Paediatrics Flashcards
Describe the epidemiology and pathology for a craniopharyngioma.
- Craniophryngioma
- Arises from Rathke’s pouch, which abuts the hypothalamus and 3rd ventricle superiorly.
- No formal staging –benign, slow growing but locally aggressive and destructive
* Bimodal distribution -
* 5% of all pediatric tumors. ~200-570 cases per year. 5-14 and 50-60
* M=F
* Comprises a little more than half of tumours in the sella-chiasmatic region in peds.
- Pathology
- 2 subtypes
- Adamantinomatous histology (90%) -more frequent LR
○ Macro: lobular solid and cystic pattern,
* Fluid that drains from it is called “crankcase oil”. Proteinaceous fluid with cholesterol crystals.
○ Micro: well circumscribed cords/lobules of squamous eipithelium and peripheral paliscading columnar cells. Anucleate squmaous cells (ghost) wet keratin
○ Microscopic invasion into brain
○ associated with WNTmt and CTNNB1 ( B catenin)
○ IHC:
* Pos CK7,8,19, B catenin
* Neg: BRAF - Papillary (less common < 10% peds, 1/3 of adults).
○ Discrete encapsulated mass
○ Micro: solid WD nonkeratinising squmous. Papilla around fibrovascular core.
○ BRAF mutations
○ IHC:
* Neg CK 7 CK20
- Adamantinomatous histology (90%) -more frequent LR
Describe the history, examination and work up for a craniopharyngioma. What is the differential diagnosis of a suprasella tumour?
- Presenting symptoms:
- Children: growth retardation
- Adults: abnormal vision, hormonal deficiencies
- Hypothalamus symptoms: homeostasis, hormones, metabolism, temperature, food/water intake, emotions, circadian cycle
- Work up:
- History: visual field defect, endocrinopathy, generalized headache, N+V
- Exam: cranial exam incl visual field, opthal review, endocrinopathy
- Don’t need biopsy: dx based on imaging
- MRI: cystic with calcifications, solid and encapsulated.
- Adamantinomatous- T1 iso, T2 hyperintense
○ Audiometry.
○ Ophtho exam.
○ Blood and CSF tumor markers to rule out other suprasellar tumors.
- Adamantinomatous- T1 iso, T2 hyperintense
Describe the surgical management of craniopharyngioma and associated toxicities.
* Surgery
* GTR- alone 70-85% with LF 20%-> Observation
* Adj RT can cause hypopit, diabetes insipidus, vision loss, and hypothalamic dysfunction, personality change. Hence, observe
* STR - alone 30% DFS-> 70-80% DFS STR+RT
* Recommend PORT 54Gy/30F
* In children <5-7yo, RT can be deferred, salvage RT has similar LC as Adj RT.
- Lateral pterional approach (temporal) is typically employed.
- Transsphenoidal surgery appears to be best to minimize endocrinopathies, but is only for intrasellar tumors.
- Children’s Memorial: Around 25% of patients with planned GTR will actually have GTR.
- St. Jude (1984-1997) [Merchant IJROBP ‘02]: GTR vs. Limited surgery/RT.
Planned STR appears to have less IQ detriment.
○ 30 pts. Mean age 8.6y.
○ Mean IQ lost of 9.8→ 1.25 points. - Treatment strategies in Childhood Craniopharyngioma [Puget Frontiers in Endo ‘12]:
○ It may be best to stratify for planned GTR based on the extent of hypothalamic involvement.
○ For STR, may observe if < 5yo.
* Surgical mortality < 4%, with morbidity ranging from 8 and 14%.
* Endoscopic endonasal approach resections appear to be the safest for suprasellar stalk and intrasellar stalk origin. However, the majority of tumors are central-type or hypothalamic stalk in origin and resection of these tumors are associated with hypothalamic injury
* Greater loss of IQ with radical surgery vs. limited surgery + RT.
* Vision loss (2% of surgery).
* Hypopituitarism: delayed puberty in 14-50% depending on age, decreased IQ,
* Hypothalamic obesity, defective short term memory.
○ Limit to 45 Gy.
* DI - Treatment with desmopressin.
Describe the management of craniopharyngiomas with radiotherapy.
- Radiotherapy
* Indications:
* Adjuvant: STR
* Definitive: unresectable, not surgical candidate
* Salvage
* Technique: EBRT, IMRT, Protons
* Volume:
* GTV = surgical cavity, any residual enhancing lesions based and cystic components based on post op MRI T1 gad and T2 flair and CT.
