Paediatrics Flashcards


Describe the epidemiology and pathology for a craniopharyngioma.

  • Craniophryngioma
  • Arises from Rathke’s pouch, which abuts the hypothalamus and 3rd ventricle superiorly.
  • No formal staging –benign, slow growing but locally aggressive and destructive

* Bimodal distribution -
* 5% of all pediatric tumors. ~200-570 cases per year. 5-14 and 50-60
* M=F
* Comprises a little more than half of tumours in the sella-chiasmatic region in peds.

  • Pathology
  • 2 subtypes
    • Adamantinomatous histology (90%) -more frequent LR
      ○ Macro: lobular solid and cystic pattern,
      * Fluid that drains from it is called “crankcase oil”. Proteinaceous fluid with cholesterol crystals.
      ○ Micro: well circumscribed cords/lobules of squamous eipithelium and peripheral paliscading columnar cells. Anucleate squmaous cells (ghost) wet keratin
      ○ Microscopic invasion into brain
      ○ associated with WNTmt and CTNNB1 ( B catenin)
      ○ IHC:
      * Pos CK7,8,19, B catenin
      * Neg: BRAF
    • Papillary (less common < 10% peds, 1/3 of adults).
      ○ Discrete encapsulated mass
      ○ Micro: solid WD nonkeratinising squmous. Papilla around fibrovascular core.
      ○ BRAF mutations
      ○ IHC:
      * CK 7, EMA, BRAF
      * Neg CK 7 CK20
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Describe the history, examination and work up for a craniopharyngioma. What is the differential diagnosis of a suprasella tumour?

  • Presenting symptoms:
  • Children: growth retardation
  • Adults: abnormal vision, hormonal deficiencies
  • Hypothalamus symptoms: homeostasis, hormones, metabolism, temperature, food/water intake, emotions, circadian cycle
  • Work up:
  • History: visual field defect, endocrinopathy, generalized headache, N+V
  • Exam: cranial exam incl visual field, opthal review, endocrinopathy
  • Don’t need biopsy: dx based on imaging
  • MRI: cystic with calcifications, solid and encapsulated.
    • Adamantinomatous- T1 iso, T2 hyperintense
      ○ Audiometry.
      ○ Ophtho exam.
      ○ Blood and CSF tumor markers to rule out other suprasellar tumors.
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Describe the surgical management of craniopharyngioma and associated toxicities.


* Surgery
* GTR- alone 70-85% with LF 20%-> Observation
* Adj RT can cause hypopit, diabetes insipidus, vision loss, and hypothalamic dysfunction, personality change. Hence, observe
* STR - alone 30% DFS-> 70-80% DFS STR+RT
* Recommend PORT 54Gy/30F
* In children <5-7yo, RT can be deferred, salvage RT has similar LC as Adj RT.

  • Lateral pterional approach (temporal) is typically employed.
  • Transsphenoidal surgery appears to be best to minimize endocrinopathies, but is only for intrasellar tumors.
  • Children’s Memorial: Around 25% of patients with planned GTR will actually have GTR.
  • St. Jude (1984-1997) [Merchant IJROBP ‘02]: GTR vs. Limited surgery/RT.
    Planned STR appears to have less IQ detriment.
    ○ 30 pts. Mean age 8.6y.
    ○ Mean IQ lost of 9.8→ 1.25 points.
  • Treatment strategies in Childhood Craniopharyngioma [Puget Frontiers in Endo ‘12]:
    ○ It may be best to stratify for planned GTR based on the extent of hypothalamic involvement.
    ○ For STR, may observe if < 5yo.

* Surgical mortality < 4%, with morbidity ranging from 8 and 14%.
* Endoscopic endonasal approach resections appear to be the safest for suprasellar stalk and intrasellar stalk origin. However, the majority of tumors are central-type or hypothalamic stalk in origin and resection of these tumors are associated with hypothalamic injury
* Greater loss of IQ with radical surgery vs. limited surgery + RT.
* Vision loss (2% of surgery).
* Hypopituitarism: delayed puberty in 14-50% depending on age, decreased IQ,
* Hypothalamic obesity, defective short term memory.
○ Limit to 45 Gy.
* DI - Treatment with desmopressin.

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Describe the management of craniopharyngiomas with radiotherapy.

  • Radiotherapy
    * Indications:
    * Adjuvant: STR
    * Definitive: unresectable, not surgical candidate
    * Salvage
    * Technique: EBRT, IMRT, Protons
    * Volume:
    * GTV = surgical cavity, any residual enhancing lesions based and cystic components based on post op MRI T1 gad and T2 flair and CT.
    * CTV = GTV +5mm (use larger CTV eg 10mm if weekly MRI cannot be done)
    * PTV = CTV + 3mm

    ○ Dose: 54Gy/30# @ 1.8Gy/#
    ▪ Limited by surrounding structures
    * Control rate worse if <54Gy
    ▪ SRS 12-14Gy
    ○ Image Verification: daily CBCT matched to bone
    * Cyst and tumor swelling during and after RT prompts multiple MRIs while on treatment, q1-2w.
    * During treatment: repeat MRI weekly as there can be cyst and tumour swelling during RT. Any acute symptoms during RT may be likely due to cystic enlargement and may require urgent drainage +/- replan .
    * 20-30% will have growth of the cystic component within 6 months after RT.
    • Recurrent cyst –cyst injection of radioactiveisotope or bleomycin
    • Recurrence:
      • Surgery
      • SRS
      • BRAF inhibitor
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Describe radiotherapy treatment planning for craniopharyngioma.


Treatment Planning
ESTRO-ACROP Guidelines for target volume delineation of skull base tumors [Combs RTO ‘20]
* Max safe resection (vision preserving) or decompression of cyst prior to RT.
○ GTR alone 70-85% DFS (20% failure)→ cost of DI, vision loss, hypothalamic dysfunction. Observation.
○ STR: 30% DFS. PORT to 54 Gy. STR + RT 85-90% DFS
§ RT can be deferred for children < 5-7y after surgery, salvage RT with similar LC as adjuvant RT.
* MRI 3D T1 images are best for solid portions, while fast spin-echo T2 ± fat suppression are most useful for cystic components of the tumor.
* Recurrent setting: Intralesional chemo (bleo) or colloids P32: 200-250 Gy to cyst wall [Cavalheiro JNS ‘10]
○ Intralesional treatments are an option if the cyst is > 50% total bulk and ≤ 3 cysts (solitary is ideal), or recurrent cysts after surgical resection. Limited data, but ~30% CR and MPFS 1.8y with intralesional bleomycin [Hukin Cancer ‘07].
* Target volume:
○ GTV: Tumor + cyst wall. Prefer to cover the 3rd ventricle if the cyst occupied this area previously.
○ CTV: GTV + 0.3-0.5-1.0 cm (historically, 1.0-2.0 cm); PTV + 0.3-0.5 cm.
§ For weekly MRIs, use 0.5 cm margin. Otherwise, 1.0 cm.
* Dose 54 Gy conventional, range of 50-55 Gy acceptable.
○ Inferior LC with size > 6 cm [Hetelekidis IJROBP ‘93] and < 55 Gy [Varlotto IJROBP ‘02].
* SRS may be reasonable for small residual or recurrent craniopharyngiomas. Single fraction up to 18 Gy and 20-25/3-5 have been employed at a reasonable distance to chiasm.
* Cyst and tumor swelling during and after RT prompts multiple MRIs while on treatment (at least mid treatment), q1-2w.
○ Around 20-30% will have growth of the cystic component within 6 months after RT. If your surgeon wants to cut after RT, encourage cystic drainage or minimal surgery.
○ Acute symptoms during RT likely due to cystic enlargement, may require urgent drainage. Up to 1 in 8 may enlarge during RT.

