Breast Cancer Flashcards


What is the incidence for DCIS and Invasive breast cancer?


DCIS: Incidence (Australian statistics)
- 1600 cases annually
- Incidence increasing (detection bias due to screening, 90% screen detected)
- 20% of breast cancers
Increasing incidence with increasing age: - Mean age 55 years

Invasive Breast cancer:
Incidence (Australian statistics)
- 20000 cases annually
- 2nd most common cancer overall (after NMSC)
- Most common cancer in women (2nd most common cause of death - after lung)

Rising incidence since 1990s
- Likely due to early detection (screening programs)
- Change in reproductive patterns (less children and use of OCP/HRT)
- Obesity

Marked female predominance 99% female. (approx 200 male cases annually)
Mean age is 65 years
Ethnic differences
- Incidence higher in white women (USA, Australia, NZ)
Mortality higher in black women (more likely to be LA or TNBC)

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What are the risk factors for developing breast cancer?


1) Advancing age
2) Hormonal factors (increasing oestrogen exposure)
a. Early menarche
b. Late menopause
c. Nulliparity & late first pregnancy (progesterone associated with pregnancy)
d. No breastfeeding
e. OCP or HRT use (Combination worse than estrogen alone)
f. Estrogen also affects triple neg risk
3) Metabolic syndrome
a. Obesity (aromatase –> oestrogen in fat)
b. Lack of exercise
4) Alcohol
5) Smoking
6) Other breast pathology
a. In-situ disease
b. Atypical hyperplasia
7) Genetic & family history
a. BRCA 1 (50-60% lifetime risk) or BRCA 2 (40-50% lifetime risk)
b. PALB2
c. Li-Fraumeni (p53)
d. Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (CDH1 - lobular)
e. Cowden syndrome (PTEN)
f. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (STK11), HNPCC, CHEK2
Previous radiation (e.g. Hodgkin lymphoma 20-30% risk) before the age of 30

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Describe the pathological features of DCIS.

  • Risk of progression to IDC at 10 years for LCIS/ DCIS of 10-40%
    • Macroscopic
      ○ Majority of lesions are non-palpable (identified via microcalcification on MMG only)
      ○ Most often, no gross mass on cross-section
      -May be a firm gritty region with yellow punctate flecks (comedonecrosis)
    • Microscopic
      ○ Abnormal epithelial cells situated within the myoepithelial cell layer (duct)
      ○ Architecture (MPSCC)
      - Micropapillary (papillary structures/fronds without fibrovascular cores, infrequent mitoses)
      - Papillary (branching fronds/papillary intraluminal projections with a central fibrovascular core)
      - Solid (tumour cells in sheets- no evidence of papillations or necrosis)
      - Cribriform (fenestrated proliferations with a punched out appearance)
      - Comedo (high grade nuclei, pleomorphic, central necrosis), most aggressive
      ○ Pagets- DCIS involving the nipple
      - Crusting/eczematous change of nipple or areolar complex.
      - Associated with IDC ~90% of the time.
        - ~50% of women will have a palpable mass.   ○ Can demonstrate comedonecrosis
        - Central expansile necrosis with cellular debris   ○ Nuclear grade is dependent on N:C ratio, nuclear/nucleolar pleomorphism, mitoses, necrosis   ○ Most growth for low-grade DCIS is discontinuous, vs high grade which has continuous growth (paradoxical). 
    • Immunohistochemistry
      ○ POS = E-cadherin, ER/PR
      ○ NEG = HMWCK, CK5/6
    • Risk stratification
      ○ Loss of HMW keratin
      ○ Comedo subtype
      ○ Necrosis
    • Low grade (I)
      ○ Small, round nuclei. Rare mitosis
    • Moderate grade (II)
      ○ Pleomorphic cells, coarse chromatin, infrequent mitoses
    • High grade (III)
      ○ Prominent pleomorphic cells, large and prominent nucleoli, frequent mitoses, comedo necrosis
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Describe the pathological features of LCIS.

  • Less common than DCIS
    • High degree of multicentric or bilateral involvement marker for bilateral breast cancer
    • Not cancer: Risk of invasive disease = 1% annually, 20% lifetime risk
      ○ Invasive disease can be ductal or lubular
    • Doesn’t need clear margin. Considered as a risk factor to developing invasive breast cancer, but not a pre-malignant lesion.
    • Macroscopic
      ○ Typically no gross lesion
      ○ Usually no calcifications
    • Microscopic
      ○ Proliferation of monomorphic, poorly cohesive cells in lobules and terminal ducts (marbles in a bag)
      ○ Growth is within lobular units = Fill >/= 50% of acini in lobule
      ○ Cells are small with uniform nuclei and prominent cytoplasm (occasionally can have signet ring cells)
      ○ Rare mitoses
      ○ Pleomorphic subtype hard to differentiate from DCIS = treat like DCIS
    • Immunohistochemistry
      ○ POS = HMWCK, ER/PR, mucin
      NEG = E-cadherin
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What are the prognostic factors for DCIS?


Patient Factors
- Age and performance status
- Palpable lesion (vs screen detected)
- Family history

Tumour Factors
- Size (typically >25mm)
- High-grade
- Presence of comedonecrosis
- ER/PR (predictive of Tamoxifen benefit)
- Genomic testing (DCISion-RT)

Treatment Factors
- Extent of resection (margins)

Van Nuy prognostic index = MAGS, not widely used
Score for risk of local recurrence
Margins >10, 1-10, <1mm
Age 60, 40-60, <40
Grade –necrosis/high grade
Size 15, 15-40, >40mm

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What are the indications for mastectomy?

  • MULTICENTRIC- Multicentric disease (different quadrants of breast)
  • TISSUE TUMOUR RATIO -Tumour/breast volume ratio (technical feasibility)
  • DIFFUSE CHANGES -Presence of diffuse mammographic changes (e.g. calcifications)
  • T4 disease
  • RT -Previous radiotherapy to chest
  • POSITIVE MARGINS- Positive margins despite multiple attempts at resection
  • PREFERNECE- Patient preference
      - Other relative:
              □ Pacemaker in-field (needs to be moved)
              □ T3 (can use neoadj CTx to downstage)
              □ Connective tissue disorder eg ?active lupus, scleroderma (RA is ok)
              □ Rel CI to RT: cardiac/lung disease; poor shoulder mobility, radiosensitivity syndromes  BRCA1/2 (survival c/w mastectomy but need to accept high rate new primary)
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What is the evidence for hypofractionation and Boost in DCIS?


BIG-3 Boost trial (Chua, 2022 (TROG07.01)
- 1608 women with high-risk DCIS were randomised in a 2x2 fashion
○ Boost (16Gy/8F) vs no boost
○ 50Gy/25F vs 42.5Gy/16F
- Age <50 or Age ≥50 + at least one High risk feature (palpable disease, multi-focality, >15mm, int/high grade, necrosis, close margin <10mm)
- Outcomes (5-year)
○ Improved local control with boost (97% vs 93%)
§ Half of local recurrences were invasive
§ Improvement in all subgroups
○ No difference in local control between 50Gy vs 42.5Gy arms (94% vs 94%)
○ Grade ≥2 Induration 14% vs 6%
○ Grade ≥2 Breast pain 14% vs 10%

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What is the evidence for adjuvant radiotherapy in DCIS?


Meta-analysis (EBCTCG, 2010)
- 3729 patients with DCIS across 5 major RCTs
- Outcomes
○ RT associated with halving of risk of ipsilateral recurrence (HR 0.46) at 10 years
- 50% of these recurrences were invasive
-No difference in CSS or OS

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What is the pathogenesis for a Luminal breast cancer?

  • Increased oestrogen exposure leads to increase in proliferative signalling
    ○ Rapid proliferation increases the risk of mutation
    ○ Accumulation of 1p gain and 16q loss; PI3K mutation
    • Development of pre-malignant lesions
      ○ Atypical ductal/lobular hyperplasia
      ○ DCIS/LCIS -often surrounds tumour
      ○ Then invasive (low grade)
    • Luminal B cancers often acquire a TP53 or BRCA 2 mutation which accounts for their aggressive biology
      Low ER 10% -still get effect from endocrine therapy
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List the differential diagnosis for a breast lesion

  • Malignant
    ○ Epithelial: IDC, ILC, tublar, papillary, micropapillary, adenoid cystsic, mucinous, medullary, metaplastic, DCIS, LCIS
    ○ Stromal: angiosarcoma, RMS, liposarcoma, LMS, malignant phyllodes
    ○ Haem: DLBCL, MALT, FL, Burkitts
  • Benign:
    ○ Epithelial: fibrocystic change, proliferation +/- atypia
    ○ Stromal: fibroadenoma, phyllodes
    Non-neoplastic: infectious mastitis, breast abscess, fat necrosis
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Describe the pathological features of ductal carcinoma

  • By far, the most common type of breast cancer
    • Macroscopic
      ○ Hard, grey-white gritty (fribrosis/calcification) masses with characteristic irregular stellate shape from invasion
      - Fibrotic/scirrhous/desmoplastic stromal reaction
      ○ Typically radiodense on MMG
    • Microscopic
      ○ Can present as sheets, nests, cords or individual neoplastic cells
      ○ No myoepithelial lining (invasive disease)
      ○ Common features
      - Gland/Tubular formations are preserved in low-grade tumours
      - Desmoplastic stroma is a prominent feature
      - Calcification is common
      - Associated DCIS is common
      ○ LVSI may be seen
    • Immunohistochemistry
      ○ POS = CK7, E-Cadherin, GATA3, CEA
      ○ NEG = CK20, p63 (basal cells)
      ○ Variable ER/PR/HER2 as per subtype
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Desccribe the grading of invasive breast cancers.


Nottingham modification of Bloom-Richardson scoring
○ TNM (tubular formations, nuclear pleomorphism, mitoses (in hotspot))
○ Each factor is scored 1-3 and added up
○ Grade 1- low grade. Cells infiltrate stroma as glands. Nuclei uniform with little/no mitoses.
○ Grade 2- intermediate grade. Some gland formation, nuclear pleomorphism + mitoses.
* Grade 3- high grade. Solid nests of cells without gland formation. Marked nuclear pleomorphism and frequent mitoses.

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Describe the pathological features of Lobular carcinoma

  • Second most common form of breast cancer
    • More likely to be multifocal or bilateral
    • Tendency towards unusual metastases (e.g. leptomeningeal, peritoneal, etc.)
    • Macroscopic
      ○ Lesions can be much less well defined and insidiously infiltrate breast
      - May be unidentifiable on gross pathology
      ○ Often minimal desmoplastic reaction
      - Less likely to be radiodense
    • Microscopic
      ○ Hallmark is discohesive cells infiltrating as individual cells or single file
      - Often lack marked atypia
      - Mitoses or desmoplasia are uncommon
      ○ Can have signet ring cell appearance
      ○ Pleomorphic variant
      - Increased N:C ratio (typically G2-3)
      - More aggressive phenotype (ER/PR neg, HER pos, p53 pos)
    • Immunohistochemistry
      ○ POS = GATA3, ER/PR (majority), HMWCK
      ○ NEG = E-cadherin
      Classical lobular mostly luminal A
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What are the clinical, radiological and microscopic features of inflammatory breast cancer?


- Rapid onset (<6 months)
- Enlarged/erythematous breasts (Occupies at least 33% of the breast)
- Peau d’orange (oedema secondary to dermal plugging of lymphatic vessels)
- May or may not have mass ( typically not palpable due to rapid spread to lymphatics and distant sites)

- MMG: Extensive skin and trabecular thickening. May include tumour mass with microcalcifications and/or diffusely increased breast density
- US: Skin thickening, muscle or axillary involvement, hypoechoic mass, identify region for biopsy
- MRI: Irregular, confluent mass, internal enhancement. MRI demonstrates skin thickening.

- Tumour cells in dermal lymphovascular spaces 
- Most associated with high grade invasive ductal carcinoma NST, DCIS often absent 
- T4d, T stage does not change following neoadjuvant treatment ypT4d IHC GATA 3 (often supports breast origin)  -Cd31/ERG supports intralymphatic space involvement
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What are the differences between Oncotype DX, PAM50 and MammaPrint?

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What are the prognostic factors for invasive breast cancer?


Patient Factors
- Age & performance status (younger age increases recurrence risk)
- Menopausal status
- Smoking
- Screen vs clinical detection

Tumour Factors
- TNM staging
○ Tumour size predicts LN involvement
○ Including exact pattern of nodal involvement
○ Especially Nodal macromets –predicts DFS
- Histologic Grade
- Histological Type
○ Positive = tubular, mucinous, encysted papillary
○ Negative = inflammatory, metaplastic
- ER/PR and HER2 expression
- Ki67 (proliferation index)
- Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes
○ High = Good prognostic marker for DFS. Body is fighting the cancer.
- Multifocality
- PDL-1 –in immune cells in sample
- Genomic profile (eg. OncotypeDX)
○ Above tests aid in:
i. Molecular subtyping
ii. Likelihood of treatment benefit (chemotherapy, extension of endocrine therapy)
iii. Patient prognosis
iv. Staging (oncotype Dx)
○ Prognostic and predictive to guide chemo
○ Gives 10 year recurrence score out of 100 based on tumour genes (21)
○ Used for early stage ER+ breast cancer
○ MAMMAPRINT –can be ER neg as well, max 5cm tumour size
○ PAM50
Treatment Factors
- Resection margin
○ Positive margin bad (tumour on ink)
○ Close margin 1-2mm = 10% recurrence
- Addition of RT to BCS
- Boost
- Response to neoadj chemo

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What are the options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy?