* CTV = GTV +5mm (use larger CTV eg 10mm if weekly MRI cannot be done)
* PTV = CTV + 3mm
○ Dose: 54Gy/30# @ 1.8Gy/#
▪ Limited by surrounding structures
* Control rate worse if <54Gy
▪ SRS 12-14Gy
○ Image Verification: daily CBCT matched to bone
* Cyst and tumor swelling during and after RT prompts multiple MRIs while on treatment, q1-2w.
* During treatment: repeat MRI weekly as there can be cyst and tumour swelling during RT. Any acute symptoms during RT may be likely due to cystic enlargement and may require urgent drainage +/- replan .
* 20-30% will have growth of the cystic component within 6 months after RT.- Recurrent cyst –cyst injection of radioactiveisotope or bleomycin
- Recurrence:
- Surgery
- BRAF inhibitor
Describe radiotherapy treatment planning for craniopharyngioma.
Treatment Planning
ESTRO-ACROP Guidelines for target volume delineation of skull base tumors [Combs RTO ‘20]
* Max safe resection (vision preserving) or decompression of cyst prior to RT.
○ GTR alone 70-85% DFS (20% failure)→ cost of DI, vision loss, hypothalamic dysfunction. Observation.
○ STR: 30% DFS. PORT to 54 Gy. STR + RT 85-90% DFS
§ RT can be deferred for children < 5-7y after surgery, salvage RT with similar LC as adjuvant RT.
* MRI 3D T1 images are best for solid portions, while fast spin-echo T2 ± fat suppression are most useful for cystic components of the tumor.
* Recurrent setting: Intralesional chemo (bleo) or colloids P32: 200-250 Gy to cyst wall [Cavalheiro JNS ‘10]
○ Intralesional treatments are an option if the cyst is > 50% total bulk and ≤ 3 cysts (solitary is ideal), or recurrent cysts after surgical resection. Limited data, but ~30% CR and MPFS 1.8y with intralesional bleomycin [Hukin Cancer ‘07].
* Target volume:
○ GTV: Tumor + cyst wall. Prefer to cover the 3rd ventricle if the cyst occupied this area previously.
○ CTV: GTV + 0.3-0.5-1.0 cm (historically, 1.0-2.0 cm); PTV + 0.3-0.5 cm.
§ For weekly MRIs, use 0.5 cm margin. Otherwise, 1.0 cm.
* Dose 54 Gy conventional, range of 50-55 Gy acceptable.
○ Inferior LC with size > 6 cm [Hetelekidis IJROBP ‘93] and < 55 Gy [Varlotto IJROBP ‘02].
* SRS may be reasonable for small residual or recurrent craniopharyngiomas. Single fraction up to 18 Gy and 20-25/3-5 have been employed at a reasonable distance to chiasm.
* Cyst and tumor swelling during and after RT prompts multiple MRIs while on treatment (at least mid treatment), q1-2w.
○ Around 20-30% will have growth of the cystic component within 6 months after RT. If your surgeon wants to cut after RT, encourage cystic drainage or minimal surgery.
○ Acute symptoms during RT likely due to cystic enlargement, may require urgent drainage. Up to 1 in 8 may enlarge during RT.
Describe the prognosis and follow up for craniopharyngioma.
Follow up
* 10y OS 70-92%, 20y OS 76%.
* 10y LC for GTR or STR 40%, Surgery + RT 85%, regardless if adjuvant or salvage.
* 3y OS 85%, LC very high 90%.
* Regrowth typically occurs within 2 years, but may take up to 9 years.
Make sure younger patients are followed closely and initiated on GH replacement within a year of radiation therapy, if warranted. RoR
Overall outcome: 80-90% 10 year control
Surgery GTR = 30% reccurrence
<2cm 90% GTR
3-4cm 20% GTR
Transspenoidal through nose
Transcranial (much worse pituitary function)
Surgery subtotal resection
Observation 70% recurrence
Adjuvant RT 20% recurrence
Definitive RT -survival similar to adjuvant RT or GTR
Describe the epidemiology and risk factors for wilm’s tumours.
I: Incidence
* 40 cases annually in Australia
* Accounts for 5% of childhood malignancies
* most common renal tumour of infants and children
* most common abdominal cancer in childhood
A: Median age is 4 years old (2-5) >70%
* Slightly earlier if bilateral (germline mutation)
* incidence >10 years rare
G: Slight female predominance (1.25:1)
G: No significant geographical variation.