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Describe the prognosis and follow up for craniopharyngioma.


Follow up
* 10y OS 70-92%, 20y OS 76%.
* 10y LC for GTR or STR 40%, Surgery + RT 85%, regardless if adjuvant or salvage.
* 3y OS 85%, LC very high 90%.
* Regrowth typically occurs within 2 years, but may take up to 9 years.

Make sure younger patients are followed closely and initiated on GH replacement within a year of radiation therapy, if warranted. RoR

Overall outcome: 80-90% 10 year control

Surgery GTR = 30% reccurrence
<2cm 90% GTR
3-4cm 20% GTR
Transspenoidal through nose
Transcranial (much worse pituitary function)
Surgery subtotal resection
Observation 70% recurrence
Adjuvant RT 20% recurrence

Definitive RT -survival similar to adjuvant RT or GTR

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Describe the epidemiology and risk factors for wilm’s tumours.


I: Incidence
* 40 cases annually in Australia
* Accounts for 5% of childhood malignancies
* most common renal tumour of infants and children
* most common abdominal cancer in childhood

A: Median age is 4 years old (2-5) >70%
* Slightly earlier if bilateral (germline mutation)
* incidence >10 years rare
G: Slight female predominance (1.25:1)
G: No significant geographical variation.
R: African children have higher incidence, followed by caucasion, asian lowest incidence


1) Majority have no clear cause (90%)

2) Genetic syndromes (10%)
	a. WT1 germline deletion
		i. 33% lifetime risk of Wilm's
		ii. WAGR syndrome --> Wilm's, Aniridia, Genitourinary malformation, Retardation
	b. Denys-Drash syndrome (WT1 missense mutation)
		i. 90% lifetime risk of Wilm's
		ii. Gonadal dysgenesis + early-onset nephropathy
	c. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (WT2 imprinting abnormalities)
		i. Often demonstrate IGF-2 overexpression
		ii. Organomegaly, macroglossia, hemihypertrophy
		iii. Also get adrenocortocoma, hepatoblastoma
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Describe the pathogenesis and natural history for wilm’s tumours.



  • childhood embryonal tumour thought to arise through abortive or disrupted development
  • linked to nephrogenesis- Normally:
    • intermediate mesoderm differentiates into metanephric mesenchyme which condenses around the braching ureteric bud structures
    • undergoes MET to form renal vesicles which expand to give rise to the majority of cell types in the functional kidney

Develop from persistent metanephric tissue or nephrogenic rests
- Clusters of persistent embryonal cells
- Thought to be a precursor to Wilm’s

Genetic alterations occur during embryological development of the genitourinary tract
- WT1 is most implicated (chr 11)
- WT2 is also implicated

10% occur bilaterally
- Worse prognosis
- Higher risk of germline mutation

Natural Hx
- Local extension- renal capsule, renal sinus + vessels
○ Increased risk of relapse if:
§ Inflammatory pseudocapsule
§ Extensive infiltration of renal capsule
§ Involvement of renal sinus
§ Tumour in intrarenal vessels
- LN spread- renal hilar or ParaAortic LN
- DM: liver + lung most commonly, other sites rare (question diagnosis)
○ Lung: 15% at diagnosis
- Other renal tumours:
○ CCSK: brain + bone mets (bone mets a hallmark)
○ RTK: brain mets

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Describe the pathology for wilm’s tumours.



- Large, solitary, well circumscribed masses
○ Demarcated from normal renal parenchyma
○ Often with a pseudocapsule
- Cut section demonstrates soft, homogenous tan-grey tumour
○ Occasional haemorrhage, cystic change or necrosis is seen

- Classic triphasic appearances (don’t need all 3)
○ Blastema = sheets of small undifferentiated cells
○ Epithelial = abortive glomeruli and tubular structures
○ Stromal = varying differentiation, oval to spindle cells with bland nucleoli, may have heterologous components
- Anaplasia is associated with poorer prognosis (5-10% of cases)
○ Associated with p53 mutation
○ Requires all three of
§ Atypical mitoses
§ Marked nuclear enlargement
§ Hyperchromasia


- POS = WT1, PAX8, vimentin
○ Epithelial will have CKs, EMA
○ Stromal will have vimentin, desmin + mygenin
- NEG = AMACR, CK7, melanocytic markers (MelanA, HMB45)

- p53 mutation (70%)
- IGF2 mutation (70%
- 1q gain (30%)
- WT1 (20%)

Loss of heterozygosity 1p and 16q = poorer prognosis

i) Favourable Histology (FH) 90% – no anaplasia, often with epithelial component with no sarcomatoid changes.
ii) Unfavourable Histology (UH) 10% – anaplasia present, can be triphasic, focal or diffuse (only diffuse anaplasia has clinical significance = resistance to chemotherapy and often p53 mutations)

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Compare and contrast wilm’s tumours from neuroblastoma.

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Describe variants of Wilm’s tumours and DDx

  • Variants/Other Types/DDX
    ○ RCC
    § Rare in children/adolescents, 4/1mil
    § Age 15-19 years, 2/3rd kidney lesions are RCC
    § Often presents with more advanced disease
    § Risk factors: prev RT/CT, Von hipplel lindau, tuberous sclerosis, familial RCC
    § Prognostic factors: stage, LN
    □ 5year OS: St I-II 100%, III 71%, IV 8%
    § Management: radical nephrectomy + LN dissection
    § Micro: papillary subtype most common then mixed, clear cell
    □ Translocation transcription factor E3 gene
    ○ Clear cell sarcoma of kidney (CCSK)
    § 3% of childhood renal malignancies, 2:1 M: F
    § 29% nodal met at presentation
    § most commonly site if recurrence= bone, lung, followed by abdo and brain
    § Separate entity to Wilms tumour
    § Poorer than FH Wilms, Predisposition for bony metastases
    § Prognostic factors: young age, stage 4
    § Micro: Cytoplasmic vacuolization, nests or cords separated by fibrovascular stroma
    § Mx: clinical trial, surgery, CT + RT
    ○ Rhabdoid tumour of the kidney (RTK)
    § 2% childhood malignancies, 80% < 2yo
    § 1.5 M:F
    § charaterised by INI-1
    § assoc with primary intracranial mass or brain met- > need brains staging
    § Risk factors: rhabdoid predisposition syndrome (germline mutation SMARCB1)
    § Very aggressive, Predisposition for brain metastases
    § Presents with fever, haematuria, mean age 11 months, advanced disease
    § Mx: no standard mx, multi modality therapy is best with surgery + chemo (vnc,cyc,doxo,carb, etops) + RT
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Describe the prognostic factors for Wilm’s tumour