*** Prosthesis (silicon, saline) **
○ Saline implant - tissue expander under pectoral muscle, inject saline over wks/months till desired volume obtained. Tissue expander replaced by permanent implant.
* Oncoplastic reconstruction (volume displacement/replacement)
* Autologous reconstruction (flap)
○ TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis myo-cutaneous) flap or latissimus dorsi flap, main 2 options. TRAM needs woman to have “spare tissue” to ensure both sides look even after procedure.
○ DIEP flap – preserves rectus abdominus but takes ‘skin and soft tissue’ from abdo (!)
○ Can be done immediately or after radiotherapy

  • Decision making:
    ○ Pt: anatomy, body habitus, comorbidity, size/configuration, contra breast, prior surgery, quality of chest wall, smoking, pt preference
    ○ Tumour: site
    ○ Treatment: planned oncological tx like RT
  • Timing of reconstruction:
    ○ NCCN:
    ▪ Implant: initial tissue expander at oncological surgery, implant later
    ▪ Autologous: delay to post-RT
    ○ Immediate:
    ▪ Adv: dec cost, 1 procedure, psych benefit, normal landmarks preserved
    ▪ Disadv: prolonged OT, necrosis, RT cosmesis, SE
    ▪ Relative CI:PMRT, stg 3 or higher, comorbidities
    ○ Delayed:
    ▪ Adv: path return, post adj RT, better perfusion flaps
    ▪ Dis: 2x surgeries, cosmesis poorer, RT affects ability to perform recon

○ If no adjuvant XRT expected to be indicated by path, then immediate reconstruction
○ If PMRT likely to be indicated, reconstruction should be delayed. Immediate reconstruction affects technical delivery of XRT
▪ RT to implant-based reconstruction may result in higher rates of late contraction, capsular fibrosis, implant fixation and poor aesthetic outcome
□ Similar effects with autologous reconstruction but less severe
□ Effects: haematoma, infection, wound dehiscence, flap necrosis, flap loss, capsular contracture, implant malposition, implant leakage/rupture/deflation, seroma
* Evidence for implant vs autologous reconstruction for adj RT: (J Natl Can: 2018)
○ A prospective multicenter cohort study: showed autologous reconstruction appears to yield superior patient-reported satisfaction and lower risk of complications than implant-based approaches among patients receiving postmastectomy radiotherapy.
○ 2-year reconstruction failure rates were 18.7% and 1.0% among irradiated patients with implants and with autologous reconstruction, respectively. (unirradiated 3-4%)
○ 2-year major breast complications rates were 33.2% and 17.6% among irradiated patients with implants and with autologous reconstruction, respectively.
(unirradiated were 15% and 23 %

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What are the aims of WBRT after breast lumpectomy?


Eradicate microscopic residual disease
- achieve LC rates similar to Mx
- preservation of breast
- improved OS
- all groups benefit, but absolute benefit depends on RF (LVI, age, grade etc)

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What is the rational and the indications for post-mastectomy RT?

  • Rationale:
    w ↓ LRR - most common sites of LR= CW and SCF
    w ↑ DFS.
    w Increase breast cancer specific survival/ Decrease BCM
    w Improve OS by 5 % (only if N2)
    • ESMO guidelines: PMRT in node positive pts reduce the 10yr risk of recurrence (local or distant) by 10% and the 20-year risk of breast cancer related mortality by 8%.
    • Patterns of LRR post-MT + adequate ALND
      w CW (50-75%)
      w SCF (20-40%)
      w Axilla (2-4%)
      w IMC (uncommon).

Predictors for LRR after mastectomy:
w Size >5cm (>15% LRF).
w Invasion of skin/CW (pT4) (>15% LRF).
w Positive/close <5mm deep margins.
w Positive ALN (inc. # pos: 1-3 10%; 4-9 20%; 10+ 30%).
w No of LN dissected (need 10+ for accurate Ax + staging).
w Others: LVSI, high grade, multicentricity, young age (early 40s).

2+ RF→ close to 20% risk LRF (PG).
ECE not an independent predictor of LRR.

Indications for PMRT:
* Absolute indications: women at high risk of locoregional failure (eVIQ):
* pT3 N+ [pT3N0 is controversial].
* pT4 N0
* pTx N2/3.
* SM+
* Inflammatory breast

* Consider For intermediate risks: pT1/2 N1, pT3N0 depending on # of additional RFs:
	w Multifocal/multicentricity.
	w High grade.
	w Presence of LVSI.
	w ER negative.
	w Nodal burden.
	w Young age <50yo

* TNBC is controversial (Chinese RCT).-
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When would you consider a tumour bed boost for invasive breast cancer? What is the rational?


- Reduced LR rates
- Most recurrences occur near lumpectomy site

  • All patients under 50 years old
  • Age 51-70 years with high risk features or positive margin
  • High risk features:
    • Grade 3
    • LVI
    • Close margins
      • ER negative
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What are the indications for partial breast irradiation and describe suitable treatment options.


○ Consider Partial Breast Irradiation if (ASTRO):
○ > 50 years of age
○ pT1 and pN0
- Consider if size up to 3cm
○ Clear surgical margins (>3mm)
○ G1-2
○ Modest DCIS component (no extensive intraductal)
○ ER pos and HER2 neg
- Both BT and EBRT are reasonable options
○ Some concerns about use of IORT
○ Interstitial brachytherapy
- 34Gy/10F BD over 7 days

	○ IMPORT-LOW (EBRT-based)
		- 40Gy/15F
		-  Volume to include entire radial breast, limited in craniocaudal direction only
			□ CTV = tumour-bed + 15mm
			□ PTV = CTV + 10mm
		- Requires fiducials implanted into tumour bed
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What should be considered when omitting adjuvant breast radiotherapy in elderly patients?

  • Magnitude of benefit may be less in some subgroups (eg. Elderly)
    ○ Studies of BCS +/- XRT- no sub group of pts in whom XRT could be avoided but magnitude of benefit may be less
    ○ XRT ↓ RR within treated breast regardless of endocrine tx. (EBCTCG Lancet 05)
    ○ Tumour biology of elderly patients tends to be more favourable
    ○ Some studies in older pts with early stage breast cancer, looking at TAM Rx as an alternative to XRT. Still see sig benefit of XRT in terms of LR.
    • Patient selection:
      o >65 years
      o T<3cm (mainly T1)
      o N0
      o ER/PR +
      o Margins >2mm
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What are the indications for adjuvant chemotherapy when treating breast cancer?

  • Consider adjuvant chemotherapy if:
    ○ All patients with N2 or greater (4 or more LN)
    ○ N1 (1-3 LN) with a high-risk genomic score (Oncotype Dx)
    ○ Luminal B-like (high Ki67)
    ○ ER negative disease (including HER2+ or TNBC)
    ○ G3
    ○ PREDICT nomogram may assist in calculating benefit
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What are the options for endocrine therapy in breast cancer treatment and how do they work?


○ Pre-menopausal
- Tamoxifen
□ SERM- anti-oestrogen effect on breast cancer cells
□ A competitive oestrogen receptor binder, blocks binding of estrogen.
□ Acts as antagonist in breast, partial agonist in bone, CVS, CNS, agonist in uterus.
- Zoladex (ovarian suppression) + aromatase inhibitor
□ Ablation: inhibitors endogenous estrogen production from ovaries via surgery or RT
□ Suppression: temporary inhibition of oestrogen
○ Post-menopausal
- Aromatase inhibitor (preferred)
□ Blocks aromatase (cytochrome p450 protein) which is needed for synthesis of oestrogen from angrodens and adipose tissue
□ Anastrozole, Letrozole→ nonsteroidal.
□ Exemestane→ steroidal AI.
- Tamoxifen

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What should be considered when treating breast cancer in pregancy?

  • Definition: breast cancer in pregnancy, one year post partum, or any time during lactation
    • In general manage similar to non-pregnant if possible, whilst minimising risk to fetus
    • Modified staging (CXR with fetal shielding, USS/MR Liver, MRI spine - no GAD, NO CT)
    • Discuss MDT, patient, obstetician
    • Same prognosis as non-pregnant women.
    • 1st trimester: Discuss termination. TM + ALND→ Chemo in 2nd trimester→ delivery→ RT→ Tam.
    • 2nd trimester: Surgery can include BCS and ALND (no SLNB).
    • Systemic therapy
      ○ Chemo safe in 2nd/3rd trimester –> Assoc with intrauterin growth restiction, prematurity, LBW in 50%
      - If indicated, should advise not to delay once pregnancy safely reaches 2nd/3rd trimester
      - 1st trimester (0-13 weeks) - organogenesis; highest risk of congen and chromosomal abnormalities, stillbirth and M/C
      - Non-taxane based chemo in 2nd and 3rd trimesters: AC, FAC most common.
      - FAC: 5-FU, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide. Non-taxane chemo, most common for pregnant women.
      - Suspend 3-4 weeks prior to delivery to avoid neonatal myelosupression/sepsis/death
      ○ No Tam/AI: assoc w/ vaginal bleeding, M/C, congenital malform and fetal death
      ○ No HER2 therapy
      ○ No immunotherapy
    • No SLN dye during pregnancy.
    • No RT in any trimester.
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What is the evidence for hypofractionation in invasive breast cancer?

  • Rationale:
    w Reduce treatment course
    w improve patient convenience
    w reduce cost
    w increase access to RT.
    w Increase dose/# to give equivalent BED.
    w Low a/b ratio ~4-5.

START-A and -B trials explored hypofractionation in the UK
- START-B involved 2215 women and compared 40Gy/15F (over 3 weeks) with 50Gy/25F
- Outcomes
○ No difference in 10 year LR (4.3% vs 5.5%; p=0.21)
○ Less acute toxicity in hypofractionated arm and late cosmetic effects (breast shrinkage, telangiectasia, breast oedema)

Canadian trial (Whelan, 2010)
- 1234 women with node-negative breast cancer were randomised to
○ 50Gy/25F whole breast irradiation
○ 42.5Gy/16F whole breast irradiation
- Outcomes
○ Local recurrence unchanged between arms (6.7% vs 6.2%)
○ No change in long-term cosmesis (71.3% vs 69.8%)

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What is the evidence for ultra-hypofractionation?

  • FAST-FORWARD, UK(Lancet, 2020):
    ○ 4096 pt, multicentre, non-inferiorty trial, phase 3,
    ○ >18, pT1-3N0-1, lump or mast: 40Gy/15# or 27Gy/5# (daily) or 26Gy/5# (daily)
    ○ Primary endpoint: ipsilateral breast tumour relapse
    ○ Median FU 6 years
    ○ 26Gy/5# non-inferior to 40Gy/15#, no diff in s/e, local control
    ○ Treated breast/CW alone
    Interpretation: 26Gy/5# is NON-inferior to 40Gy/15# for local tumour control and safe in terms of normal tissue toxicity up to 5 years
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What is the evidence for boost in invasive breast cancer?

  • Rationale:
    w Reduced LR rates.- absolute benefit decrease with age (4-10% LRR)
    w Most recurrences occur near lumpectomy site.
    w NO OS benefit.
    w Decrease rate of subsequent mastectomy
    • Caveat: worse cosmesis with 5% fibrosis
    • Dose:
      w 10Gy/5#
      w 16Gy/8#
      * This is standard of care in the boost trials.
      w Photons or electrons.
      w SIB
    • Indications:
      w High grade
      w Close margins < 2mm
      w Age <50 (maybe <60)
      w Unfavourable Histo feat. Eg HER2+, triple negative, LVSI, ↑ Ki-67, larger primaries, ER-, N+.

- Mature evidence, All women benefit from a boost
○ Diminishing benefit when age > 60-65 years
- SIB is a reasonable approach (toxicity is reasonable) as per import high

EORTC boost trial (Bartelink, 2015)
	○ Involving 5318 women with negative margins and 17 year median follow-up
	○ Population:
	○ Intervention/Control: 50Gy +- 16Gy boost
	○ Outcomes
		- Reduction in 5, 10, 20-year local recurrence (9% vs 13%)
		- Benefit greatest in younger women <40 (and <50 years)
			□ If <50 years with DCIS, LR was 15% vs 31% 
		- No 20-year OS or CSS benefit
		- Increased severe fibrosis at 20 years (5.2% vs 1.8%)

IMPORT-HIGH (Coles, 2023 Lancet)
	○ 2617 women with breast cancer (early and LA stages) were randomised to
		- 40Gy/15F with sequential boost 16Gy/8F
		- 36Gy/15F whole breast + 40Gy/15F to partial breast with SIB to 48Gy vs 53Gy
	○ Outcomes (at 3 years)
		- 15% vs 11.5% breast induration with 53Gy SIB
		- No change in toxicity for sequential 16Gy vs SIB 48Gy
			□ Potential for improved cosmesis with 48Gy SIB
	○ 5 year IBTR -1.9% whole breast, 2% 48Gy, 3.2% 53G
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What is the evidence for withholding radiotherapy in breast cancer?

  • Studies of BCS +/- XRT— no subgroup of pts in whom RT could be avoided but magnitude of benefit may be less.
    • Tumour biology of elderly patients tends to be more favourable.
    • Some studies in older pts with early-stage breast cancer, looking at TAM Rx as an alternative to RT-> Still see sig benefit of RT in terms of LR. But no Change in CSS, OS, or DM.
      w In early invasive breast ca there is a risk of 20-30% of recurrence. Tamoxifen alone may bring this to 15%. RTx brings it down an extra 8-10%. Therefore, RTx offers SS benefit and can be omitted only in poor performance patients.
    • Offer RT as long as fit enough + LE ≥5yrs.
      w Rationale: treating LR in older pts more difficult, also if give hormonal tx alone, hard to justify stopping after 5yrs (but then morbidity with long-term hormone tx).
    • Consider omission of RT IF:
      w T <3cm, N0
      w reduced life expectancy
      w ER or PR +;
      w Margin –
      w willing/ able to take 5 years endocrine therapy
      w accept modest higher local recurrence.
    • CALGB/RTOG/ECOG [Hughes NEJM ‘04, ‘12]: BCS→ Tam x5y ± WBRT. 600 pts, >70yrs, Stage I, ER+. MFU 5yrs.
      • LRR (p<0.001): TAM- 4%; -TAM + XRT- 1%.
      • Sig reduction in 10yr FU LRR 9% (TAM) vs. 2% (RT and TAM)à Interpreted by authors as acceptable risk 9% in elderly patients with early breast cancer -> need to consider co-morbidities.
      • No difference in time to mastectomy, time to DM, BCSS or OS.
      • Conclusion: Tamoxifen alone is reasonable option for women >70 years as no adv in OS, DFS or breast preservation with addition of adj RT.
    • PRIME II trial [Kunkler Lanc Onc ‘15, 🐦 SABCS ‘20]: BCS→ Tam x5y ± RT.. 1000pts, >65yr, ER+, LN-, low grade, <3cm size, G3 or LVSI but not both
      w Sig reduction in IBTR with RT at 5yr (4.1% vs 1.3%) and 10yr (10% vs 1%)
      w No diff in regional recurrence, OS or DM at 5yr or 10yr.
      w Conclusion: adj RT+tam provides sig reduction in IBTR but the rate of IBTR is probably low enough for omission of RT to be considered for some patient.
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What is the evidence for partial breast irradiation?