R: African children have higher incidence, followed by caucasion, asian lowest incidence
1) Majority have no clear cause (90%) 2) Genetic syndromes (10%) a. WT1 germline deletion i. 33% lifetime risk of Wilm's ii. WAGR syndrome --> Wilm's, Aniridia, Genitourinary malformation, Retardation b. Denys-Drash syndrome (WT1 missense mutation) i. 90% lifetime risk of Wilm's ii. Gonadal dysgenesis + early-onset nephropathy c. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (WT2 imprinting abnormalities) i. Often demonstrate IGF-2 overexpression ii. Organomegaly, macroglossia, hemihypertrophy iii. Also get adrenocortocoma, hepatoblastoma
Describe the pathogenesis and natural history for wilm’s tumours.
- childhood embryonal tumour thought to arise through abortive or disrupted development
- linked to nephrogenesis- Normally:
- intermediate mesoderm differentiates into metanephric mesenchyme which condenses around the braching ureteric bud structures
- undergoes MET to form renal vesicles which expand to give rise to the majority of cell types in the functional kidney
Develop from persistent metanephric tissue or nephrogenic rests
- Clusters of persistent embryonal cells
- Thought to be a precursor to Wilm’s
Genetic alterations occur during embryological development of the genitourinary tract
- WT1 is most implicated (chr 11)
- WT2 is also implicated
10% occur bilaterally
- Worse prognosis
- Higher risk of germline mutation
Natural Hx
- Local extension- renal capsule, renal sinus + vessels
○ Increased risk of relapse if:
§ Inflammatory pseudocapsule
§ Extensive infiltration of renal capsule
§ Involvement of renal sinus
§ Tumour in intrarenal vessels
- LN spread- renal hilar or ParaAortic LN
- DM: liver + lung most commonly, other sites rare (question diagnosis)
○ Lung: 15% at diagnosis
- Other renal tumours:
○ CCSK: brain + bone mets (bone mets a hallmark)
○ RTK: brain mets
Describe the pathology for wilm’s tumours.
- Large, solitary, well circumscribed masses
○ Demarcated from normal renal parenchyma
○ Often with a pseudocapsule
- Cut section demonstrates soft, homogenous tan-grey tumour
○ Occasional haemorrhage, cystic change or necrosis is seen
- Classic triphasic appearances (don’t need all 3)
○ Blastema = sheets of small undifferentiated cells
○ Epithelial = abortive glomeruli and tubular structures
○ Stromal = varying differentiation, oval to spindle cells with bland nucleoli, may have heterologous components
- Anaplasia is associated with poorer prognosis (5-10% of cases)
○ Associated with p53 mutation
○ Requires all three of
§ Atypical mitoses
§ Marked nuclear enlargement
§ Hyperchromasia
- POS = WT1, PAX8, vimentin
○ Epithelial will have CKs, EMA
○ Stromal will have vimentin, desmin + mygenin
- NEG = AMACR, CK7, melanocytic markers (MelanA, HMB45)
- p53 mutation (70%)
- IGF2 mutation (70%
- 1q gain (30%)
- WT1 (20%)
Loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q = poorer prognosis
i) Favourable Histology (FH) 90% – no anaplasia, often with epithelial component with no sarcomatoid changes.
ii) Unfavourable Histology (UH) 10% – anaplasia present, can be triphasic, focal or diffuse (only diffuse anaplasia has clinical significance = resistance to chemotherapy and often p53 mutations)
Compare and contrast wilm’s tumours from neuroblastoma.