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Describe the history, examination and work up for Wilm’s tumour


- History
§ Asymptomatic abdominal mass
§ Abdominal pain
§ Anorexia
§ Vomiting
§ HTN, haematuria
§ Varicocele
○ PMHx
§ Genetic syndromes
□ WAGR syndrome
□ Denys-Drash
§ Previous malignancy
§ Previous radiotherapy
○ Family History
§ Previous malignancies

- Examination
	○ General wellness of child
	○ Blood pressure (25% are hypertensive)
	○ Examine for syndromic abnormalities
	○ 1% of wilms have Aniridia. 40% will have Wilms
	○ Abdominal palpation
		§ Care must be taken not to examine rigorously (risk of capsule rupture)
		§ Hemihypertrophy -left or right side bigger than other eg. Arm or leg.
		§ May have cryptorchidism, hypospadias, horseshoe kidney

- Abdominal ultrasound
○ Initial investigation to establish presence of abdominal mass
○ Should be able to identify nephrogenic site

	○ Assess size and location of disease
	○ Assess patency of renal vessels
	○ Assess para aortic LN (important for staging)
- MR Abdomen is a reasonable alternative if available

- Bloods
	○ FBC
	○ EUC + CMP (renal function from impaired kidney)
	○ LFT (liver metastases)
	○ Coagulation studies
		§ Acquired von Willebrand disease is possible

- Urinalysis
	○ Urinary protein (Denys-Drash)
	○ Blood

- Histopathology
	○ Surgical resection (no biopsy)
	○ Biopsy = tumour spill (upstages pt to Stage III= radiotherapy) For clear cell sarcoma of kidney : skeletal survey, MRI brain, bone marrow biopsy
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Describe the COG/ SIOP staging for Wilm’s tumour

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Describe the general management paradigm for Wilm’s tumour.

  • General treatment principles:
    • Multidisciplinary approach:
      ○ Surgery: local control + diagnosis - all need
      ○ Chemo: prevent LR and distant relapse - all need but intensity varies based on stage, histo, LOH
      ▪ Favourable
      ▪ Unfavourable = anaplasia, clear cell, rhabdoid = chemo resistance
      ○ RT: reduce LR and treat DM - certain cases only
    • Intensity of treatments is influenced by stage, FH or UH, bilateral or unilateral disease
    • All need to be treated on a protocol and via an MDT
    • The COG and SIOP have fundamentally different approaches.
      Both approaches comparable outcomes with 5yr OS >90%
      ○ COG = upfront surgical resection (nephrectomy), with adjuvant therapies to follow
      § Gives accurate stage and pathological diagnosis upfront
      □ 60% are stage 1 -2 = no RT
      □ Tailor adjuvant treatment
      □ Avoid treatment of benign tumours
      ○ SIOP = neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by surgical resection and adjuvant therapies to follow
      § Preop RT or chemo reduces rupture risk from 30% to 5% (rupture needs RT)
      § Good for unresectable disease, tumour thrombus, bilateral tumours (or tumoru in solitary kidney)
      § Disadvantages:
      ○ Diagnosis not confirmed by bx - pts treated on clinical and radiological grounds
      ○ 1.4% benign disease or incorrect histology treatment
      ○ Histology reflected chemotherapy-induced changes
      ○ Lose prognostic info.
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Describe the management of stage I/II/III Wilm’s tumour

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Describe the management for stage IV and V Wilm’s tumour.

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Describe radiotherapy management for wilm’s tumour.



Must be initiated within 10-14 days post-operatively
- Biggest detriment seen with unfavourable histology 40% vs 7%
- Mixed picture in retrospective study for <> 10 days. For non-metastatic disease <14 days better.

Causes for RT treatment delay
- final pathology and stage needed within a few days to determine if child needs RT
- need time to do simulation
- younger children may need anaesthesia
- simulating all children with renal masses seem to be inappropriate

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Describe surgical management of Wilm’s tumour and the possible complications.

  • Surgery
    • Role- critical for LC & to Ax + stage intra-abdo dx (for subsequent CT + RT plan)
    • Nephrectomy, inspection of contralat kidney
    • LN sampling for St 1/2; resection of grossly involved LN for St3/4
    • Absence of LN sampling is poor prognostic feature
    • Indications for renal sparing surgery:
      • Solitary kidney
      • Horseshoe kidney
      • Predisposition for bilateral tumours
      • Denys-Drash or Frasier syndrome to delay time to dialysis

* Can occur in 20% primary nephrectomy
* Risk factors for complications:
* Intravascular extension into IVC
* Nephrectomy performed through flank
* Advanced local disease
* Resection of other organs
* Tumour >10cm
* Intestinal obstruction
* Intra-op hemorrhage
* Visceral organ damage
* Vascular complication
* Wound infection
* Hernia

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Describe the flank radiotherapy technique for Wilm’s tumour


Flank RT
* Anaesthetic consult
* renal function
* review preop imaging + surgical report
* Start RT within 10 days postop
* Supine, vacbag, may require anaesthetic, CT scan

* Pre-op GTV= pre-op/CT tumour bed + kidney
* Includes the outline of the kidney and the associated tumour
* CTV= pre-op GTV+1cm in all directions
* PTV= CTV+ 1cm
* Boost GTV= residual dx, CTV=GTV+1cm, PTV= CTV+0.5-1cm

* AP/PA fields (field based is standard)with field borders at edge of PTV
* Superior, inferior and lateral borders of RT field are placed at edge of PTV
* Medial border extends across midline to include entire VB (with a margin of 1cm) at level concerned but not to overlap contralat kidney
* Need to cover entire vertebral body to avoid abnormal development/growth
* RT field should not extend to the dome of the diaphragm unless tumour extends to that height
* If positive LN have been surgically removed then the entire length of the PA chain from (crus to L5) should be included in RT field

Dose prescription: 10.8Gy/6#/1.8 to MPD, AP/PA fields, 6MV photons. Boost: addit 10.8 Gy

-IF Unfavourable Histology (Diffuse anaplasia, clear cell, rhabdoid) then treat to 19.8Gy

* Spinal cord
* Heart (Doxorubicin chemo also)
* Lung
* Contralateral kidney
* liver
* Gonads/Uterus

"these are the OAR and I would refer to COG protocol for dose constraints”
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Describe the whole abdomen radiotherapy technique for Wilm’s Tumour


Whole Abdominal RT
* Anaesthetic consult
* renal function
* Review preop imaging + surgical report
* MDT discussion
* Exam: assess wound healing
* Explain SE - consent
* Genetic counselling if appropriate
* Family support
* Start RT within 10 days postop

* Supine arms above head
* Vacbag
* May require anaesthetics
* Tattoos at level of isocenter midline + L+R lateral
* CT mid thorax to mid pelvis
* Fusion: pre-op imaging