Meta-analysis (Viani, 2020)
○ 14436 patients from 11 RCTs were included
○ Outcomes
- Overall cohort demonstrated higher LR in partial breast arm (HR1.46)
- Subgroup analysis
□ Higher LR if IORT approach utilised
□ No difference between PBI and WBRT if BT or EBRT used
- No difference in overall mortality

NSABP B-39 (Vicini, 2019)
	○ 4216 women with early-stage breast cancer were randomised to 
		- Whole breast irradiation (50Gy/25F)
		- Partial breast with BT (34Gy/10F)
		-   Partial breast with EBRT (38.5Gy/10F)
	○ Equivalence methodology
	○ Outcomes
		- 10 year local recurrence was 4.6% vs 3.9%
		- Criteria to declare equivalence was not met
			□ However, absolute difference between arms was small and clinically not significant
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What is the evidence for nodal irradiation in clinically N0, but SLNB positive patients?


SLNB negative-> No further treatment.

SLNB + (ITC)-> Treat as node negative.

SLNB micromets:
* Low risk: no regional LN treatment required. (As per Milan IBCSG: ALND vs obs in T1-2, Nmi-> NO diff in OS, DFS. More toxicity with RT)
* High risk: consider high tangents/regional LN RT (as per Z0011-> no diff in OS, DFS, or axillary recurrence. But RT arm used high tangent)
w Need to consider other high risk features, number of micromet etc

SLNB+ 1-2 nodes macromets
* ALND +/- adj RT as indicated.
* RNI (AX, SCF, IMC) ***
w LVH/North Shore: Safe to omit completion ALND if 1-2 SLN+ or micromets only and treated with RNI (as per AMAROS SLN+/- ALND vs RNI. No diff in OS, DFS, or axillary recurrence. Decreased toxicity with RNI)).

Mx of nodes >3+ nodes macromets
* Need to consider full extent of axillary nodal burden uncertain in this situation.
* Possible that given many SLN+ -> possible to harbour more.
* Need to manage axilla definitively à RT or ALND.
w Prefer ALND: diagnostic information.
* If 2-3 nodes involved with macro mets post-SLNBx, chance of >4 total is 60-80% (MSK nomogram).
NCCN: if >4 positive nodes = suggest regional nodal RT (SCF, infraclavicular fossa, IMC and part of axilla that may be suspicious).

- There is no need for ALND for cN0 (SNB positive) patients
- Uncertain regarding optimal role of RT for macrometastases. Could give:
○ No axillary irradiation (Z11)
○ High-tangents (Z11)
○ Comprehensive nodal irradiation (AMAROS) similar to ALND
- No RT indicated for micrometastases (IBCSG)

American Z0011 trial (Giuliano, 2017) 
	○ Randomised 900 women to ALND vs proceed to breast RT 
		- Inclusion =  pT1-2 and 1-2 positive sentinel nodes (cN0) 
	○ Outcomes
		- No difference in 5-year locoregional recurrence (97% vs 96%)
			□ Only 1 further regional recurrence in SLNB arm between 5-10 years
		- No difference in DFS (80.2% vs 78.2%)
		- OS was non-inferior in SLNB alone arm (86.3% vs 83.6%)
			□ Non-inferiority margin of HR 1.3
	- Limitations: 
		- Early closure due to accrual
		- Large numbers received nodal irradiation despite protocol (either high tangents - within 2cm of humeral head)[approx. 50% in both arms] or off-protocol formal treatment [19% across both arms, including SCV])

- AMAROS (EORTC 22023) non-inferiority trial  2023
	- Randomised 1425 patients to ALND vs breast + axillary RT
		- Inclusion = pT1-2 (<3cm) cN0 disease with positive sentinel node
		- RT = whole breast + axilla I-III and medial SCF
		- Non-inferiority margin = 5-year axillary recurrence <4% with RT (presume 2% in ALND arm)
	- Outcomes
		- Preliminary 10-year follow-up data (presented at 2018 Breast Cancer Symposium – Rutgers, et al.) published 2023
		- Axillary recurrence = 1.82% (RT) vs 0.93% (ALND)  HR 1.71; p=0.37
		- DMFS = 78.2% (RT) vs 81.7% (ALND)  HR 1.18; p=0.19
		- OS = 81.4% (RT) vs 84.6% (ALND)  HR 1.17; p=0.26
- Micrometastasis
- IBCSG 23-01 trial (Galimberti, 2018) 
	- Randomised over 900 women to ALND vs proceed to breast RT
		- Inclusion = micromets (<2mm) on SNB (pT1-2 cN0 disease) 
	- Outcomes
		- No difference in DFS, locoregional recurrence or OS
  • EORTC 22922 trial (Poortmans, 2015)
    - Randomised trial involving over 4000 women
    - Stage I-III Breast cancer. Centrally or medially located tumour irrespective of axillar involvement or lateral tumour with axilla involvement.
    - mastectomy or BCS + ALND
    - 50Gy/25# to whole breast/ CW +/- regional nodal irradiation (medial SCV, IMN)
    - Outcomes
    - Improvement in CSS (p=0.02), DMFS (p=0.02) and DFS (HR 0.89; p=0.04) with regional irradiation
    - No OS benefit (HR 0.57; 95% CI 0.76 - 1.00)
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What are the indications for SCF RT post ALND?

  • For high-risk patients, there may be a benefit to supraclavicular nodal RT (even post-ALND) if:
    • pT3N+ OR N2+ (absolute indication)
      pT1-2N1 OR pT3+N0 OR pT2N0 with <10 nodes in ALND (dependent on risk factors  G3, LVI+, ER neg, young age, etc.)
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What is the evidence for nodal RT in clinical N1 patients?

  • MA20 trial (Whelan, 2015)
    - 1800 women recruited with inclusion:
    • Lumpectomy + ALND
    • WBRT +/RNI (SCF, IMN, high axilla)
      - pN1+ (90% of cohort  1-3 nodes = 85% & >3 nodes = 5%)
      - pN0 with high risk features (pT3 OR <10 nodes in ALND, with at least one of: G3, LVI+, ER neg)
      - Outcomes
      - No OS or CSS benefit
      - DFS was improved with nodal irradiation 82% vs 77% (HR 0.76; p=0.01)
      - 92% vs 95% locoregional (HR 0.59)
      - Distant 86 vs 82% (HR 0.76)
      • Danish IMC study (Thorsen, 2016)
        • 3089 patients with early-stage node positive breast cancer were included, <70 yo
          • Prospective collection of non-randomised data
    • WBRT/CW RT + SCF + high axilla +/- IMN
      - If left-sided cancer, IMC were omitted; If right-sided cancer, IMC were included
      • Outcomes
        • IMC irradiation was associated with improved OS (8 year OS = 75.9% vs 72.2%)
        • Improved CSS and DMFS
        • Equal numbers of IHD death
        • Patients with lateral disease and 1-3 LN did not appear to benefit.
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What would be your radiotherapy technique for adjuvant whole breast RT (Hypofractionated)?


1) All patients receiving whole breast RT (without nodal RT)
MDT discussion
Pathology review (margin status)
Ensure wound healing
Aim commencement 4-8 weeks post-operatively

Supine with arms above head
- Breast board
- Knee block
- Vac bag
DIBH if left-sided
- Wire scars
- Wire palpable breast
- Field borders marked
Generous CT (2mm without contrast)
- Upper cervical spine to below diaphragm


Dose prescription
- 42.5Gy/16F
- -40.05Gy/15F
- SIB 48Gy
- Sequential 10Gy in 4/5F
- 16Gy/8#
Tangential IMRT technique
9/10 days per fortnight

- Entire breast (based on clinical mark-up and CT)
- CTV + 5mm

- Tumour bed + 5mm
- CTV + 5mm

Target Verification
Daily CBCT

Ipsilateral lung
- V16 < 15%
- V5 < 50%
Contralateral lung
- V5 < 10%
- Mean < 4Gy
- V20Gy <5%
- Dmax < 32Gy
Contralateral Breast
- V4.1Gy <5% or ALARA for VMAT

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What would be your radiotherapy technique for adjuvant whole breast + Nodal RT?


1) All patients where nodal irradiation is required

MDT discussion
Pathology review (margin status)
Ensure wound healing
Aim commencement 4-8 weeks post-operatively

Supine with arms above head
- Breast board
- Knee block
DIBH if left-sided
- Wire scars
- Wire palpable breast
- Field borders marked
Generous CT (2mm without contrast)
- Upper cervical spine to below diaphragm
- Add contrast if treating LN

Fusion: N/A

Conventional fractionation
- 50Gy/25F
- SIB 57Gy
- Sequential 10Gy in 4/5F
- 16Gy/8#
Accept 80% coverage to IMC (40Gy)
Tangential IMRT technique
9/10 days per fortnight

- Entire breast (based on clinical mark-up and CT)
- CTV + 5mm
- Tumour bed + 5mm
- CTV + 5mm
- Level 3 + SCF + IMC
- See ESTRO guideline
- CTV + 5mm

Treatment verification
Daily CBCT

Ipsilateral lung
- V20 < 30%
- V5 < 60%
Contralateral lung
- V5 < 10%
- Mean < 5Gy
- V25<10
- Dmax < 32Gy
Contralateral Breast
Spinal Cord
- Dmax < 45Gy

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What would be your radiotherapy technique for partial breast RT via brachytherapy?


1) Suitable early-stage patients

MDT discussion
Pathology review (margin status)
Ensure wound healing
Perform US simulation
- Ensure suitable tumour cavity is present
Aim commencement 4-8 weeks post-operatively
- Consent
- GA
- Prophylactic ABx (cephazolin)

- US-guided injection of contrast into cavity
- Application of template
- US-guided catheter implantation
* Ensure coverage around cavity
- CT simulation
- Mapping of catheters
- Treatment planning and optimisation
- Treatment delivery
- Removal of catheters after final fraction

34Gy/10F BD to cover tumour cavity
- D90% > 100% PTV
I-192 via afterloader

- Seroma/tumour bed
- CTV + 20mm
○ Surgical margins are accounted for in this process
○ Minimum expansion is 5mm

Treatment verification
US-guided implantation

PTV has a minimum 5mm margin from skin and ribs
Ensure active source dwell positions are at least 5mm from skin

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What is the 5 year local control and overall survival for Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 Breast cancer?


Local Control 5 year Overall Survival
Stage I >90% 100%
Stage II 85-90% 95%
Stage III 80-85% 80%
Stage IV 32%

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Describe BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in regards to breast cancer

  • HRR uses undamaged sister chromatid as template for DNA repair in late S/G2 phase. Mutations of the BRCA gene results in defective DNA DS repair mechanisms and increased cancer risk (chromosomal instability and accelerating tumorgenesis)

BRCA 1 Tumour Suppressor Gene(Chromosome 17)
- More common than BRCA 2
- 3% of breast carcinomas are due to germline mutation in BRCA 1
- Often high grade infiltrating ductal carcinoma NST
- Associated with triple negative breast cancer
- In BRCA1 mutation, high risk of developing cancer
- Poor response to hormone therapy
- Breast and ovarian cancer

BRCA 2 Tumour Suppressor Gene (Chromosome 13)
- Less common than BRCA 1
- Associated primarily with post-menopausal breast cancer
- In BRCA 2 mutation, risk of developing cancer relatively less than BRCA 1
- Highly responsive to hormone treatment
- Pancreas, prostate, stomach, bile duct, gall bladder, melanoma

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Describe IHC and FISH


- Formalin fixed tissue biopsy
- Combing with an antibody and bound antibody detected by immunoenzyme technique
- Cells visualised by light microscopy
- Positive staining indicates expression of relevant antigen
- Fluorescent probe applied and hybridised for 1-24 hours, a fluorescent signal can be observed with the chromosomal morphology.
- Detect ER and PR and proportion of HER 2 receptors

- Visualises specific genes
- Sensitive for cytogenetic testing chromosomal abnormalities (deletions, translocations, duplications)
- Performed on either interphase nuclei or metaphase chromosomes to detect specific DNE sequences. Can only detect aberrations withing the target region of the probe applied.
More accurate at detecting a HER 2 amplification

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What is the work up for a patient with a breast lesion?

  • Breast imaging
    ○ MMG + US
    ○ MR breast
    - Funded if conventional imaging is indeterminant
    - Screening if <50 years old and high-risk (e.g. BRCA pos, high-risk family history)
    • Core biopsy of lesion
    • FNA/core of axillary node +- clip
    • Staging imaging
      ○ CT CAP + WBBS
      - Only if T3 or cN+
      ○ FDG PET-CT
      - Funded if locally advanced/stage III disease
      - For the evaluation of suspected locoregional recurrence or metastatic disease of breast carcinoma
    • Sentinel node biopsy

Fertility preservation/ family planning
Genetic counselling

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What is the TNM staging for breast cancer

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What is the rational for neoadjuvant chemotherapy with breast cancer? What are the disadvantages?


Approach to neoadjuvant chemotherapy:
1. Cytoreduction - downstage/size primary/node - reduce operation/lymphoedema risk eg. BCS
2. Early control of distant micrometastatic disease
3. Test drive systemic therapy to assess response to therapy

No survival difference on metanalysis of 10 trials

* EBCTCG MA [McGale Lancet Onc '18]: NAC vs. Adjuvant chemo. 4756 women. 10 RCTS
	w No sig differences distant recurrence (15-year rate of 38%in both arms) or BCM (34% in both arms) or overall mortality (15yrs rate ~41%).
	w NACT was associated with an increased BCS (65 vs 49 %) and  increased risk of local recurrence (15-year LC rate, 21.4 vs 15.9 %; rate ratio 1.37, 95% CI 1.17-1.61), which has been attributed to the increased use of BCS. NAC with 30% CR, 40% PR. More than 2/3 respond to NAC.

1. Lack of pathological staging
2. May progress
3. Toxicities may preclude further treatment
4. Overtreatment

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What are the indications and regimens of neoadjuvant breast chemotherapy for: Luminal cancers, HER2 +ve cancers, Triple negative cancer?