Describe variants of Wilm’s tumours and DDx
- Variants/Other Types/DDX
§ Rare in children/adolescents, 4/1mil
§ Age 15-19 years, 2/3rd kidney lesions are RCC
§ Often presents with more advanced disease
§ Risk factors: prev RT/CT, Von hipplel lindau, tuberous sclerosis, familial RCC
§ Prognostic factors: stage, LN
□ 5year OS: St I-II 100%, III 71%, IV 8%
§ Management: radical nephrectomy + LN dissection
§ Micro: papillary subtype most common then mixed, clear cell
□ Translocation transcription factor E3 gene
○ Clear cell sarcoma of kidney (CCSK)
§ 3% of childhood renal malignancies, 2:1 M: F
§ 29% nodal met at presentation
§ most commonly site if recurrence= bone, lung, followed by abdo and brain
§ Separate entity to Wilms tumour
§ Poorer than FH Wilms, Predisposition for bony metastases
§ Prognostic factors: young age, stage 4
§ Micro: Cytoplasmic vacuolization, nests or cords separated by fibrovascular stroma
§ Mx: clinical trial, surgery, CT + RT
○ Rhabdoid tumour of the kidney (RTK)
§ 2% childhood malignancies, 80% < 2yo
§ 1.5 M:F
§ charaterised by INI-1
§ assoc with primary intracranial mass or brain met- > need brains staging
§ Risk factors: rhabdoid predisposition syndrome (germline mutation SMARCB1)
§ Very aggressive, Predisposition for brain metastases
§ Presents with fever, haematuria, mean age 11 months, advanced disease
§ Mx: no standard mx, multi modality therapy is best with surgery + chemo (vnc,cyc,doxo,carb, etops) + RT
Describe the prognostic factors for Wilm’s tumour
Describe the history, examination and work up for Wilm’s tumour
- History
§ Asymptomatic abdominal mass
§ Abdominal pain
§ Anorexia
§ Vomiting
§ HTN, haematuria
§ Varicocele
○ PMHx
§ Genetic syndromes
□ WAGR syndrome
□ Denys-Drash
§ Previous malignancy
§ Previous radiotherapy
○ Family History
§ Previous malignancies
- Examination ○ General wellness of child ○ Blood pressure (25% are hypertensive) ○ Examine for syndromic abnormalities ○ 1% of wilms have Aniridia. 40% will have Wilms ○ Abdominal palpation § Care must be taken not to examine rigorously (risk of capsule rupture) § Hemihypertrophy -left or right side bigger than other eg. Arm or leg. § May have cryptorchidism, hypospadias, horseshoe kidney
- Abdominal ultrasound
○ Initial investigation to establish presence of abdominal mass
○ Should be able to identify nephrogenic site
- CT CAP ○ Assess size and location of disease ○ Assess patency of renal vessels ○ Assess para aortic LN (important for staging) - MR Abdomen is a reasonable alternative if available - Bloods ○ FBC ○ EUC + CMP (renal function from impaired kidney) ○ LFT (liver metastases) ○ Coagulation studies § Acquired von Willebrand disease is possible - Urinalysis ○ Urinary protein (Denys-Drash) ○ Blood - Histopathology ○ Surgical resection (no biopsy) ○ Biopsy = tumour spill (upstages pt to Stage III= radiotherapy) For clear cell sarcoma of kidney : skeletal survey, MRI brain, bone marrow biopsy
Describe the COG/ SIOP staging for Wilm’s tumour
Describe the general management paradigm for Wilm’s tumour.
- General treatment principles:
- Multidisciplinary approach:
○ Surgery: local control + diagnosis - all need
○ Chemo: prevent LR and distant relapse - all need but intensity varies based on stage, histo, LOH
▪ Favourable
▪ Unfavourable = anaplasia, clear cell, rhabdoid = chemo resistance
○ RT: reduce LR and treat DM - certain cases only - Intensity of treatments is influenced by stage, FH or UH, bilateral or unilateral disease
- All need to be treated on a protocol and via an MDT
- The COG and SIOP have fundamentally different approaches.
Both approaches comparable outcomes with 5yr OS >90%
○ COG = upfront surgical resection (nephrectomy), with adjuvant therapies to follow
§ Gives accurate stage and pathological diagnosis upfront
□ 60% are stage 1 -2 = no RT
□ Tailor adjuvant treatment
□ Avoid treatment of benign tumours
○ SIOP = neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by surgical resection and adjuvant therapies to follow
§ Preop RT or chemo reduces rupture risk from 30% to 5% (rupture needs RT)
§ Good for unresectable disease, tumour thrombus, bilateral tumours (or tumoru in solitary kidney)
§ Disadvantages:
○ Diagnosis not confirmed by bx - pts treated on clinical and radiological grounds
○ 1.4% benign disease or incorrect histology treatment
○ Histology reflected chemotherapy-induced changes
○ Lose prognostic info.
- Multidisciplinary approach:
Describe the management of stage I/II/III Wilm’s tumour
Describe the management for stage IV and V Wilm’s tumour.
Describe radiotherapy management for wilm’s tumour.
Must be initiated within 10-14 days post-operatively
- Biggest detriment seen with unfavourable histology 40% vs 7%
- Mixed picture in retrospective study for <> 10 days. For non-metastatic disease <14 days better.