* No GTV
* CTV= entire peritoneal cavity from dome diaphragm to pelvic diaphragm
* Extends laterally to the right and left abdo wall
* AP/PA fields with field borders:
* Sup= 1cm above dome of diaphragm
* Inf= bottom obturator foramen
* Lat= 1cm beyond lateral abdo wall
* Shield femoral heads, acetabulum + testes (boys)

Abdominal boost:
* Boost: GTV: gross peritoneal deposists
* CTV- GTV+5mm
* PTV - CTV+10mm

Dose prescription- 10.5Gy/7# (1.5Gy/F)
* Boost 10.5Gy/7# to the gross peritoneal deposits - total 21Gy/14#
* Block out contralateral kidney after 9Fr (13.5Gy) if treating to 21Gy

* WART- MPD, AP/PA fields, 6MV photons, Midline as per ICRU 50
* Abdominal Boost- conformal technique

* Weekly tx review, history, exam

Target verification:
* Daily KV imaging, bone match, review soft tissue

* As per COG protocol
* Contralateral kidney: dmean <14 Gy, ALARA
* Lung <12Gy
* Heart < 15Gy
* Liver 20Gy to 50% of total liver volume
* Ovary/testis ALARA (<5Gy)

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Describe the whole lung radiotherapy technique for Wilm’s tumour


Whole Lung RT

○ Only pts whose lung mets are NOT in CR after 3-drug chemo on 6 week CT scan
○ Initial tumour size, number of lesions or CT/xray detectability are NOT considerations

○ Anaesthetic consult
○ renal function
○ Review preop imaging + surgical report
○ MDT discussion
○ Exam: assess wound healing
○ Explain SE - consent
○ Genetic counselling if appropriate
○ Family support
○ Start RT within 10 days postop

○ Supine arms above head, vacbag
○ may require anaesthetic
○ CT +/- contrast if nodes
○ Breath hold technique
○ Fusion with pre-op imaging

○ CTV= both lungs, mediastinum, pleural recesses
○ PTV= CTV+ 0.5 to 1cm (usually 1cm)
○ AP/PA fields with field borders 1cm beyond CTV:
○ Shield shoulder joints

Dose prescription- 12Gy in 8F (1.5Gy/F) to MPD, AP/PA fields, 6MV photons.
○ If <12m then 10.5Gy in 7F

○ Both lungs given RT regardless of number and location of mets
○ Superior, inferior and lateral borders are placed 1cm become CTV
○ Superior: above apices of both lungs
○ Inferior: inf extent of ant and post costo-diaphragmatic recesses of pleural cavity should be included ~level of L1
○ Lateral: 1cm beyond thoracic wall

○ Weekly tx reviews

Target verification:
○ Daily KV images, bone match, review soft tissue

○ As above COG protocol
○ Shoulder joints protected by MLC shielding
○ <2/3 of contralat kidney >14.4Gy
<1/2 liver 19.8Gy

Dose constraints
** Localised mets persisting two weeks after delivery of whole lung RT should be excised or given extra 7.5Gy/5# (volume of lung in this boost should be <30% to reduce acute/long term pneumonitis) **

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Describe the prognosis and follow up for Wilm’s tumour


5yr OS with treatment >90%. (all comers)
Diffuse anaplastic poor

Pulmonary metastasis: 5% at 10 years

Unilateral WILM: <1% renal failure
Bilateral: 10-15% renal failure

Heart failure: up to 5% (doxorubicin also contributes)

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Describe the epidemiology and risk factors for Neuroblastoma.


- 40 children diagnosed annually in Australia
- 10% of all childhood malignancies
- most common extra cranial solid tumour
- most common malignancy in <1y

Median age is 18 months
- Exclusively a disease of children (>98% of cases prior to 10yo)
Slight male predominance (1.5:1)
Slight racial difference (white > black)

Most common anatomical sites
- Adrenal (35%)
- Paraspinal ganglia (30%)
- Posterior mediastinum (20%)
- Cervical ganglia (5%)

5year survival 70%
Stage 4 25%


No clear risk factors established

Postulated risks:
- Maternal opiate consumption
- Folate deficiency
- Congenital abnormality
- Size for gestational age
- Gestational diabetes

1% of cases may be familial, these pt tend to be younger at dx
- ALK gene is implicated
○ 75% of familial cases - aberrant activation of gremlin ALK signalling pathway
- PHOX2b mutated (Hirshprung, central hypoventilation, neural crest disorders)
- Li-fraumeni,
- Beckwith- Wiedemann,
- NF1

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Describe the pathogenesis and subtypes for neuroblastoma.


Pathogenesis of neuroblastoma:
* Arises from early neural crest precursor cells (fetal adrenergic neuroblasts of neural crest tissues) that undergo transformation from genetic or epigenetic changes leading to blocked or aberrant development
* neural crest is a transient embryologic tissue much migrates out of the neural cord during development→EMT → migrates and forms components of
○ branchial artches
○ cardiac and thoracic vessels
○ adrenal glands
* May arise from any site in the sympathetic nervous system

Molecular Abnormalities:
* Segmental chromosome abberations:
○ deletions (as detected by LOH and segmental chromosome aberrations found in approx 50%
○ localized to chromosomes 1p, 11q, and 14q
* nMYC amplification (increased copy no.) and over expression of oncogene MYCN
○ N-MYC amplification is a key factor in the genesis of NB
○ high levels of MYCN protein→ DNA binding transcription factor known to cause malignant transformation
* Older: TERT promoter rearrangment, ALK copy number and gene amplification,


Spectrum of diseases with differing maturation of embryonal neural crest cells
- Neuroblastoma (malignant) -most undifferentiated
- Ganglioneuroblastoma
- Ganglioneuroma (benign)

arise from primitive sympathetic ganglion cells
Have the capacity to synthesis and secrete catecholamines

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Describe the pathology for neuroblastoma.



- Circumscribed ovoid mass with multilobulated appearance
○ Fibrous pseudocapsule
- Haemorrhagic with bulging lobules
- Cut section shows soft grey-tan tissue with areas of necrosis and cystic softening
○ May be calcified

- Small blue round cell tumour
- Neuroblasts can be differentiating or undifferentiated
○ Differentiating = abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm
○ Undifferentiated = minimal cytoplasm, dark nuclei small cells, vague cytoplasmic borders
- Prominent mitoses and necrosis
- Homer-Wright pseudorosettes are seen

- POS = CD56, synaptophysin, chromogranin, NSE, ALK-1, PHOX2B
- NEG = EMA, CK, vimentin, CD45, desmin, myogenin

- ALK-1 (familial is rare; sporadic occurs in 10%)
- MycN,
- tropomyosin recetor kinase


Describe the prognostic features for neuroblastoma.


Key Prognostic Factors
- Stage
- Age<1.5
- Favourable histology (Shimada classification)
- N-MYC amplification (One of the defining features for high risk disease)
- alk, TR amplification
- DNA ploidy
- Ferritin, LDH, NSE


Describe the history and classic signs of neuroblastoma.