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What nodal management is required after neoadjuvant breast chemotherapy?

  • Nodal management is dependent on the pre- and post-chemotherapy status
    ○ cN2-3
    - Needs axillary dissection (irrespective of response to chemotherapy)
    ○ cN1
    - If ycN1 (persistent disease) –> needs axillary dissection
    - If ycN0 (complete response) –> sentinel node alone is reasonable
    ○ Nodal harvest: Collects levels I-II. Considered full dissection if > 10 LN removed.
    Include level III only if gross disease in level I or II.

(However new trial for cT1-3cN1 patients who convert to ypN0 -> skipping adjuvant RNI, did not increase risk of disease recurrence. Results of NSABP -B51 are yet to be formally released, but presented at San Antonio in Dec 2023)


What are the predictors for LRR post mastectomy and what is the rational for PMRT?


Predictors for LRR after mastectomy:
o Size >5cm (>15% LRF)
o Invasion of skin/CW (pT4) (>15% LRF)
o Positive ALN (inc. no positive: 1-3 10%; 4-9 20%; 10+ 30%)
o No of LN dissected (need 10+ for accurate Ax + staging)
o Positive/close <5mm deep margins
o Others: LVSI, high grade, multicentricity, young age (early 40s)
2+ RF→ close to 20% risk LRF (PG)
ECE not an independent predictor of LRR.


What are the indications for PMRT?


Indications for PMRT: women at high risk of locoregional failure
● N2 (>4 nodes) (N1 individualised but MA supports)
o NCCN: recommend adj chest wall RT for any node positive mastectomy pt
o EMSO: should also consider routine use in 1-3 positive axillary nodes
o OS benefit for >4LN
o Reduction in LRR in 1-3 nodes
● T3+ primary (T>5cm) (LRF >26%)
o or pT4 (T3N0 is controversial) LRF 32%)
● Positive margins
T3 Triple negative

Consider in intermediate risk: (esp if >2 RFs)
● pT1-2 N1+ with additional high risk features (LVSI, high grade, multifocal/centric, young, ER-, invasive tumour size)
● pT2N0 triple neg
● pT3N0
● Stage 4 where local control desirable
After neoadjuvant chemo


What are the indications for adjuvant systemic treatment in breast cancer patients who have received neoadjuvant chemo?

  • Adjuvant chemo if no neoadjuvant Rx as per early breast
    • If triple negative patients:
      ○ If any residual invasive disease, consider adjuvant capecitabine (8 cycles) after radiotherapy
      - CREATE-X trial (also included hormone positive, but HER2 -ve)
      □ 5y OS improved ~5% for all comers; 10% for TNBC
    • If HER-2 positive patients:
      ○ If residual disease
      - Consider use of T-DM1 (trastuzumab emtansine) for 14 cycles (i.e. about 10mo, provides improved LC and DFS -Katherine trial)
      - Given concurrent in KATHERINE trial but probably increases toxicity (skin/pneumonitis)
      ○ If no residual disease
      - Continue trastuzumab + pertuzumab to complete a total of 12 months of therapy
    • In post-menopausal women with high-risk non-metastatic breast cancer, consider adjuvant bisphosphonate therapy
      ○ High-risk = >10% risk of recurrence
      ○ EBCTCG trial –> improved OS
      ○ Use zoledronic acid 4mg every six months for 3 years
    • All patients with ER/PR positive disease should proceed to endocrine therapy
      ○ Usual criteria
      Usual drug choice and duration considerations

What is the management for inflammatory breast cancer?


80% respond to chemo
- In general, management proceeds as per all other LABCs
○ Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
- Include HER2 therapy If indicated
○ If operable: Surgery (mastectomy + ALND)
○ Adjuvant radiotherapy 50Gy no hypofractionation
- Boost CW to 60Gy (including Mx flaps, drain sites, and scar), residual disease to 66Gy
- Margin on pre NACT disease (eg. If crossing midline)
○ Adjuvant chemotherapy + endocrine therapy as indicated
- If inadequate response> consider further chemotherapy (or switch) and/or preoperative RT (50Gy) followed by boost to 66Gy
○ As per MDACC retrospective analysis: Improved LRC, OS and DMFS

- Key differences if operable
	○ No option for breast conserving therapy No option for SNB: FNR 25% due to alteration of dermal lymphatics

What are the indications for SCF/IMC radiotherapy in breast cancer treatment?


SCF (including level 3 axilla), IMC
- Recommended in:
○ pT3 N+, pT4 N any, pT any N2/3
- Consider for:
○ pT1-2 N1, pT3 N0 depending upon presence of additional risk factors*
- *HR features: LVI, high grade, Multifocal/ multicentric, young age, ER negative, Nodal burden
○ The independent benefit of IMC coverage as a component of RNI is uncertain.
IMC may be more strongly considered if N2+ and/or medially located tumours.


What are the indications for lower axilla RT in breast cancer treatment?


Lower axilla (level 1/2)
- Dissected axilla
○ Recommend in suspected residual microscopic or macroscopic disease
- Undissected axilla (aka SLNB only)
○ Recommended in patients who have undergone SLNB alone but do not meet the Z11 criteria e.g are: T3 tumour, >2 positive nodes (if axillary dissection will not be performed).
○ C​onsider in patients similar to those enrolled on AMAROS/Z11 (cT1-2N0 with 1-2 positive sentinel lymph nodes), however it is unclear if these patients require formal coverage of the undissected axilla.
○ Consideration should be given to also include the SCF ± IMC irradiation in these patients.


What is the rational and evidence for PMRT?


- Rationale to reduce LR recurrence by 2/3 and increase disease free survival and overall survival (ESMO guideines: PMRT in node positive pts reduce the 10yr risk of recurrence (local or distant) by 10% and the 20 year risk of breast cancer related mortality by 8%)
- Clear benefit when radiotherapy is delivered for N2+ disease
○ Limited benefit if T3N0
- Diminishing benefit with diminishing nodal volume
○ If 1-2 LN, need further risk factors to justify therapy
- Patients who are stage III at diagnosis gain benefit from PMRT even if pCR

2005 EBCTCG meta-analysis (Clarke, 2005)
○ 78 RCTS, majority LN positive
○ 8500 patients with mastectomy, axillary clearance and pN+ disease
▪ Includes Overgaard Danish trial –chemo vs chemo+ RT. LRR 9% vs 37%, also 10% DFS and 5%OS benefit. 30 year FU
○ Outcomes
- Improved 15-year CSS (54.7% vs 60.1%, 4.4%) and local recurrence (7.8% vs 29%)
- Toxicity- cardiac, contralateral breast cancer higher in PMRT group: Need to select patients carefully

DANISH 82b and 82c + Canadian study used modern RT techniques (decreased toxicity) -LRR benefit and OS benefit in both 1-3 LN and >4 LN groups  -Critique of Danish trials inadequate LN dissection ~7 LN: LRR was higher in Danish study, 44% of LRR occurred in the axilla -CMF chemo used 

20 year FU on British Columbia Data 7% OS improvement 1-3 LN group, >4 LN 14% improvement in OS

2014 EBCTCG meta-analysis (McGale, 2014) - TM+/-PMRT. 10yr LRR and 20yr CSM
○ 1-3LN (PMRT reduced LRR and breast cancer mortality)
○ Provides information on pN1 disease, data from 1964 to 1986
○ Outcomes
- If N0 on ALND, no local recurrence, overall recurrence or CSS benefit
- If pN1 disease, improved 10-year locoregional recurrence (20% vs 4%), RFS (RR 0.68; p<0.0001) and CSS (RR 0.8; p=0.01). Improve 20 year BCM (50% vs 42 %)
- If N2+ disease, improved 10 year locoregional recurrence (32% vs 13%), overall recurrence and CSS. Improved 20 year BCM (80% vs 71%)
- Overall about one breast cancer death was avoided by year 20 for every two recurrences avoided by year 10

Retrospective NCBD/SEER data (Huo, 2015)
	○ Analysis of 90,000 women 
	○ Outcomes
		- Results indicate that smaller nodal burden results in diminishing gains 
			□ OS benefit if 3 nodes OR 2 involved nodes and primary 2-5cm (HR 0.86; p<0.0001)
			□ No benefit seen if only one axillary node involved OR two nodes with primary < 2cm

When are Bisphosphonates used in breast cancer treatment and what is the evidence?


ASCO 2022 guideline 4mg IV zoledronic acid 6monthly for 2-3 years
all postmenopausal women,
use predict tool –consensus use if recurrence risk >10%
Not PBS listed
* Improved overall survival:
* EBCTCG meta-analysis found benefit for bisphosphonates in all postmenopausal patients with breast cancer for bone recurrence (6.6% v 8.8%), fracture rates (9.1% v 10.3%), breast cancer mortality (14.7% v 18.0%), overall survival (any death 21.1% v 23.5%)
* ORN 1.26%
Denosumab not recommended –mixed evidence
1-3 Monthly denosumab ORN 5%

Osteoporosis on aromatase inhibitors

Metastatic – Bone mets
IV zoledronic acid 4mg monthly, with Ca/Vit D
Drop to 3 monthly after 9 months
Reduce dose for renal function
ASCO guideline –reduces skeletal morbidity
Risk of osteoradionecrosis of jaw –0.5-2%

Hypercalcaemia of malignancy
4mg IV zolederonic acid
Mean Effect at 4 days in 50%.
88% Full effect at 7 days
Duration of response 32 days

Renal failure
Electrolytes –K, Ca, Mg, PO4
Fetal harm


What is the evidence for hypofractionation in PMRT?


What is the toxicity after PMRT?


As per Van den Bogaard retrospective analysis: can keep risk of acute coronary event <5% if Mean heart dose <4-8Gy


What are the advantages and Disadvantages to prone RT for breast treatment?


- Allows better sparing of skin toxicity in women with large breasts and prominent inframammary folds
○ Better dose homogeneity by reducing tissue separation
○ Reduces autobolusing at tissue folds
- Allows sparing of heart in women with pendulous breasts
- Allows better dosimetry with boost when seroma is well separated from the chest wall (i.e. avoid dose from boost field to heart and lungs)

- May be uncomfortable for patients (particularly for elderly women with back pain)
- Require specialised equipment (breast prone board)
- Concerns about lack of reproducibility
- Does not allow for nodal irradiation
- Care must be taken to achieve dose to the chest wall


What is the epidemiology for Phyllodes tumours?


Represents the most common sarcoma of the breast
- Remains very rare (<1% of all breast)
Incidence (Australian statistics)
- Approximately 2 per 100000 women
Marked female predominance
Median age is 50 years

Essentially unknown
- No clearly known predisposing factors
May be slightly increased in Li-Fraumeni syndrome (TP53 mutation)
Three major subtypes – predicts local recurrence
- Benign 5% LR
- Borderline
- Malignant 20-30% LR
○ 9% risk of distant mets. Sites include Lung, pleura, bone, CNS, visceral organs and soft tissues. Axillary nodes uncommon


Whta is the pathophysiology and histology of phyllodes?


Essentially unknown. Biphasic lesion with epithelial and stromal interactions involved in tumour genesis. Loss of epithelial interaction in stomal component that leads to tumour progression

Three major subtypes – predicts local recurrence
- Benign (50%)
- Borderline (20%)
- Malignant (30%)

- Indistinguishable from fibroadenomas. Well circumscribed
○ Firm, round multinodular masses with grey-white-yellow appearance (similar to cauliflower)
○ Bulbous, leaf-like, bosselated
- Radial growth which creates a pseudocapsule through which tongues of stroma may protrude
- Necrosis, haemorrhage, cystic or ulceration changes may occur

- Highly variable appearances
○ Fibroadenoma through to high-grade sarcoma
○ Stromal elements help differentiate
- Characteristic leaf-like architecture (due to proliferating stroma) with elongated cleft-spaces containing papillary projections.
○ Bulbous protrusions covered by epithelium
○ Epithelial-line stroma
- Grade (WHO classification)is determined by 6 features (Microscopically distinguished from fibroadenoma and increasing malignant behaviour by)
○ Stromal cellular atypia
○ Stromal cellularity
○ Stromal overgrowth (Myoepithelial layer can be preserved, but is attenuated)
○ Mitoses (Low (<5), medium, high (>10))
○ Margins (infiltrative or well circumscribed)
○ Malignant heterologous elements (Automatically malignant)
▪ Chondrosarcoma
▪ Osteosarcoma
▪ Liposarcoma
▪ Rhabdomyosarcoma
▪ Leiomyosarcoma

- POS = CK, ER/PR,
- POS = vimentin, actin, p63 (In malignant phyllodes, but negative in benign and all breast ca)
- NEG = CK, p40


What are the prognostic factors for Phyllodes?


Patient Factors

Tumour Factors
- Subtype (malignant is worst)
○ Cellular atypia
- Infiltrative tumour margin
- Size

Treatment Factors
- Resection margins
○ Need at least 1cm
Recurrent disease following resection


What is the staging for Phyllodes?


Only applies to malignant phyllodes

* T1: <5cm
* T2: 5-10cm
* T3: 10-15cm
* T4: >15cm

* N0


What is the general management for phyllodes?


For Benign phyllodes - Excisional biopsy, but with no intent of obtaining surgical margins.
Borderline and malignant - * WLE + Surgical margin of 1cm (generally considered acceptable). No SLNB or ALND
* Adjuvant RT - 50Gy/25# with 10Gy boost in 5# = 60Gy/30#
○ Efficacy of RT is unclear, may improve LC, but not OS
○ Indications include (in borderline/malignant phyllodes)
▪ <1cm Surgical Margin
▪ Recurrent disease, where surgery would impact on morbidity
▪ Malignant

* No evidence CT or Hormonal Tx No difference with chemo in observational studies and no randomised studies for chemotherapy

Evidence for management is all observational/retrospective data


In regards to breast cancer screening, discuss the general consenus, methods, evidence, age issues and harms.