Causes for RT treatment delay
- final pathology and stage needed within a few days to determine if child needs RT
- need time to do simulation
- younger children may need anaesthesia
- simulating all children with renal masses seem to be inappropriate
Describe surgical management of Wilm’s tumour and the possible complications.
- Surgery
- Role- critical for LC & to Ax + stage intra-abdo dx (for subsequent CT + RT plan)
- Nephrectomy, inspection of contralat kidney
- LN sampling for St 1/2; resection of grossly involved LN for St3/4
- Absence of LN sampling is poor prognostic feature
- Indications for renal sparing surgery:
- Solitary kidney
- Horseshoe kidney
- Predisposition for bilateral tumours
- Denys-Drash or Frasier syndrome to delay time to dialysis
* Can occur in 20% primary nephrectomy
* Risk factors for complications:
* Intravascular extension into IVC
* Nephrectomy performed through flank
* Advanced local disease
* Resection of other organs
* Tumour >10cm
* Intestinal obstruction
* Intra-op hemorrhage
* Visceral organ damage
* Vascular complication
* Wound infection
* Hernia
Describe the flank radiotherapy technique for Wilm’s tumour
Flank RT
* Anaesthetic consult
* renal function
* review preop imaging + surgical report
* Start RT within 10 days postop
* Supine, vacbag, may require anaesthetic, CT scan
* Pre-op GTV= pre-op/CT tumour bed + kidney
* Includes the outline of the kidney and the associated tumour
* CTV= pre-op GTV+1cm in all directions
* PTV= CTV+ 1cm
* Boost GTV= residual dx, CTV=GTV+1cm, PTV= CTV+0.5-1cm
* AP/PA fields (field based is standard)with field borders at edge of PTV
* Superior, inferior and lateral borders of RT field are placed at edge of PTV
* Medial border extends across midline to include entire VB (with a margin of 1cm) at level concerned but not to overlap contralat kidney
* Need to cover entire vertebral body to avoid abnormal development/growth
* RT field should not extend to the dome of the diaphragm unless tumour extends to that height
* If positive LN have been surgically removed then the entire length of the PA chain from (crus to L5) should be included in RT field
Dose prescription: 10.8Gy/6#/1.8 to MPD, AP/PA fields, 6MV photons. Boost: addit 10.8 Gy
-IF Unfavourable Histology (Diffuse anaplasia, clear cell, rhabdoid) then treat to 19.8Gy
* Spinal cord
* Heart (Doxorubicin chemo also)
* Lung
* Contralateral kidney
* liver
* Gonads/Uterus
"these are the OAR and I would refer to COG protocol for dose constraints”
Describe the whole abdomen radiotherapy technique for Wilm’s Tumour
Whole Abdominal RT
* Anaesthetic consult
* renal function
* Review preop imaging + surgical report
* MDT discussion
* Exam: assess wound healing
* Explain SE - consent
* Genetic counselling if appropriate
* Family support
* Start RT within 10 days postop
* Supine arms above head
* Vacbag
* May require anaesthetics
* Tattoos at level of isocenter midline + L+R lateral
* CT mid thorax to mid pelvis
* Fusion: pre-op imaging
* No GTV
* CTV= entire peritoneal cavity from dome diaphragm to pelvic diaphragm
* Extends laterally to the right and left abdo wall
* AP/PA fields with field borders:
* Sup= 1cm above dome of diaphragm
* Inf= bottom obturator foramen
* Lat= 1cm beyond lateral abdo wall
* Shield femoral heads, acetabulum + testes (boys)
Abdominal boost:
* Boost: GTV: gross peritoneal deposists
* CTV- GTV+5mm
* PTV - CTV+10mm
Dose prescription- 10.5Gy/7# (1.5Gy/F)
* Boost 10.5Gy/7# to the gross peritoneal deposits - total 21Gy/14#
* Block out contralateral kidney after 9Fr (13.5Gy) if treating to 21Gy
* WART- MPD, AP/PA fields, 6MV photons, Midline as per ICRU 50
* Abdominal Boost- conformal technique
* Weekly tx review, history, exam
Target verification:
* Daily KV imaging, bone match, review soft tissue
* As per COG protocol
* Contralateral kidney: dmean <14 Gy, ALARA
* Lung <12Gy
* Heart < 15Gy
* Liver 20Gy to 50% of total liver volume
* Ovary/testis ALARA (<5Gy)
Describe the whole lung radiotherapy technique for Wilm’s tumour
Whole Lung RT
○ Only pts whose lung mets are NOT in CR after 3-drug chemo on 6 week CT scan
○ Initial tumour size, number of lesions or CT/xray detectability are NOT considerations
○ Anaesthetic consult
○ renal function
○ Review preop imaging + surgical report
○ MDT discussion
○ Exam: assess wound healing
○ Explain SE - consent
○ Genetic counselling if appropriate
○ Family support
○ Start RT within 10 days postop
○ Supine arms above head, vacbag
○ may require anaesthetic
○ CT +/- contrast if nodes
○ Breath hold technique
○ Fusion with pre-op imaging
○ CTV= both lungs, mediastinum, pleural recesses
○ PTV= CTV+ 0.5 to 1cm (usually 1cm)
○ AP/PA fields with field borders 1cm beyond CTV:
○ Shield shoulder joints
Dose prescription- 12Gy in 8F (1.5Gy/F) to MPD, AP/PA fields, 6MV photons.