	○ Abdominal symptoms
		§ Pain
		§ Palpable mass
		§ Bloating and distention
		§ Bowel changes
	○ Paraneoplastic
		§ Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (jerking random eye movements)
		§ Vasoactive intestinal peptide syndrome (diarrhoea with hypokalaemia)
		§ Flushing from catecolamines
	○ Other
		§ Proptosis +/- peri-orbital bruising (metastases obstructing veins) racoon eyes
		§ Bone pain

- Examination
	○ General wellness of child
	○ Abdominal palpation

Classic signs of neuroblastoma:
- Blueberry muffin sign: Nontender blue skin nodules.
- Raccoon eyes: orbital mets with proptosis and bruising.
- Pepper syndrome: Massive involvement of liver with possible respiratory compromise.
- Hutchinson syndrome: Bone pain, refusal to walk, skull masses.
- Kerner-Morrison: Diarrhea, hypoK, due to VIP secretion.
- Opsoclonus-myoclonus-truncal ataxia: a paraneoplastic syndrome of myoclonic jerking and random eye movements that is associated with early stage and may persist after cure.


Describe the workup for neuroblastoma



- Bloods
	○ FBC
	○ EUC and CMP
	○ LFT
	○ Serum catecholamines
- Urine catecholamines 

- Initial US imaging

- Biopsy
	○ Surgical resection should be considered in the setting of localised disease, particularly in the absence of image-defined risk factors (IDRFs) 
	○ When biopsy rather than upfront resection is indicated, open biopsy may be prefered to get adequate tissue
	○ Core biopsy (20 or more samples required)
	○ FNA not recommended 

- Bone marrow biopsy- widespread infiltration with neuroblastoma cells 

- Imaging
	○ Staging CT or MRI (Chest and Abdomen at minimum)
		§ Calcification is classic
		§ Vascular encasement with contralateral extension
	○ I-123 MIBG scan
		§ MIBG is an analogue of norepinephrine
		§ If this study is negative (at the primary site also), needs FDG-PET
		§ Also used for progress scans
	○ Poor prognosis imaging factors:

Describe the staging for Neuroblastoma.


INSS (for post op staging)
Stage 1- localised, Complete resection, R0/R1, N0
Stage 2A- localised, Partial resection, N0
Stage 2B- localised, Complete/ partial resection, Ipsi N+, contralateral N0
Stage 3- unresectable tumour, or localised with contralateral N+
Stage 4- Metastatic disease to node, bones, BM, liver, skin
Stage 4S- Metastatic with met only to liver, BM or skin

INRG (for preop staging)
L1- localised, no imaged- defined RF
L2- locoregional tumour with 1+ imaged-defined RF
M - Distant met
MS- Met in children < 18mo with met to skin, liver or BM.


Describe risk grouping and the management paradigm for Neuroblastoma.


Treatment Based on Risk Group

Risk Groupings depend on
- Stage
- Age
- Genetics: N-myc amplification, ploidy, 1p or 11q LOH
- Histology
○ Favourable histology (Shimada grouping)- [low mitotic count, well-diff, high stroma/rich in schwann cells, <18mo]
○ UNFAVOURABLE histo= high mitotic count, poorly diff, lack of schwann cells, >18mo
- Response to treatment

RT for high risk
N-MYC amplified
Nonamplified, metastatic disease with 11q aberration
Palliative Cord compression, cranial nerve lesions,

R2 worse

Requires MDT + enroll on study
- Chemotherapy (CACE): Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Cisplatin, Etoposide.
- Surgery for all, except potentially stage 4S which may regress spontaneously.
○ Surgery → maximal safe resection without sacrificing structures
- Role RT: rationale to improve LC
○ High risk dx
○ Involved gross margins with intermediate risk disease
○ Emergent, Progression or recurrence of low/intermed risk dx.
○ Palliation
- Consolidation chemotherapy + ASCT with chemo conditioning
- Maintanance cis-retinoic acid and Consolidation immunotherapy with anti-GD2 therapy


Describe the management of very low, low and intermediate risk neuroblastoma


Describe the management of high risk and stage IVS Neuroblastoma.


Describe palliative management of neuroblastoma.


- RT plays important role in palliation with good response of incurable dx.
- If no access to 1-131 MIBG, can do PET scan
- I-131 MIBG has 33% RR – MIBG taken up by neuroblastoma cells due to structural similarity with noradrenaline. I-131 beta emitter.
○ Highly sensitive and specific for skeletal and soft tissue mets
○ Half life of 8 days (physical), 120 days (biological)
○ Secretes beta rays 606Kev (therapeutic) and 364kEv gamma rays (diagnostic)
○ Role: staging, assess chemotherapy response, post-treatment surveillance, therapy in relapsed or newly diagnosed disease (experimental)
○ Main SE: N&V, sialadenitis, thyroid dysfunction, hypertension, myelosuppression, venoocclusive liver disease
Pain: 12Gy/3F - 20Gy/5F
Soft tissue mass 4-8Gy/1F
Intra-cranial recurrence – Whole brain RT 21.6/12 F
Clinical markup+/- ortho- very quick and easy


Describe the radiotherapy technique for Neuroblastoma.


MDT discussion
Anaesthesia consultation - may require sedation etc
RT 28-42 days post ASCT

Preoperative CT/MRI
Age < 18mo, micro residual: 15Gy + 5-10Gy boost
Age > 18mo 21.6Gy/12# (1.8Gy/#) (SOC)
Gross disease No boost
Metastatic sites Aggressive: 21.6Gy/12#
Palliative pain management: 12Gy/3#, 4-6Gy/1#
4S liver involvement 4.5Gy/3#
MIBG for advanced disease 20 – 300mCi - 10 – 50% response rates

- Pre-operative tumour (post chemotherapy)
○ Reduce as per surgical movements
- Includes disease identified intra-operatively

- GTV + 1.5cm
- Trimmed to anatomy
- Include symmetrical vertebral bodies
- 4DCT
- Elective nodal radiation not required

- PTV + 7mm

Boost for residual disease is controversial
- Limited benefit seen in ANBL 0532 protocol

- Liver V9<50%, V18 <25%
- Kidney V8 <50%, V20<12%, contralateral kidney mean <14Gy
- Lung V15<30%

As per ANBL 1531
Ipsilat kidney V18Gy < 75%
Dmean ≤ 18Gy
V14.4Gy < 100%
Contralat kidney V18Gy < 25%
Ipsi lung V20Gy < 30%
Contralat lung V20Gy < 10%
Bilateral lung V20Gy < 30%
Liver V30Gy < 15%
V9Gy < 25%
Dmean < 15Gy
ALARA, Doxorubicin in chemo, so keep low
Pancreatic Tail
10Gy; diabetes >10Gy
Vertebral bodies
Include entire vertebral body and post elements, Dmean > 18Gy


Discuss the evidence in management of neuroblastoma.