Main issues:
1. Who to screen (risk stratification, age to start, age to stop)
2. Best method to use for screening
~70% women 50-74yrs utilise breast screening in USA

General consensus:
○ Ages 50-69 yrs- Routine screening mammo, +/- USS, q2y (between 1-3yrs) based on MA + RCTs.
* Sensitivity overall ~79%, lower in young women/dense breasts
* More likely to detect small, slow-growing, biologically favourable cancers therefore lead time and length time bias
○ Ages 40-49 yrs- Decision determined by individual patient values. Discuss risk of breast cancer & false positive mammos. q12-18m, if performed (breast cancer grows faster in younger).
○ Age 70+ yrs- Mammography if LE≥10 yrs. Clinical breast cancer useful.
Screening methods
3. Mammography widely accepted +/- USS (esp. older women)
1. Breast self-examination (BSE)- Efficacy unproven. Promotion + teaching no longer recommended by most expert groups.
2. MRI (with gadolinium)- no good evidence to guide when to use. More sensitive (70-100% vs. 20-50% for mammo), but not as specific (picks up more benign lesions). Some expert gps recommend offering annual MRI in some high risk gps:
▪ BRCA mutation 1 or 2 carriers
▪ 1st degree relatives of BRCA mutation carriers
▪ Lifetime risk of breast cancer 20-25%+
▪ Received XRT to chest between ages 10-30yrs
▪ Genetic mutation TP53 (Li-Fraumeni) + PTEN (Cowden) genes.
Other uses breast MRI:
○ Assess palpable mass after surgery or XRT
Axillary nodal adenoca ? primary - to look for occult breast cancer
Evidence for screening in breast cancer
* Cochrane r/v 2006
○ Screening ↓ breast cancer mortality by 15%.
○ Over-diagnosis by 30%.
○ 1 life prolonged for 2000 screened
○ 10 treated unnecessarily for 1 life prolonged
* US preventative services task force 2009:
○ Screening ↓ breast cancer mortality by 15% in 39-69yrs. Lack sufficient data for 70+yrs.
○ Number needed to screen to save 1 breast cancer death = 1904 (40s); 1339 (50s); 337 (60s).
○ No evidence that ↓ all cause mortality
○ Younger women, more false positives with mammography
* MA of 4 RCTs in Sweden
○ BRCA screening ↓ all cause mortality RR 0.98 (CI 0.96-1.0).
* Frequency of screening- 2yrs if >50yrs (based on large cohort study of annual vs. biennial screening); ↑ frequency if younger as breast cancer tend to grow faster in younger women.
* So far no ↓ incidence in breast cancer with screening

Age issues:
Younger women
* The failure of mammo to detect breast cancer may be related to rapid growth of ca too small to be detected at last mammo.
* Also, ↓ sensitivity of mammo in younger women, due to denser breasts. ↑ age- glandular tissue replaced by fatty tissue→ detection of mass easier with mammo + USS.
* Controversy whether modest ↓in mortality warrants screening in 40+yrs. Only 1-2 lives extended per 1000 women 40-50yrs screened annually for 10y.

Older women
* No clear data from RCTs in women >70y due to few numbers.
* Screening mammo may be less beneficial in women 70+ yrs; due to ↓ life expectancy (also ↓ cost-benefit). Plus, ↑ DCIS with age + all these women undergo surgery, but not clear that Rx of DCIS affects mortality.
* Breast easier to examine as a woman ages, as glandular tissue replaced by fat.
* Tendency to more indolent cancers in this age group.

Harms of screening mammography
* Some women have unnecessary bx (false positive 50%); psychological distress + pain.
* Some women get missed (e.g. lobular ca, non-mammo detected lesion, interval growth). USS not routine unless mammogram is abnormal.
* Overdiagnosis - breast cancer that wouldn’t cause morbidity/mortality if not found, esp. DCIS.
* Exposure to IR - causes secondary cas- e.g. breast. Issue in <30yrs age.


Discuss the use of hormone therapy for breast cancer.

  • Use endocrine therapy if ER+ AND tumour > 0.5 cm (consider for tumours ≤ 0.5 cm).
  • ER and PR should be considered positive if at least 1% positive tumour nuclei (ASCO)
    ○ As of 2020, there is a new category of “Low Positive” for 1-10% positivity.
    ○ The more hormone receptor-positivity the better, meaning those with ER(+)PR(-) and especially ER(-)/PR(+) breast cancers are not as favourable as ER/PR +ve.
  • When stopping tamoxifen at 5y for T1N0 disease, there is still at least a 10% chance of DM at 20 years! This suggests that certain patients should be selected for extended therapy (e.g. greater than 5y of hormone therapy)
    5 years of tamoxifen has the most significant reduction in BCM not only during years 0-4, but also years 5-9 and 10-14 (i.e., after discontinuation). Overall mortality was little affected, despite small absolute increases in thromboembolic or uterine cancer mortality (both in women older than 55y of age) - EBCTCG

How does pregnancy impact breast cancer diagnosis and treatment?


Diagnosis + Staging
● Diagnosis often delayed due to physiologic changes in breast due to pregnancy→ difficult to interpret findings.
● 1st imaging test→ USS.
● MMG is not absolute CI as expected scattered dose to foetus with abdo shielding is low. However, sensitivity of MMG low in young pts due to ↑ water content in breast.
● Breast MRI may be helpful, but Gadolinium contrast is CI.
● Bx clinically suspicious mass. Clinically suspicious LN+ → USS +/- FNA.
● Pregnant pts often present with more advanced disease.
● For clinically LN+ or T3/4→ further staging evaluations.
● A CXR + MRI to evaluate suspicious lesions on CXR (no CT), liver USS.
● No bone scan→ plain XR or MRI spine.

Refer for psychosocial support, genetic counselling (if appropriate)

i) Management of the Foetus
● Can treat during pregnancy, no need to delay Rx.
● The decision to abort foetus must be individualised- according to parental desire.
● Some factors to consider:
1. Possible risk of foetal toxicity
2. Pts prognosis + ability to subsequently care for off-spring
3. Effect of breast cancer Rx on future fertility.

ii) Locoregional Treatment
● Surgery is definitive Rx + safe in pregnancy.
● Mastectomy with ALND considered best choice for EBC when patient continues pregnancy, as in most cases→ no need for RT.
● BCT is option for pts in late 2nd or 3rd T→ delay RT until after delivery.
● Alternatively can treat with neoadjuvant CT→ BCS → RT after delivery.
● No XRT during pregnancy. RT most damaging during 1st T during organogenesis. In 3rd T, foetus much higher in abdo + closer to breast→ receives higher doses RT.
● Avoid SLNB due to use of radioisotopes.

iii) Chemotherapy
First trimester:
● Risk of foetal complications with CT highest in 1st T.
● Risks: spontaneous abortion, foetal death, major malformations.

2nd – 3rd trimester:
● Most reports→ safe toxicity profile. Can give from 14wks→35wks
● Incidence of congenital malformations low (1%).
● However, IUGR, prematurity + low birth weight in ~50%.

Long-Term F/U children
● Little data → no long-term effects of in utero CT on mental + physical health of child.
● Clinicians should advise against a delay in CT.
● Most commonly used regimens→ AC or FAC. Little information on taxanes.
● Unknown whether anthracyclines ↑ risk foetal cardiotoxicity.
● CT avoided for 3-4w before delivery→ avoid neonatal myelosuppression.

iv) Hormones- TAM during pregnancy avoided→ defer until after delivery.
v) Herceptin- CI during pregnancy


Discuss fertility management and family planning in cancer treatment.


Oncofertility referral service.

Improving referral pathways:
1. Education for health professionals
2. Electronic and printed material for patients
3. Development of clear referral pathways between cancer and fertility centres
4. Clear consultations between MDTs
5. Establishment of specific paperwork and telephone nymbers for referral pathways for fertility providers and reproductive labatories

* Discuss fertility preservation of ALL patients of reproductive age if infertility is a risk of treatments
* Options for preservation
○ Cryopreservation embryos
- IVF treatment with 1014 days if stimulating oocytes for collection. If patient has a partner, can choose to create embryos to be frozen
○ Cryopreservation eggs
- Unfertilised oocytes are frozen and can be fertilised in future with sperm
○ Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation
- No time to complete IVF before chemo or radiotherapy
- Does not require IVF/hormonal stimulation and can be performed immediately
- Does not require post-puberty status and can be used for children
- Remains experimental
○ Using medications (Zoladex)
- Aim to protect the ovaries from cytotoxic damage during treatment, ovarian suppression
- Lower chance of conceiving, compared with freezing embryos/eggs (when the above is not feasible and should not be used in place of proven fertility preservation methods)

* Discuss with ALL patients of reproductive age
* Options for preservation
○ Testicular sperm extraction
- High chance of successful conception with this
- Sperm banking is effective, simple.
○ Testicular tissue cryopreservation (pre-puberty)
- Extraction of stem cells from testicular tissue
- Considered experimental
○ Hormone gonad protection is not recommended/not successful at preserving fertility
* Options for preservation


What are the indications for genetic testing in breast cancer patients?

  • Patients with breast cancer
    ○ Diagnosed less than or equal to 40 years
    ○ Bilateral breast cancer, >2 synchronous or metachronus breast cancers the first diagnosed <50
    ○ Triple negative breast cancer age <60
    ○ Male breast cancer
    • Individuals with breast or ovarian cancer and a Manchester or CANrisk score >10% (Validated risk models for likelihood of pathogenic variant)
      Individuals with high grade epithelial ovarian cancer at any age

What are the types of mastectomy?

  • Radical (Halsted Mastectomy): Whole breast, Pec minor/major + levels I-III. Cure rates disappointing despite extensive surgery, therefore smaller ops trialled.
  • **Modified Radical Mastectomy: **Underlying fascia of pec major + levels I-II. Spares pectoralis muscle. (NSABP B04 (NEJM 02). RCT 1600pts. No diff b/with RM and MRM)
  • Complete removal of breast tissue = Tissue inferior to axillary v from lat dorsi to med border of pec minor.
    □ Removal of Breast from clavicle to rectus abdominis and sternal edge and lat dorsi.
  • Pec Minor and Pec Major are preserved (sometimes pec minor can be removed).
  • Intercostobrachial nerve is sacrificed→ numbness in the medial arm.
  • Total (Simple) Mastectomy: Only used for poor prognosis or DCIS. No ALND.
  • Skin sparing Mastectomy: Majority of skin left for reconstruction. No RCT, but reported series show equivalent LRR (~5%) vs. MRM in select pts. High grade + LVI→ ↑ risk LR.
  • Nipple sparing Mastectomy:
  • Can spare the nipple if DCIS >2 cm from the nipple; early stage biologically favourable.
  • Oncoplastic volume displacement aka mastopexy to fill the void.
    Quadrantectomy: Tumour + 1.5-2 cm with overlying skin and deep muscle fascia.

What are the effects of the reconstructed breast, in regards to RT delivery?


○ Coverage of IM nodes can be compromised
○ Tangent angle selection can be impacted
○ Flexibility of electron-only chest wall treatment is eliminated
○ Technical Considerations
▪ CTV consists of skin flaps, scars and subcutaneous tissues down to deep fascia overlying muscles. Extreme ends of surgical scar may be excluded medially and laterally to reduce heart/lung doses. Aware of position of the original tumour
▪ Mostly 4-6X but 10X if increased breast volume or separation to produce better homogeneity. However, ensure dose to superficial cavity wall margins and scars not compromised with skin sparing of higher energy beams
▪ Consider liaising with surgeon to adjust volume of tissue expander
▪ Consider IMRT, but there is increase low dose wash across the thorax
▪ Consider liaising with surgeon to ensure the shape of expander remains stable after CT simulation
Consider using wax bolus (instead of e.g. Superflab ) over chest wall/expander to minimise air gaps, especially between chest wall and nodal fields
- e.g. in between chest wall and IMC; Note: additionally wax can be inserted at the junction to even out contour
* Effect of RT on implant:
○ Pt less satisfied with RT (67 vs 71%)
○ 5 year implant failure rate 10% with no RT, 28% post RT, 25% pre-RT
○ Mixed data re: capsular contracture
* Effect of RT on flap:
○ Contracture, fibrosis, fat necrosis, atrophy
○ 32% complication rate with RT first, 44% with RT post flap


What are the risk factors for lymphoedema post breast cancer treatment?


Risk factors for lymphoedema
○ Primary cause of lymphoedema
○ Incidence increases with number of lymph nodes removed or disrupted
○ Incidence x4 higher in ALND vs SLBx
○ ~20% undergoing ALND develop clinically significant lymphoedema
* Nodal irradiation
○ Adjuvant RT to breast, axilla and SCF increases risk of lymphoedema
○ Additive risk on top of ALND ~40%
○ Higher rates when low axilla L1 and 2 treated
* Local infection
○ Post-operative seroma or infection can contribute and increase risk of lymphoedema
* Invasive breast cancer
* Obesity
○ Impairs lymphatic function


What is the evidence for boosting and hypofractionation in DCIS?


DBCG HYPO (Offersen JCO, 2020)
- 50Gy/25# vs 40Gy/15#
- Hypofractionated whole breast radiation does not increase the rate of late toxicity nor increase the risk of locoregional recurrence for women with early stage breast cancer.
- LRR at 9 years 3% in both arms.
- Hypofractionation had more favourable cosmetic outcome ratings
- OS 93% at 9 years in both arms.

BIG-3 Boost trial (Chua, 2022 (TROG07.01)
- 1608 women with high-risk DCIS were randomised in a 2x2 fashion
○ Boost (16Gy/8F) vs no boost
○ 50Gy/25F vs 42.5Gy/16F
- Age <50 or Age ≥50 + at least one High risk feature (palpable disease, multi-focality, >15mm, int/high grade, necrosis, close margin <10mm)
- Outcomes (5-year)
○ Improved local control with boost (97% vs 93%)
§ Half of local recurrences were invasive
§ Improvement in all subgroups
○ No difference in local control between 50Gy vs 42.5Gy arms (94% vs 94%)
○ Grade ≥2 Induration 14% vs 6%
○ Grade ≥2 Breast pain 14% vs 10%
○ Given inclusion of ‘margin <10mm’ patients, 25-29% of women were Grade 1-2 without comedo-necrosis.
§ Benefit remained present for low risk DCIS


What is the evidence for omitting radiotherapy for DCIS?


* NRG/RTOG 9804* [McCormick JCO ‘15, ASTRO ‘18, JCO ‘21]: BCS ± RT. Good risk DCIS -> can anyone be observed after resection alone? MAYBE
- P3 RCT (close early poor accrual). 636 pts with low risk (grade 1-2 DCIS, <2.5cm, margins 3mm) randomised to observation vs RT.
* 62% received tamoxifen.
- 12 years, in breast recurrence 12.2% no RT reduced to 3.6% with RT (4x benefit).
* Of the local failures, 42% were invasive and 58% noninvasive.
* RT reduced cumulative mastectomy risk from 2.8% to 1.5%.
* More use of tamoxifen in the NO RT arm.
- Comment: Is that low enough risk to leave out RTx? Small but significant benefit.

