC showed improved LC with Adj PORT to High risk melanoma (>1 node, ENE, recurrent, tumour spill, Clark 4). For desmoplastic, 2 retrospective study (MIA and NCDB) showed improve OS and LC with Adj PORT