COG ANBL 0532 trial (Liu, 2020)
- 382 patients with newly diagnosed high-risk neuroblastoma received
○ 5x induction chemotherapy
○ Surgical resection
○ ASCT consolidation
§ Randomised to single or tandem conditioning
○ Consolidation radiotherapy
§ 21.6Gy/12F to pre-operative tumour bed
§ Boost to 36Gy/20F to residual disease
○ Maintenance chemotherapy
- Outcomes were compared to a historical cohort
○ Received lower dose RT only (21.6Gy - no boost)

- Outcomes
	○ No improvement in outcomes seen with RT boost

COG A3973 -randomised
-no benefit for elective nodes
-As per PROSS teaching day, elective nodal radiotherapy is not required

WOLDEN MSKCC 10% local failure if NED. Need RT only to local site


Describe prognosis and complications from management of neuroblastoma.


Describe the epidemiology, risk factors and prognostic factors for retinoblastoma


· 6th most common paed solid ca, most common paed occular ca.
· Heritable vs. sporadic.
* Heritable: germline mutations in RB1 gene
w Bilateral disease, multifocal disease, positive fam hx
w 15% unilateral retinoblastoma is due to germline mutations therefore heritable
w Most cases de novo, fam hx positive in only 25%
* Nonheritable:
w Somatic mutation (mutations in nonreproductive cells) in RB1 gene
w Unilateral, unifocal disease, tend to be diagnosed at a later age
· Mean age 2y for sporadic form (60%) → unilateral
· Mean age 1y for inherited form (40%) → multiple bilat tumours in 85%
· 90% of all cases in kids < 5yrs.
· M=F

Risk factors:
· Genetic – RB autosomal dominant inheritance
· Family history
· Assoc with low SES

Prognostic factors:
· Patient: genetic (Risk of other malignancies)
Tumour: invasion of optic nerve, uveal tract or sclera, seeding of vitreous, involvement of anterior segment, extensive ocular tissue, tumour necrosis


Describe the pathogenesis for retinoblastoma.


· TSG that binds and inhibits E2F family
· Regulates DNA synthesis at the G1/S checkpoint ?Can DNA synthesis begin
· Activated by phosphorylation of RB by Cyclin D/CDK4-6 rise, releases E2F which is a family of transcription factors
· Cyclin E-CDK2 the maintains activity by keeping RB phosphorylated and keeping E2F free
RB Gene
· Mutation on chromosome 13
· Knudson Two Hit hypothesis noted in RB patients
· Both alleles must be inactivated
· Observation: Inherited retinoblastoma occurs at a younger age than the sporadic disease
· Both alleles must be inactivated
○ Inherited: x1 germline mutation + x1 sporadic defect
○ Sporadic disease: x2 sporadic defecst, hence later onset of age

· Bilateral retinoblastoma essentially always have a germline mutation. Unilateral tumours 85% sporadic 15% germline mutation.
· Germline mutation in an autosomal dominant fashion
· A child of an affected parent has a 50% chance on inheriting the mutation, and if so 90% chance of developing retinoblastoma as a consequence (high penetrance)
· Association
· Retinoblastoma +pineoblastoma
· Retinoblastoma + Suprasella CNS embryonal tumour
· Osetosarcoma

· Poorly differentiated, malignant neuroectodermal tumour arising in sensory retina
· Even 50y ago, most kids survived Rb, either by r/o eye, or by treating affected eye(s) with RT.
· Rx efforts now focused on preserving vision by r/o fewer eyes + less radiation.
· Has been found that certain CT drugs can penetrate into eye + ↓ size of tumours.
· Those smaller tumours can then be treated by specialized ophthalmologists + are destroyed with lasers, freezing or other focal tx -> goal: preserve vision

· Retinoblastoma usually caused by mutational inactivation of both alleles in the RB1 gene
· RB1 gene maps to chromosome 13q14 and encodes a nuclear protein (Rb) that acts as a tumour suppressor
· Rb acts to restrict cells ability to progress from G1 to S phase of cell cycle
· When active, Rb binds to E2F, transcription factor. Loss of active, functional Rb causes cell cycle dysregulation
· Inhibits cycle until DNA checked/repaired
· Heritable form of Rb→ 40% pts → inherit germ line mutation of Rb gene in 1 allele. 2nd allele inactivation via somatic mutation→ cancer - Knudsons two-hit hypothesis
* Probability of this >90%.
* Only 10% Rb pts have +ve FH; other 30% of develop sporadic germ line mutation of RB gene.
· Nonheritable form→ 60% pts→ 1 cell mutates/deletes both copies of Rb gene.
· Pts with mutation in RB also at greatly ↑risk of developing lung, bladder, osteosarcoma + other STSs, melanoma, neuroectodermal tumours.


Describe the presentation and work up for retinoblastoma.


Clinical Presentation
· Most commonly leukocoria → white pupillary reflex.
· Strabismus, nystagmus
· Red painful glaucomatous eye + poor vision
Trilateral retinoblastoma: bilateral retinoblastoma + intracranial tumours (3/4 in pineal gland). Condition has poor prognosis.

* Hx + PE
* Leukocoria, strabismus, painful red eye, proptosis, orbital mass, mets
* Bloods: FBC (bone marrow), LFT(mets), EUC (chemo)
* USS, (CT) + MRI- to visualize extent
* EUA- inc. ophthalmoscopy with dilated pupil
* If optic nerve invasion or extra-ocular spread (not confined to globe) → brain MRI, bone scan, LP + BMAT (Bone Marrow Aspirate and trephine bx).
* Genetics referral if appropriate
* Consider molecular genetic testing of all cases
* NO biopsy as risk of seeding, clinical diagnosis pathology not required to confirm diagnosis


Describe the pathology and natural history for retinoblastoma.


· Chalky white appearance, areas of calcification and yellow necrotic areas
· Rarely diffusely infiltrative, seeds intraocularly
· May grow endophytically (into vitreous) or epiphytically (into subretinal space, often causing retinal detachment)

· Small round blue cell tumour, necrosis + mitotic figures common
· Sheets, trabeculae and nests of small round blue cells with scant cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei and scanty stroma
· Classically forms rosettes + fleurettes:
· Flexner-Winter-steiner rosettes: characteristic of RB. Radial arrangement of columnar cells around lumen, with nuclei positioned away from lumen (right). Distinct eosinophilic circle composed of terminal bars analogous to outer membrane of normal retina
· Homer-Wright rosettes: tumour cells arranged radially around fibrillary core, rather than lumen.
· Fleurettes: “Bouquet of flowers”; cells with abundant cyto + small nuclei joined by cytoplasmic junctions → appearance of bouquet of flowers
· Frequent Azzopardi phenomena: basophilic deposits around blood vessels (also seen in small cell carcinoma)
· Frequent mitotic figures, variable apoptotic cells

· Positive: NSE (neuron specific enolase), synaptophysin, S100, Leu7, GFAP, p53, high Ki67
· Negative: CD99

Natural History
· Local:
* Rapidly growing lesion on retina→ can fill globe -> exophthalmos
* May penetrate sclera → invade orbit + along optic nerve -> brain
* CSF spread -> leptomeningeal disease
* Deadly if left untreated -> destroys globe -> metastatic spread in 12 months
· Lymph nodes:
* Only if invades conjunctiva, ciliary body, iris
· Haem:
* Distant mets to CNS, bones, liver, spleen


Describe the general management paradigm for retinoblastoma.