ECOG 5194 (Solin, 2015)
- 665 women with low-risk DCIS were stratified into two groups and observed after WLE (no RT)
○ Cohort 1 = low/int grade; <25mm; margins > 3mm
○ Cohort 2 = high-grade; <10mm; margins > 3mm
- Outcomes
○ Risk of ipsilateral breast recurrence at 12 years was
§ Cohort 1 = 14.4%à half of these were invasive. LR~1%/year.
§ Cohort 2 = 24.6%à half of these were invasive. LR ~2%/year.
○ Approximately half of recurrences were invasive
No difference in OS


What is the evidence for endocrine therapy in DCIS?


Meta-analysis Cochrane review published 2011:
- TAM added to BCS and XRT, 3375 pts
- ↓ ipsilat invasive cancer by 40% and contralat DCIS by 60%.
- But absolute differences are very small.
○ Absolute risk reduction at 10 yrs: 3% in ipsilateral and 1.5% contralateral breast (UK/ANZ trial).
- No benefit for breast cancer mortality or OS.
- Based on data from 2 prospective RCTs:
NSABP B-24 (Fisher, 1999)
§ 1804 women with DCIS were randomised to
□ WLE, adjuvant RT +/- tamoxifen (placebo controlled)
§ Outcomes
□ Tamoxifen reduced the risk of in-breast events
® Reduction in invasive events (HR 0.57)
® Reduction in DCIS (HR 0.69)
□ More profound reduction in contralateral events than ipsilateral events with Tamoxifen (HR 0.48 vs 0.70)
□ No survival advantage seen
§ Subgroup analysis (Allred, 2012)
□ Tamoxifen only imparts benefit if ER/PR positive

	UK-ANZ (Cuzick, 2011)
		§ 1701 women with DCIS were randomised in a 2x2 factorial fashion
			□ Adjuvant radiotherapy (50Gy/25F)
			□ Adjuvant tamoxifen
		§ Outcomes
			□ Tamoxifen resulted in a reduction of all breast events (HR 0.71)
				® Ipsilateral DCIS (HR 0.70)
				® Contralateral tumours (HR 0.44)
			□ Tamoxifen had no impact on ipsilateral invasive disease
			□ Radiotherapy resulted in a reduction of all breast events (HR 0.41)
				® Ipsilateral DCIS (HR 0.38)
				® Ipsilateral invasive disease (HR 0.32)
				® When radiotherapy was given, Tamoxifen had no benefit on ipsilateral invasive or DCIS disease, or even contralateral tumours - however ER status not known in trial
			□ Radiotherapy had no effect on contralateral tumours
			□ Absolute benefits small.
			□ Note: Long term, tamoxifen does not reduce ipsilateral or contralateral tumor recurrence when RT is given. However this study was performed prior to the receptor era, and endocrine results may not be applicable in that setting.
NSABP B-35 [Margolese Lancet '16]: BCT→ Tam vs. Anastrozole x5y.
	○ ~3000 pts postmeno DCIS treated with lumpectomy. ER or PR positive., MFU 9 years.
	○ Stratified according to age (< or > 60 years):
		§ Tamoxifen 20mg per day for 5 years.
		§ Anastrozole 1mg/day for 5 years.
	○ Improved 10 yr breast cancer free interval (BCFI) 89-> 93% (TAM-> ANA). Nil diff in 10yr DFS or OS.
		§ For women < 60y: 10y BCFI 91→ 95%, 10y DFS 86→ 90%.
		§ For women ≥ 60y: 10y BCFI ~93%, 10y DFS ~80%.
		§ Note: Anastozole superior ONLY in women <60yrs
	○ Lower incidence subsequent breast cancers.
	○ Overall: improvement with Anast overall but driven by reduction in contralateral breast. No diff in ipsilateral breast recurrence. More significant increase with vaginal symptoms in Anastrazole.

What is the local control at 20 years for DCIS with BCT?


Local control of 94%


What is the impact of a breast implant on radiotherapy planning?


Implications on radiotherapy planning:
- Dose fractionation prescription with conventional fractionation. The role of hypofractionation is currently being investigated.
- Impact on the target volume delineation (ESTRO consensus guidelines for post implant):
o Ventral part of the chest wall is always part of the CTV.
o Inclusion of the dorsal part of the chest wall depends on the anatomical and tumour risk factors. If tumour was located in areas within the breast close to the dorsal fascia not covered with the pectoralis major delineate tissue between chest wall and implant caudal from the pre-surgical position of the pec major.
o Complete inclusion of pre-pectoral implant position if large primary (pT3), locally advance disease without complete pathological response (pCR) and invasion of the major pectoralis muscle and/pr chest wall.
- Higher breast volumes and separation:
o Need to consider the original tumour location as the extreme ends (lateral and medial) may be excluded to reduce heart and lung dose and potentially impact on the coverage of IMC chain.
o May have to use higher energy beam to produce better dose homogeneity, hence need superficially located tumour and scar may potentially be compromised (skin sparing effect with higher MV beam).
- Impact on the tangent angle selection (limited options).
- Impact on the junction fields— Subpectoral implants may be better suited for electron/photon matched plans than pre-pectoral implants, which may result in unacceptable cold spots and in the chest wall.
- Eliminate the option for electron only chest wall treatment.
- Use of bolus to minimise air gaps.
- Changes in the percentage depth dose with potential change in the size of the implant.
- Using more conformal technique such as VMAT to optimise dose coverage and minimising dose to the OARs however this may increases QA time and integral dose.

Treatment delivery:
- Increase in air gaps, hence consider the use of bolus which may potentially increases the risk of skin toxicity as well as securing bolus on skin if large implant.
- Potential change in the size of the implant during treatment which may potentially require replanning

ii) Clinical outcomes:
- Risk of capsular contracture (~30%), capsular fibrosis, and poor cosmetic outcome.
Potentially pain/discomfort, implant malposition/leakage/rupture/deflation/extrusion, seroma, haematoma, wound dehiscence.


Describe the boundaries of nodal contouring in breast cancer for level 1, 2, 3, 4 and IMC


-Caudal: Where the pectoralis major muscle inserts onto the ribs
-Cranial: Level I ends where axillary Level II begins; where the AVs pass the lateral edge
of the pectoralis minor muscle
-Anterior: Lateral edge of pectoralis major muscle
-Posterior: Imaginary straight line between edge of latissimus dorsi muscle and the
intercostal muscles.
-Lateral: Imaginary line from just inside the lateral edge of the pectoralis major to just
inside the antero-medial edge of the latissimus dorsi muscle (caudally)/deltoid
muscle (cranially).
-Medial: Caudal: ribs and intercostal muscles. Cranial: lateral border of the pectoralis minor muscle.

-Caudal: Where AVs pass lateral edge of pectoralis minor muscle
-Cranial: 5mm above AV/subclavian vein
-Anterior: Posterior aspect of pectoralis major muscle, to include rotter’s nodes
-Posterior: Ribs and intercostal muscles.
-Lateral: Lateral edge of the pectoralis minor muscle
-Medial: Medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle

-Caudal: Where AVs pass medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle
-Cranial: 5mm cranial to subclavian vein
-Anterior: Posterior aspect of pectoralis major muscle
-Posterior: Ribs and intercostal muscles
-Lateral: Medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle (contiguous with Level II)
-Medial: Clavicle/ribs or lower SCV contours


What are the risk factors for developing lymphoedema with breast treatment?


Risk factors for lymphoedema
○ Primary cause of lymphoedema
○ Incidence increases with number of lymph nodes removed or disrupted
○ Incidence x4 higher in ALND vs SLBx
○ ~20% undergoing ALND develop clinically significant lymphoedema
* Nodal irradiation
○ Adjuvant RT to breast, axilla and SCF increases risk of lymphoedema
○ Additive risk on top of ALND ~40%
○ Higher rates when low axilla L1 and 2 treated
* Local infection
○ Post-operative seroma or infection can contribute and increase risk of lymphoedema
* Invasive breast cancer
* Obesity
* Impairs lymphatic function


How would you manage a female with a BRACA1/2 positive breast cancer?

  • Prophylactic surgery/ chemoprevention
    w Risk-reducing mastectomy is recommended –> Reduce incidence of breast ca by > 90%
    * IF opted out, then chemoprevention with tamoxifen is recommended. Reduce risk by 62% in BRCA 2, but NOT in BRCA 1 although small number of pt. AI use is extrapolated from studies and can be used in postmenopausal women due to SE profile
    w Risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy –> reduce risk of ovarian ca and decrease mortality. Drawback= early surgically induced menopause, risk of osteoporosis
    * at 35-40 for BRCA1 or 40-45 for BRCA 2 carriers when child-bearing age is completed. It can be done younger if hx of ovarian cancer at an earlier age
    * IF opted out, then ovarian ca screening- as below
    * If opted out, chemoprevention using oral contraception pills for both ovarian and fallopian tube ca- 5% reduced risk per year used
    w No clear benefit with hysterectomy, risk of endocrine ca is low.
    • Management of menopausal symptoms:
      w Non hormonal options to manage menopausal symptoms
      w For pt who had rrBSO, HT doesnt increase risk of breast ca if <45, but increase risk if > 45yo. However data conflicting. Worse if estrogen+ progestin cf unopposed estrogen.
      * If using HT, it should stop at 51yo.
      w For vaginal atrophy, use non-hormonal therapy first and reserve low dose estrogen therapy as last line.
    • Cancer screening
      w Breast screening:
      * Begin at 18yo, regular self-examination, clinical breast exam 6-12 monthly from 25yo
      * MRI breast from 25yo or younger if earlier case of cancer in the fam
      * MMG from 30yo or younger if earlier case in the fam
      w MMG sensitivity is lower in early stage ca, MRI is high sensitivity but lower in specificity. Hence combination of modalities increase sensitivity and specificity
      w ** They are more susceptible to RT induced carcinogenesis due to impaired DNA repair, hence any exposure of diagnostic radiation before 30 is assoc with increase risk of breast ca
      w **
      No benefit of adding US if doing both MMG and MRI.
      w Ovarian ca screening: transvaginal US on day 1-10 of menstrual cycle and Ca125 levels after day 5 of menstrual cycle. Frequency = 6 monthly, starting after 30-35yrs or 5-10yr before the earliest case in the fam.
      w Pancreas screening- based on individual risk factors
      w Melanoma: based on individual risk factors
      w Colon screening: as per gen population. Suggest aggressive screening if fam hx of colon ca or previous polyps/adenomas.
    • Reproduction counselling
      w BRCA 1 carries has 33 % decreased AMH level hence lower fertility.
      w BRCA 2 not affected.
      w fertility counselling may be appropriate for BRCA1 carriers, if decisions regarding chemotherapy or delayed childbearing are being considered

How would you manage a male with a BRACA1/2 positive breast cancer?

  • Prophylactic surgery
    w No benefit of risk-reducing surgery, hence Screening is essential
    • Chemoprevention:
      w Tamoxifen is used if ER/PR pos, but generally not used in carrier with low overall risk
      w No benefit for duodart for prostate ca
    • Cancer screening
      w Breast screening: monthly breast exam and annual clinical breast exam from 35yo
      * MMG - no evidence of benefit. Although can be considered annually for pt with gynaecomastia/parenchymal or glandular/ glandular breast density
      w Prostate screening:
      * Start from 40yo for BRCA 1/2 carriers.
      * Active surveillance not recommended given the aggressive nature of disease.
      w Pancreas screening- based on individual risk factors
      w Melanoma: based on individual risk factors
      w Colon screening: as per gen population. Suggest aggressive screening if fam hx of colon ca or previous polyps/adenomas.
    • Reproductive counselling
      w Reproductive counselling of BRCA1/2 carriers, education about prenatal diagnosis and assisted reproduction, including preimplantation genetic diagnosis (used to analyse embryos (obtained by in vitro fertilization) genetically before their transfer into the uterus).

What is the rational for radiotherapy after lumpectomy for early breast cancer?

  • XRT is an essential component of BCT to eradicate microscopic residual disease.
    • Rationale:
      w Achieve LC rates similar to mastectomy, LRR reduction by 2/3 à essential component BCS.
      w Preservation of breast.
      w Improve 15yr OS by 3% for all pts but esp in N+
      w ALL groups benefit but absolute benefit depends on RFs (LVSI, age, grade etc).

How do you assess response to neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer?


Pathological response to NACT:
* Extent of response to neoadj CT is most important prognostic factor.
* Several methods are available for evaluating the pathological response to treatment (RCAP website)
○ Residual Cancer Burden (RCB) – MD Anderson Cancer Centre
○ Online RCB calculator: (6 variables).
§ Primary tumour: primary tumour bed area (mm x mm), overall cancer cellularity, percentage of cancer that is insitu disease.
§ LN: number of positive LN, diameter of largest met.
□ RCB 0 = pCR, no invasive tumour.
□ RCB 1 = scattered residual disease/minimal tumour burden.
□ RCB 2 = moderate tumour burden.
□ RCB 3 = significant tumour burden.

* CTNeoBC pooled analysis  [Mamounas ASCO '14, Cortazar Lancet '14]: Molecular subtypes and pCR after NAC.
	○ pCR (ypT0 ypN0 or ypT0/is ypN0) was better a/w improved EFS and OS (HR 0.36) than ypT0/is (i.e., tumour eradication in breast alone).
	○ Residual insitu carcinoma = pCR in terms of survival.
	○ Association b/w pCR and long-term outcomes was strongest in TNBC, HER+ HR- with trastuzumab
	○ Lowest rate of pCR in G1, G1-2 HR+ HER2-, and lobular histology. pCR most likely in G3, HER+, TNBC.

What are the indications for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer?

  • Not suitable
    • Poorly defined extent of tumor.
    • Patients with extensive insitu disease when extent of invasive component not well known.
      Patients with not palpable or clinically assessable tumours.

What are the side effects of breast chemotherapy?