○ If <12m then 10.5Gy in 7F
○ Both lungs given RT regardless of number and location of mets
○ Superior, inferior and lateral borders are placed 1cm become CTV
○ Superior: above apices of both lungs
○ Inferior: inf extent of ant and post costo-diaphragmatic recesses of pleural cavity should be included ~level of L1
○ Lateral: 1cm beyond thoracic wall
○ Weekly tx reviews
Target verification:
○ Daily KV images, bone match, review soft tissue
○ As above COG protocol
○ Shoulder joints protected by MLC shielding
○ <2/3 of contralat kidney >14.4Gy
<1/2 liver 19.8Gy
Dose constraints
** Localised mets persisting two weeks after delivery of whole lung RT should be excised or given extra 7.5Gy/5# (volume of lung in this boost should be <30% to reduce acute/long term pneumonitis) **
Describe the prognosis and follow up for Wilm’s tumour
5yr OS with treatment >90%. (all comers)
Diffuse anaplastic poor
Pulmonary metastasis: 5% at 10 years
Unilateral WILM: <1% renal failure
Bilateral: 10-15% renal failure
Heart failure: up to 5% (doxorubicin also contributes)
Describe the epidemiology and risk factors for Neuroblastoma.
- 40 children diagnosed annually in Australia
- 10% of all childhood malignancies
- most common extra cranial solid tumour
- most common malignancy in <1y
Median age is 18 months
- Exclusively a disease of children (>98% of cases prior to 10yo)
Slight male predominance (1.5:1)
Slight racial difference (white > black)
Most common anatomical sites
- Adrenal (35%)
- Paraspinal ganglia (30%)
- Posterior mediastinum (20%)
- Cervical ganglia (5%)
5year survival 70%
Stage 4 25%
No clear risk factors established
Postulated risks:
- Maternal opiate consumption
- Folate deficiency
- Congenital abnormality
- Size for gestational age
- Gestational diabetes
1% of cases may be familial, these pt tend to be younger at dx
- ALK gene is implicated
○ 75% of familial cases - aberrant activation of gremlin ALK signalling pathway
- PHOX2b mutated (Hirshprung, central hypoventilation, neural crest disorders)
- Li-fraumeni,
- Beckwith- Wiedemann,
- NF1
Describe the pathogenesis and subtypes for neuroblastoma.
Pathogenesis of neuroblastoma:
* Arises from early neural crest precursor cells (fetal adrenergic neuroblasts of neural crest tissues) that undergo transformation from genetic or epigenetic changes leading to blocked or aberrant development
* neural crest is a transient embryologic tissue much migrates out of the neural cord during development→EMT → migrates and forms components of
○ branchial artches
○ cardiac and thoracic vessels
○ adrenal glands
* May arise from any site in the sympathetic nervous system
Molecular Abnormalities:
* Segmental chromosome abberations:
○ deletions (as detected by LOH and segmental chromosome aberrations found in approx 50%
○ localized to chromosomes 1p, 11q, and 14q
* nMYC amplification (increased copy no.) and over expression of oncogene MYCN
○ N-MYC amplification is a key factor in the genesis of NB
○ high levels of MYCN protein→ DNA binding transcription factor known to cause malignant transformation
* Older: TERT promoter rearrangment, ALK copy number and gene amplification,
Spectrum of diseases with differing maturation of embryonal neural crest cells
- Neuroblastoma (malignant) -most undifferentiated
- Ganglioneuroblastoma
- Ganglioneuroma (benign)
arise from primitive sympathetic ganglion cells
Have the capacity to synthesis and secrete catecholamines