Treatment goals are:
* Cure + survival
* Preservation of globe + vision
* Minimising Rx related toxicity particularly second malignancies

* Always involve MDT
* Size, location, vitreous or subretinal seeds, age and visual prognosis are used to guide initial mx
* International disease classification system often used to characterize extent of disease and likelihood of globe salvage

Summary Management of Rb
* Factors to consider age
* Staging of disease- A-E
* vision integrity of the affected eye
* fitness and suitability for treatment
* previous treatment and response

Early Stage- A/B
***Local therapy only suitable for unifocal, thin, small lesion AWAY from the macula. Otherwise, give chemo first
* local therapy with cryotherapy or photocoagulation - limited to size <6mm, depth <3mm
* Plaque brachytherapy- I-125 for 2-3 days, limited to size <15mm, depth <8mm. unifocal disease.
* Dose: 40-45Gy to tumour apex, 100-120Gy to base, over 48-96hrs

Locally advanced , C, D, E
* OAC- ophthalmic artery chemosurgery- injection of chemotherapy agent directly into the tumour via femoral artery canalisation and ostium of opthalmic artery
* IV chemotherapy with Carbo+Etop+vincristine- neoadjuvant chemoreductive treatment or adjuvant treatment or salvage treatment
* Enucleation (for D&E) +/- Adj Chemo or Adj RT
* Adj RT 45Gy/25F: given post enucleation if pos margin or high risk factors eg scleral/ choroid invasion, invasion to the lamina cribosa

Bilateral disease:
* Bilateral disease with advanced stage (group C, D, E) is present in one or both eyes
* Focal treatment (Laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy) for the least affected eye (only if tumour small) + enucleation
* Consider adjuvant chemo if pathologic features for more advanced eye
* Systemic chemotherapy
* Bilateral OAC +/- intravitreous chemotherapy


Describe the staging for retinoblastoma.


International classification for Rb specifies 5 groups: (COG)
* Group A- small tumours (<3mm) confined to retina + away from optic n + fovea (critical structures) → Virtually all eyes preserved with good acuity.
* Group B - confined to retina, but larger (>3mm) or close to fovea/optic n→ 95% of eyes preserved, but visual acuity varies depending on location.
* Group C - focal spread (<3mm from Retina) into vitreous or subretinal space→ 80% eyes preserved.
* Group D - diffuse spread (>3mm from Retina) into vitreous or subretinal space→ 60% eyes preserved.
* Group E - Eye destroyed by tumour→ only 2% salvaged.


Describe the management of low risk Retinoblastoma.


Low-risk tumours (Group A + B):
* Most pts with unilateral or bilateral small extrafoveal tumours without subretinal or vitreous seeding can be managed with focal techniques
* If tumours involve the macula, laser or photo therapy can compromise central vision, consider chemotherapy
Cryotherapy / laser photocoagulation
* Smaller tumours <6mm diameter and <3mm thick
* If successful, usually regress ~ 6 weeks but can take longer
* Cryotherapy: Probes applied to sclera outside eye in site corresponding to intraocular tumour focus. Limited to tumours sized 4-5mm.
* Laser: laser beams directed at tumour
* Complications: transient retinal detachment, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, retinal vascular occlusion, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal traction, preretinal fibrosis
Plaque radiotherapy
* Radiosensitive tumour
* Less common, often used when other modalities failed
* I-125 brachytherapy secures the radioactive plaque to the sclera at base of tumour
* Dose
□ ~40-45Gy to tumour apex over 48-96hrs. 100-120 Gy base.
□ 25-30 Gy is recommended after chemo. 2 mm margin on the tumor.
* Retrospective data: local control in ~ 80%, most effective in small tumours without local seeding
* Limitations:
w Not effective for large tumours >15mm diameter or >8mm thick, multifocal tumours, tumours in post half of globe or active seeding
w RT complications in 1/3 pts: cataracts, retinopathy, optic neuropathy
w Consider RT dose to optic nerve and fovea
w Placement of plaques can be technically difficult
w Second surgical procedure needed for removal
w RT induced second malignancy


Describe the management of moderate risk unilateral retinoblastoma.


Moderate-high risk tumours:
Unilateral group C and D tumours:
Ophthalmic artery chemosurgery (OAC)
* Chemosensitive tumour
* Rationale: reduce systemic side effects, deliver high dose localised chemo
* Cannula through femoral artery to the ostium of ophthalmic artery
* eye preservation 80%
* Chemotherapy: melphalan, carboplatin and/or topotecan
* Chemotherapy delivered into ophthalmic artery over ~30 min in a pulsatile fashion
* Performed under GA, nasal decongestant given as a vasoconstrictor to reduce SE
IV chemotherapy- used as induction before local treatment or adjuvant after enucleation
* Indications:
w Smaller tumours that impinge on fovea to shrink tumour prior to local therapy
w Large tumours, for globe salvage and to shrink tumours too large for local therapy
w Young infants <3 months as bridge therapy to provide time for infant to grow to a size that permits successful OAC
w Adjuvant therapy post-enucleation in pts high risk for metastatic disease
w Treatment of trilateral (bilateral + intracerebral) disease and metastatic disease
* Chemotherapy as chemoreduction: carboplatin, vincristine + etoposide every 28 days for 3-6 cycles
w Can use topotecan regime or cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and ifosfamide
* Particularly for group D, pt young and presents with advanced unilateral disease
* Consider for large tumours with limited to no visual potential, blind, painful eyes and/or tumours that extend into the optic nerve or anterior chamber
* Orbital implant placed at time of surgery, prosthesis ~ 6 weeks after (once overlying conjunctiva healed)
* Complications: scleral perforation with seeding of tumor cells into the orbit, infection etc

Unilateral group E:
w Adjuvant therapy: chemotherapy or radiotherapy
* If positive margin or other high risk features eg. trans-scleral/extrascleral extension
w Tumor extension beyond lamina cribrosa, intrascleral invasion, massive choroidal invasion
w These pts at high risk for metastatic spread
w Cytoreduction neoadjuvant chemotherapy generally not an option


Describe the management of bilateral/ metastatic retinoblastoma.


Bilateral disease:
w Bilateral disease with advanced stage (group C, D, E) is present in one or both eyes
Focal treatment
w Laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy for the least affected eye (only if tumour small) + enucleation
* Consider adjuvant chemo if pathologic features for more advanced eye
Systemic chemotherapy
Bilateral OAC +/- intravitreous chemotherapy

Metastatic disease
* Poor prognosis
* Multi-agent chemotherapy + radiotherapy to bulky sites
* Consider autologous stem cell rescue


Describe the radiotherapy technique for retinoblastoma, include toxicities.