* N+V, mucositis, alopecia (avoided with CMF), neutropenia, fatigue.
* Taxanes: hypersensitivity reactions, peripheral neuropathy, myalgias, arthralgias, fluid accumulation (Docetaxel).
○ Neuropathy- motor + sensory, dose + schedule dependent, cumulative. Sx usually resolve slowly after Rx cessation- weeks/months.
* Anthracyclines after RT→ recall phenomenon of skin reaction in RT field.

* Premenopausal— premature ovarian failure common, esp. >40yrs, longer duration Rx + cyclophosphamide.
○ Less reversible in older women (10% vs. 50% younger).
○ Time to onset earlier in older women vs. younger (3months vs. 6-16months).
○ Sx— bone loss, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, depression, sleep disturbance.
* Anthracyclines: cardiac toxicity due to myometrial damage + cardiomyopathy. Cardiac damage 11%; 1% cardiac failure, may ↑to 2.5% with chest wall RT (retro data).
* Second cancers, incidence 0.05% at 10y for AML or myelodysplasia (esp. taxanes + anthracyclines), sarcoma 0.5% at 15y.


What is the evidence for use of a CDK4/6 inhibitor adjuvantly in breast cancer?


CDK4/6 inhibitor
* CDK 4/6 inhibitors: Palbociclib, Ribociclib, and Abemaciclib.
* Typically utilised in ER+, HER2- metastatic breast cancer.
* Now it can be used as adjuvant treatment in conjunction with an AI for HIGH RISK ER pos, HER2 neg, Node pos breast cancer after surgery, Chemo and RT
* High risk: >4 pos axillary node or 1-3 node with either >5cm, G3 or ki67>20%.
* In peri/pre-menopausal women, it should be used in conjunction with Goserelin (4 weeks prior abemaciclib)

MonarchE trial- Ph3 RCT. Adjuvant ET +/- abemaciclib after surgery, RT and chemo in high risk patient. 
	○ Abemaciclib+ET improved DFS 88 vs 83.4%, distant RFS 90 vs 86%. OS imature
	○ Toxicity higher in abemaciclib group G3 toxicities 50 vs 16% and serious toxicities 15 vs 9%. Treatment discontinuation occur in 6.5% vs 1.1 in control.
	○ Most significant tox: diarrhoea, fatigue, neutropaenia, leukopaenia, and abdo pain

What is the evidence for use of a immunotherapy adjuvantly in breast cancer?


Immunotherapy - Pembrolizumab
* Results from [KEYNOTE 522] demonstrate an EFS benefit and potential OS benefit with the addition of Pembro to chemotherapy.
* Indications: cT1cN1-2 or T2-4N0 (stage II or III) TNBC (NON-Inflammatory)
* Recommend Pembro (200 mg once q3w or 400 mg once q6w) in combination with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by adjuvant pembrolizumab after surgery. Adjuvant pembrolizumab may be given either concurrent with or after completion of RT.
○ Given that irAEs associated with pembrolizumab therapy can be severe and permanent, careful screening for and management of common toxicities are required.
* Regimen on EviQ:
○ Part 1: 4x carbo/paclitaxel + pembro
○ Part 2: 4x AC+ Pembrolizumab -> Surgery -> 9x pembro

Keynote 522- Ph3 RCT - CarboT ± Pembro→ AC or EC→ surgery → ± Pembro x9. (Post op Pembro can be given concurrently or 2 weeks after RT was completed If this was indicated)
	○ 1774pts,  high risk early TNBC (T1cN1-2, T2-4 N0-2). >80% were PDL-1 pos
	○ pCR significantly increased when adding Pembro to TC/AC chemotherapy. Node positive TNBC appears to benefit the most.
	○ pCR 51→ 65%.  
	○ 3yr EFS 77→ 85%. *** Subgroup analysis showed  EFS benefit was independent of PDL1 expression or achievement of pCR
	○ OS inmature
	○ Toxicities: G3+ 73→ 78%. 
	○ Any grade endocrine disorders (thyroid disorder, adrenal insufficiency, thyroiditis, and hypophysitis) 9→ 27%.

Discuss the role of predictive tools in the post-operative setting for this woman?


i. Predictive tools can be used in the clinic setting when discussing adjuvant treatment options with patients. Predictive tests report the likelihood of response to treatment. Predictive tools include:
1. Models correlating specific patient and tumour factors with relevant oncological outcomes such a locoregional control, disease free survival and overall survival e.g. Sloan Kettering Nomogram for DCIS recurrence (Van Nuys superseeded) , IBTR! Ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence.
2. Genomic testing on tumour predicting risk of distant recurrence and benefit from adjuvant treatments e.g. DCISionRT


ii. Compare and contrast 2 predictive tools that are commonly used in assessing patients with DCIS


In general, what is the goal and magnitude of benefit from adjuvant radiotherapy for DCIS


The goal of adjuvant radiotherapy in DCIS is to reduce the risk of local recurrence ipsilateral breast. There is no overall survival benefit. The additional of adjuvant radiotherapy reduces the risk of recurrence by 50% for both recurrent invasive disease and DCIS in ipsilateral breast.


The women if referred with a request for adjuvant radiotherapy to completed in 3 weeks noting she is a country patient

i. Discuss and justify your recommended dose and fractionation for this patient


Would discuss with patient accessibility to attend radiotherapy daily. If being regionally located means increased time off work, time away from family and travel to/from centre would discuss a hypo-fractionated course of breast radiotherapy.

Recommend a course of hypo-fractionated radiotherapy 42.4Gy in 16 fractions to the left whole breast 2.65 Gy per fraction 9-10 fractions in a fortnight. Results of the BIG-3/TROG 7.01 trial provide the best evidence to support the use of hypofractionation in pure DCIS, demonstrating no difference in locoregional control in comparison to conventional 50Gy in 25 fractions. ASTRO guidelines support use of hypofractionation in DCIS.

I would discuss a boost 10Gy in 4 fraction sequential boost based on patient age and BIG-3.TROG 7.01 demonstrating a benefit in locoregional control with a boost. I would omit a boost if the surgical margins are clear and no other high risk features, as patient is older then 50 years and the lesion is 12mm and intermediate grade.


Discuss the ways in which heart dose can be minimised when planning and delivering adjuvant radiotherapy to a breast patient


-Deep breath inspiration hold at simulation and during treatment–> Moves heart postero-inferior away from field. Increases treatment time, more complicated set up, not all patients suitable including those elderly, with co morbidities.
-Wedge of tangential fields–> Modulating the dose and shielding heart. May need compromise of PTV coverage
-Use of IMRT/VMAT–> Use of MLCs to shield heart and reduce dose received. More complex planning.
-Prone treatment –> gravity to move breast tissue further away from the heart. Patient needs to tolerate.
-Consideration of alternative techniques based on tumour factors, if suitable: partial breast radiotherapy techniques


a) Describe your initial management


Summary: Young woman, at least cT2 left breast ca in third trimester
In general treat according to guidelines for non-pregnant patients whilst minimising risk to fetus

	○ History 
		§ Including progress of pregnancy/hx to date/fertility/family planning 
		§ Locoregional symptoms, distant metastatic disease 
		§ Co-morbidities and contraindications to treatment 
		§ FmHx 
	○ Examination: features of primary (size, fixation, skin/CW involvement, multifocality/centricity), evidence of nodal, metastatic disease  
	○ Bloods including FBC, UEC, CMP, LFT, Hep B/C/HIV Serology (chemo)
	○ Appropriate staging within limits of pregnancy 
		§ USS bilateral breast, axilla, neck, consider MRI breast in young female (dense breasts) +/- single MLO with shielding 
		§ Core bx of mass plus axillary LN including receptor status
		§ CXR with abdominal shielding; and USS/MRI liver, MRI spine 
		§ Can consider whole body MRI without GAD (ESMO guidelines)
	○ Discussion at MDT, patient, and obstetrician
		§ Weigh risk of breast cancer & treatment in context of stage of pregnancy vs. risk to fetus  
	○ Generally in third trimester 
		§ Can consider early delivery if feasible
		§ Surgical management can include TM + ALND or BCS + SLNB or ALND, No blue dye, ok to do lymphoscintigraphy, need to d/w nuclear medicine 
		§ Can treat with chemotherapy in 2nd/3rd trimester if required
		§ RT should be delayed until after delivery

o Should manage as similar to non-pregnant patient, if possible
o Modified staging
o Locoregional treatment as for non-pregnant (with exception of RT)


In General what are the principles of systemic treatment of breast cancer in pregnancy (2 marks)


o If indicated, should advise not to delay once pregnancy safely reaches 2nd/3rd trimester
Chemotherapy is safe to deliver after the first trimester
* 1st trimester (0-13 weeks) – organogenesis; highest risk of congenital abnormalities, chromosomal abnormalities, stillbirth and miscarriage
* Risk of congenital abnormalities low in 2nd/3rd; however, chemo associated with intrauterine growth restriction, prematurity and low birth weight in 50%
Should be based on actual body weight (including fetus)
Should be avoided 3-4 weeks before delivery to avoid transient neonatal myelosuppression and complications of sepsis/death
Most commonly used regimes are doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide (AC), or Fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (FAC)
- Endocrine therapy should be avoided during pregnancy and whilst breast feeding
o Associated with vaginal bleeding, miscarriage, congenital malformations and fetal death
- Anti-HER2 therapy contraindicated
Immunotherapy – limited data, should be avoided


In breast cancer, in general, what are the options for the further management of the axilla where one sentinel node is positive


Management of positive sentinel node
o Dependent on patient, tumour (ENE) and treatment factors (eg. surgical procedure of breast being performed)
o In general patient having BCS and whole breast RT, patients with 1-2 SLN should not undergo ALND
o Pts with SLN mets undergoing mastectomy should be offered ALND if PMRT recommendation is uncertain.

Options for single SLN +ve:

  1. No further axillary directed treatment:
    o Based on Z011: cN0, SLN +ve: randomised to ALND vs. no further axillary directed therapy in patients undergoing BCS + whole breast radiotherapy alone
    ○ despite 1-2 positive SLN, and ~30% pt having additional nodes
    ○ no LRR, DFS or OS benefit from ALND
    o of note however, 50% of patients received high tangents, 19% had off protocol
  2. Axillary radiotherapy:
    o Both Z011 and AMAROS demonstrated no differences in LRR, DFS, or OS with axillary directed radiotherapy over. ALND
    ○ AMAROS – Axillary RT + SCF vs. ALND
    ○ Z-011 – high tangents vs. ALND
    o Less lymphoedema with Axillary RT
  3. Surgery to the axilla ie. Completion Axillary LND
    o Approx. 30-40% patients with positive SLN will have further LN at cALND (as per Z11/AMAROS)
    o Allows for further prognostic staging
    o For patients undergoing mastectomy, ALND is indicated in SLN+ve:
    ○ potentially allows for omission of RT;
    ○ these patients were excluded from Z-11
    ○ low numbers in AMAROS with Mx
    o Importantly, higher risk of lymphoedema compared to axillary RT
    o If indication for systemic therapy is in question and further nodal surgery changes recommendation, then recommend ALND

Assuming no other adverse/ high risk factors (eg. extranodal extension, perinodal LVI) then this patient with a G2 pT2N2 has had appropriate management of the axilla (>10 nodes, <50% nodal burden).
Does not require further axillary nodal irradiation
Given young age, HER2 positive disease (intermediate prognosis), and node positive would offer adjuvant whole breast radiotherapy plus boost with treatment of Level III, SCF and IMC for locoregional control and DFS benefit based on MA20, EORTC22922 and Danish IMC studies.

MA20: 5% benefit in DFS and DM at 10 years; treated high axilla, SCF, IMC
EORTC 22922: RNI reduces LRR and DM
Danish IMN: benefit of IMN irradiation greatest for node positive medial/central disease; and >=4 LN regardless of location; reduction in distant mets, breast cancer mortality and OS

Prescribe 50Gy/25Fx to whole breast, SCF and IMC with 10Gy sequential tumour bed boost.
Presim: consent, referral to lymphoedema clinic, genetics
Simulation: Supine, breast board, arms above head, wire scars and breast, CT sim 2mm axial slice with DIBH
Volumes: CTV = whole breast based on clinical mark-up and CT based anatomy (as per ESTRO contouring guidelines), tumour bed boost, IMC and SCF CTV
with 5mm isotropic expansions to PTV
PTV V95>95 ICRU 62/83
OAR constraints: lung V20<30, V5<60; contral lung V5<10, heart mean<5, Contral breast ALARA, V3<10, Spinal cord Dmax <45, oesophageal ALARA
Treatment with tangential VMAT or IMRT, 6MV photons, daily CBCT soft tissue match

Evidence to suggest hypo-fractionated schedules for breast and nodal irradiation eg. 42.4Gy/16Fx is safe with equivalent locoregional control, however younger populations under-represented in trials.


There is a 85yo F with a T1N0 G1 IDC, with clear margin, ER/PR pos, HER2 neg. What are her her adjuvant options: (2)


Elderly patinet with a low risk early breast cancer.

adjuvant whole breast RT -26Gy/5# dail/ 42.4/16#/ 50Gy/25#
26Gy/5# FAST FORWARD phase 3 RCT 5 year follow-up: similar local recurrence and toxicity to 40Gy/15#
Partial breast adjuvant RT: comparable LR and OS

Omit RT and give Adjuvant hormone therapy –aromatase inhibitor
- Higher local recurrence, but no survival difference in PRIME 2 trial
Completion mastectomy –surgical morbidity
No further Tx


· The aims of adjuvant whole breast RT after WLE are to:
o Without further treatment, the risk of IBTR would be ~20-25% at 10 years.
o Avoid mastectomy (Breast conservation)
o Decrease the risk of ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence (by ~2/3).
o Decrease breast cancer specific mortality
· Evidence that supports this:
EBCTG Meta-analysis of multiple RTCs which showed a marked reduction in 10 year locoregional recurrence with the addition of RT to breast conserving surgery. It also found that 1 breast cancer death at 15 years was avoided for every four local recurrences avoided at 10 years.


A 45 year old woman presents with a 6cm invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast with multiple biopsy proven ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes. There are no distant metastases.
a. What is the rationale for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in this setting? (2 marks)

  1. Cytoreduction - downstage/size primary/node - reduce operation (BCS instead of mastectomy, less axillary dissection (lymphoedema risk)
    1. Early control of distant micrometastatic disease
      Assess pathological response to systemic therapy

o More conformal, less heart dose
o More low dose wash
o Longer to plan
o Included standard tangent and anterior beam, partial wide tangential
o Quicker to plan, but less conformal
o Issues with junctioning
· Photon/ Electrons mixed field
o reverse hockey stick,
o Dedicated electron field targeting IMC, matched to adjacent photon tangents.
o Associated with higher mean heart doses
o ossues with junctioning
Can decrease heart dose further with DIBH


List the cardiac complications that could occur following breast radiation therapy and the factors that may increase or reduce the risk of these cardiac complications. (2 marks)


Pericarditis, atherosclerosis (IHD), Valvular stenosis, heart failure, non-ischemic cardiomyopathies, arhythmias (RBBB)
Pt –smoking, IHD, obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, connective tissue disorders, rheumatic heart disease, exercise
Tumour –size, IMC involvement,
RT technique
Mean dose to heart (cumulative rate of coronary events increased by 7.4% per Gy of MHD)
Left ventricle V5Gy
Dmax to LAD >32Gy
Systemic therapy –anthracyclines, herceptin, aromatase inhibitors (tamoxifen is cardioprotective)
Alkylating agents (cyclophos), 5FU/xeloda
Bevacizumab (vasospasm)


What is the pathogenesis of cardiac complications following radiation therapy? (4 marks)

  • Progressive inflammatory response
    ○ Irradiated macrophages release cytokines = increased inflammation and immune recruitment
    ▪ TGF beta (transforming growth factor)
    * Acutely produced by macrophages
    * Then later produced by fibrocytes and endothelial cells
    * Acts on cell surface,
    * stimulates fibroblasts to proliferate, differentiate and synthesise collagen and produce more TGF-B
    * TGF-B also inhibits epithelial and endothelial cell growth, preventing tissue recovery and repair, and causing vascular damage.
    ▪ TNF-a and NF-kB -proinflammatory
    ▪ platelet derived growth factor beta -increases damage to vasulature
    ▪ Induces monocyte and macrophage accumulation to atherosclerotic plaques = accelerated plaques, instability and intraplaque haemorrhage

    ○ Fibroblasts damaged = differentiation into fibrocyte
    ○ fibrosis and collagen deposition, lymphatic sclerosis and lymphoedema
    ○ TGF-b and PDGFb increases this
    ○ = intserstitial fibrosis = diastolic heart failure, can also affect conduction = arrhythmias
    ○ Or = Pericardial fibrosis
    ○ Fibrosis within arteries = arterial rigidity, can lead to vasoconstriction and hypoxia
    ○ Fibrosis of valves = valvular heart disease
    ○ Vascular theory
    ○ damage to endothelial cells = slow mitotic death = reduction of vasculature (small vessels) +- inflammation, clot, haemorrhage
    ○ necrosis and atrophy (capillary damage)
    ○ Formation of telangiectasia –loss of arteriole smooth muscle
    ○ Muscles replaced by collagen, less elasticity, less blood flow
    ○ Hypoxia to surrounding tissues
    ○ Leading to coronary artery disease
    ○ Direct RT effects on cardiac cells
    ○ –oxidative stress from radiation exposure
    ○ Mitochondrial dysfunction from overload of reactive oxygen sepcies. Can lead to apoptosis
    ○ Protein oxidation deactivating molecular signalling

i. Most studies are collected from animal data, human data exists in populations following nuclear disasters such a Japan atomic bomb. The effects are relate to the dose/dose rate, gestational age and radiation type. 1st trimester embryos are undergoing organogenesis. The effects of ionising radiation exhibit the greatest intrauterine growth retardation. After first 6 weeks much higher doses of radiation are required to cause lethality, mostly effects for permanent growth retardation, fertility deficit and decreased IQ.

Embryo stage (organogenesis up to 6 weeks)
100mSv –nil effect
100mSv-1Gy -major malformations, miscarriage
=1-2Gy 100% malformations (similar timing to thalidomide, rubella)
Eg. Small organ, missing organ
+ Intrauterine growth retardation (can catch up post delivery)
Death could occur at birth (due to malformed organs, low weight)
0.25Gy = no Threshold: effect in rats

ii. Dose delivered/dose rate (duration of radiation exposure, distance to source)  Presence of shielding, field size,distance from edge of field Type of radiation (brachytherapy vs electrons vs photons) Radiation energy Use of portal imaging as additional radiation exposure
iii. Estimate dose received by abdomen  Use of phantom to estimate dose TLD with bolus on abdo/pelvis for next fraction

iv. 8 weeks gestational age,  Dose <0.1 Gy likely safe 0.1-0.5 Gy potential growth restriction in early trimester, health effects unlikely in 2nd and 3rd trimester  >0.5 Gy growth restriction incidence higher, lower IQ, probability of miscarriage increases with dose Doses of >2 Gy can lead to high rates of neonatal death

In general, what challenges are there in treating elderly patients with cancer? (4 marks)


* Varying physiological status which can differ from chronological age
* Often poor reserve and traditional indicators of ability to tolerate treatment not reflective eg. ECOG
* Greater risk of toxicity
* Alterations in physiological function: Drug metabolism and tolerance
1. Mobility may preclude impact the practicality of delivering long courses of systemic therapy and radiotherapy
2. conventionally fractionated or even hypofracted treatment and thus the practicality of delivering courses of treatment may be limtied
Cancer biology
1. Cancer biology can vary with increasing age
Prognosis and benefit
Shorter life expectancy and non-cancer specific survival
1. Poorer
2. With increasing age locoregional, progression free survival and cancer specific morality benefits of treatment deminish
Paucity of clinical data
Due an aging population there is a lack of clinical data to support treatment decisions

o Physical
o More likely to have chronic co-morbidities
§ Heart, kidney, lung impairment that may preclude patient from treatment
§ Impaired organ function may alter pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and clearance of chemotherapeutic agents.
o Less functional reserve and may be more likely to experience severe side effects
§ More likely to be admitted to hospital with side effects
§ May have poor nutrition/ be frail
§ May not be fit enough for certain treatments
o May have drug interactions with their existing medications
o Poor mobility
§ May make it challenging for patients to come in for treatments
o May not drive and require transport assistance to get treatment
o May have memory/cognitive issues and not understand/ comply with treatment
o May have a limited life expectancy and thus not gain much benefit from treatment
o Values
o May value quality of life over quantity
o Values regarding care may conflict with family values
o Clinician stigma surrounding patients age and treatment options
o Psycho-social
o May live alone and have poor social supports to help them through treatment
o Side effects from treatment may impact on patient being independent at home
o May be the primary carer for their spouse, which treatment may impact on
o Treatment –chemo, hypofractionation, lack of trials


If you were a designing a comprehensive geriatric assessment tool, what essential elements you would include? (3 marks)

  • Physical functioning
    o ADLs and personal ADLs
  • Co-morbid conditions
  • Cognitive performance
  • Psychological status
  • Nutrition status
  • Social support
  • Review of current medications
  • Presence of geriatric syndromes
  • Identify reversible or modifiable conditions
    Be able to predict treatment toxicity

a. A 60-year-old woman with a past history of early breast cancer presents with back pain. Staging investigations show bone confined metastases. What factors would you consider in determining a management plan for her and why? (3)


· Patient
o Performance status, co-morbidities, contraindications to systemic treatment/ radiotherapy
§ To assess her suitability for further treatment
o History and severity of pain. Neurological signs/symptoms, or spinal instability
§ Assessment if pt has a spinal cord compression/ unstable spine and requires urgent management
o History of other cancers
o Other symptoms of metastatic disease
· Tumour
o Histological subtype of previous breast cancer, hormone status (ER/PR/HER2) and biopsy of new metastatic disease
§ Assess options for management.
o Location of metastasis on imaging and concerns for spinal cord compression
§ To assess urgency of management
§ Proximity of surrounding OARs - eg spinal cord
· May limit specific techniques
o Tumour burden
§ To assess cancer biological behaviour
§ Prognosis
§ Disease kinetics and disease free interval
· Treatment
o Previous treatments received and time since previous treatment
§ To assess cancers biological behaviour
§ Overlap if previous RT/ OAR constraints
o Access to treatments/ clinical trials
§ To determine best available treatment for patient


The patient is fit and has widespread bone metastases. She is symptomatic at the T10 site. There is no spinal instability, spinal cord compression or previous radiation at the site. What are her options for radiation therapy treatment? Justify your answer and provide likely response rate for each option. (3)


· Palliative Bone SBRT (eg 24Gy/2#)
o This would provide a 70% chance of improvement to her pain
§ May have improved complete pain response
o Given her widespread disease and current symptoms this may not be the best option, as it will take longer to plan then less conformal treatments and use more resources.
o This may carry a higher risk of myelopathy compared to less conformal approaches
o There is a higher risk of bone fractures with this approach compared to less conformal treatments.
o However better local control
· Palliative multifraction hypofractionated radiotherapy (eg 20Gy/5#)
o This would provide a 70% chance of improvement to her pain
o Using a 3DCRT approach this would be a quick turn around to plan and treat, resulting a good palliation of the patients symptoms
o There would likely be a lower re-treatment rate compared to single fraction treatment
o There may be higher rates of nausea with this approach compared to SBRT
o This would be my preferred schedule
· Palliative single fraction hypofractionated radiotherapy (eg 8Gy/1#)
o This would provide a 70% chance of improvement to her pain
o Using a 3DCRT approach this would be a quick turn around to plan and treat, resulting a good palliation of the patients symptoms
o There would likely be a high re-treatment rate compared to multifraction fraction treatment
o There may be higher rates of nausea with this approach compared to SBRT


In general, what factors do you consider when advising the medical oncologist whether there needs to be a break in the systemic treatment when palliative radiation is delivered?


· Patient
o Age, performance status
o Comorbidities
o Symptoms
o Prognosis
· Tumour
o Location
o Proximity to OARs
o Size
o Tumour radiosensitivity
o Tumour burden and kinetics
· Treatment
o Type of systemic therapy and evidence for concurrent treatment
o Side effects from current treatment
o Response to current treatment
o Expected side effects from radiotherapy
o Conventional vs SBRT vs hypofractionated RT
o If increased radiosensitivity is expected when combining systemic treatment and radiotherapy
§ Degree of toxicity and if patient able to tolerate
Planned systemic treatment breaks


In the setting of bone only metastatic breast cancer, discuss the different classes of systemic therapy available for use. Include in your discussion of each:
1. The rationale/considerations for use of this class.
2. Give one example of a drug within the class.


· Hormone therapy
o Eg Anastrozole
o To prevent oestrogen stimulating growth of cancer cells expressing ER/PR receptor and burden of systemic and skeletal disease, improving DFS and survival
o It is convenient given it’s a tablet
o The side effects are most often well tolerated/ well managed
· Bisphosphonates/ RANK Ligand
o Eg. Zoledronic acid
o To decrease the activity of osteoclast and bone resorption and maintain bone density, prevent skeletal related events, pathological fractures, pain and maintaining QOL
o For all patients with bone mets and expected survival >3 months
o Very well tolerated, but small risk of ORN
· CDK4/6 inhibitor
o Eg. Ribociclib
o To inhibit cell proliferation and growth, resistance to hormone therapy in ER+ breast cancer and reversing resistance to endocrine therapy to reduce systemic and skeletal burden of disease, has been shown to improve PFS when used in combination with AI
· HER2 targeted therapy
o Eg. Transtuzumab
o To reduce systemic and skeletal burden of disease by preventing cellular proliferation of HER2 expressing cancer cells, improving DFS, survival and maintaining QOL
o Only for HER2 positive patients
· Cytotoxic chemotherapy
o When patients are endocrine refractory or ER/PR -ve
o Causing direct cell death to decrease systemic tumour burden and risk of progressive skeletal disease and overall improving DFS and Overall survival
o Eg.
§ Anthracyclines
· Doxorubicin
§ Taxanes
· Paclitaxel
§ Anti-metabolites
· Capecitabine
§ Microtubule inhibitors
· Vinorelbine
· Immunotherapy
o Eg. Pembrolizumab
o To modulate/activate immune system to attack PD1 expressing cancer cells to reduce systemic/skeletal tumour burden, improve DFS and OS
o Eg. Olaparib
Used in BRCA1/2 mutant tumours. PARPi cause preferential tumour killing by causing multiple DNA breaks that can’t be repaired by the tumour, hence decreasing tumour burden, improving PFS and RR.


With reference to a published guideline, what patients may it be reasonable to consider using a partial breast radiation technique as an alternative to adjuvant whole breast radiation therapy? (2)


As per the ASTRO guidelines, partial breast radiotherapy can be considered in patients with:
· For invasive ductal carcinoma
o Age >50yo
o 2cm or less tumour size
o Margins 2mm or more
o ER positive
o Grage 1/2 histology
o No LVI, Minimal DCIS
· For DCIS
o Low or intermediate grade
o Age >40 years
o 2cm size or less
o Margin >3mm


By comparing with the IMPORT LOW approach, discuss the different ways that partial breast radiation can be delivered.


o Hypofractionation, treating a reduced breast volume
§ Eg 40Gy/15# to partial breast
o Ultrahypofractionation treating partial breast volume
§ Eg. 26Gy/5#
· Brachytherapy
o Treating partial breast using brachytherapy catheter and HDR afterloader
§ Eg. 34Gy/10# BD
· Intra-operative partial breast radiotherapy
o Using a KV emitter in theatre to tumour bed
- However concerns using this approach


Partial breast re-irradiation following further breast conservation surgery as an alternate to mastectomy is increasingly being utilised. Discuss why and how the dose fractionation differs in this setting when using photon-based treatment. (2)


· Recommended re-irradiation schedule is 45Gy/30# BD
· A BD hyperfractionation approach is used to minimise late toxicity to the breast which is thought to be a low a/b organ and susceptible to higher doses per fraction.
· Only the recurrence is treated and not the whole breast


When delivering post mastectomy radiation to the chest wall:
i. What is the rationale for the use of bolus? (1)
ii. Which patients require bolus? (2)


Bolus aims to compensate for the skin sparing effect of megavoltage photon beams and this provide full dose to the skin

· Use bolus in patients in which you require full dose to the skin
o Inflammatory breast cancer
o Close/positive margin near skin surface
Skin involvement (T4)