External Beam Radiotherapy
i) Indications
* Failure of local tx or dx not suitable for other techniques (e.g. dt size)
* Not indicated in blind eye where no prospect of regaining vision, dt assoc long term SEs→ better to undergo enucleation with insertion of prosthesis.
* Previously used to be original globe-sparing approach for these children; now: rarely utilized except in certain salvage situations
* Current role is for salvage or post-enucleation RT

ii) Technique:
* Lens sparing technique with single lateral 6MV beam →“D” shaped field.
* Half-beam blocked ant at edge of bony orbit to shield out lens + lacrimal gland.
* Posterior field covers entire globe + 1cm of optic n. Include 5-10mm of CTV if extrascleral extension
* Efficacy: 60-90%, depending on the stage
* Dose- 45Gy/25#.
* However, this technique does not treat anterior retina/chamber. Alternative technique is ant electron or photon beam, accepting cataract + correcting when occurs.
* Electron to entire globe + 5-8mm of optic nerve, bolus may be used

iii) Toxicity
* Orbital + mid-face hypoplasia
* Dry eye
* Cataracts
* Optic neuropathy
* Retinopathy
* eyelash alopecia
* Glaucoma
* 2nd malignancy – pts with heritable form RB are at ↑risk 2nd malignancy, esp. sarcoma, + RT further ↑ this risk to ~30% at 20 yrs. 5% risk for sporadic RB without germ line mutation.


Describe the prognosis and follow up for retinoblastoma.


* Eye preservation depends on tumour stage
* Excellent OS- 91% at 5yrs
* Mets usually develop within 1yr if going to develop→ poor prog 50% OS at 18m
* Good salvage of recurrences

Follow up:
* Monitoring for tumour recurrence and for long-term treatment related complications
* Ophthalmology review:
* Risk of recurrence in ~12 months
* Generally monthly during treatment then frequency reduces after 2 years
* Imaging:
* Routine CT + bone scan not necessary
* MRI brain every six months until age 3-5 years in those with heritable Rb to screen for development of intracranial tumours
* Second malignancies
* Hearing loss
* Those who have been given carboplatin
* Risk greater if treated <6 months age


Describe the epidemiology and risk factors for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


- 20 cases annually in Australia
- 5 cases per million people annually

Account for 7% of all paediatric cancers
- Most common soft tissue sarcoma

Age distribution depends on histologic type
- Embryonal RMS –> median age is approximately 4yo, most common type tends to occur in younger children. Common sites =hollow organs lined with mucsoa e.g. nasal passages, vagina, bladdr
- Alveolar –teenagers/young adult, 25-40% RMS
- Pleomorphic –> adults
- Sclerosing –> all ages

Any area of body
-GU + reproductive organs

Slight male predominance (1.3:1)


1) Limited data, most cases are sporadic
	a. Low birth weight, low SES, in utero RT

2) Genetic syndromes (<10% of cases)
	a. RAS pathway mutations
	b. NF1
	c. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (IGF-2 overexpression --> Wilm's tumours)
	d. Li-Fraumeni (p53)
	e. Gorlin's syndrome (PTCH1)
	f. DICER 1

Describe the pathogenesis for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.



Alveolar (25%)
- FOX01-PAX3 translocation (t[2:13]) is a dominant process
- Poorer prognosis
- It is presumed that this pathway then activates other malignant growth genes
○ Mechanism unclear
○ IGF-2 gene is likely implicated

Embryonal (75%)
- Typically present with loss of heterozygosity of IGF-2 gene (11p15), or DICER 1 mutation (can be germline)
○ Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
- The overproduction of the IGF-2 gene stimulates growth
○ Postulated that there is a defect in the methylation of one of the alleles (usually imprinting selects one allele)
○ This would result in expression from both alleles

Multiple other genetic mutations/translocations/re-arrangements have been seen in RMS
- p53
- Rb
- Beta-catenin


Describe the pathology for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma ( Alveolar, Embryonal and sclerosing/spindle).


2 more uncommon subtypes
Pleomorphic (aggressive)
Spindle cell/sclerosing (good prognosis)
Botyroid (grapes) 2-3yo

Risk of nodal spread
- Extremity cases are more likely to have nodal metastases
Alveolar types are more likely to have nodal metastases


Describe favourable and unfavourable paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


Primary Site

Stratification of patients based on fusion status as favourable or unfavourable
Favourable = PAX3 or 7/FOXO1 negative ( *Favourable = all embryonal, spindle cells (not MYOD1 mutated), botryoid RMS)

Unfavourable = PAX3 or 7/FOXO1 positive (Unfavourable = all alveolar tumours (including the solid-alveolar variant)

Stratification of size and age
Favourable <5cm and <10 years
unfavourable >5cm and >10 years


Describe the prognostic factors for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


Patient Factors
- Age <1
○ Worse, avoid radiation
- Age>10 also worse
- Performance status

Tumour Factors
- Location (favourable vs unfavourable)
○ Good = GU, orbit
○ Parameningeal bad
- TNM-stage
○ Local invasion
○ a vs b (size </> 5cm)
○ Nodal metastases
○ Distant metastases
- FOX01 translocation (alveolar is worse)

Treatment Factors
- Degree of surgical resection
- Treatment in a high-volume centre
- Response to chemo not prognostic


Describe the history and examination for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.



- Most common anatomical sites
	○ H+N (35%)
	○ Genitourinary tract (25%)
	○ Extremities (20%)

- History
	○ HPI
		§ Often present as a painless enlarging mass
		§ If present, symptoms are dependent on the primary site
			□ H+N = Dysphagia, nasal/aural obstruction, headache
			□ Genitourinary = dysuria, haematuria, urinary frequency
			□ Extremity = painful mass
	○ PMHx + FHx
		§ Presence of syndromes
			□ RAS mutation
			□ Beckwith-Wiedemann
			□ NF1
			□ Li Fraumeni
			□ Gorlin's syndrome

- Examination
	○ Wellness of child
	○ Local examination of region
	○ Nodal palpation (especially if extremity site)
	○ Neurological examination
		§ If H+N or parameningeal site

Toddler H+N = embryonal
Toddler GU = emryonal
Infant botryroid (mucosal ‘grapes’) = embryonal = excellent outcome
Leg teenager, node post = alveolar


Describe the work up for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.



Staging and work up investigations should be <4 weeks before start of treatment, otherwise may need to consider restaging

- Histopathology
	○ Core biopsy under direction from sarcoma surgeon
		§ Exception to biopsy: Para testicular rhabdosarcoma, which can be resected with orchidectomy or very small tumours that can achieve R0 resection w/out compromising form or function.
	○ Mandatory
		§ IHC to confirm myogenic differentiation (myogenin, MyD1)
		§ FISH for FOX01 translocation (diagnostic of alveolar type)

- Staging Imaging
	○ MRI of local site  -take care of positioning if extremity -MRI of location ideal. CT can be useful for evaluation of subtle bone destruction, but not for delineation of soft tissue sarcomas
	○ CT CAP (or PET-CT)
		§ If no PET, need a WBBS
	○ Consider MR brain + whole spine
		§ Parameningeal location , common exam question
		- Lumbar puncture for para-meningeal sites for cytospin and cell count

- Baseline bloods
	○ FBC
	○ EUC + CMP (can present with hypercalcaemia)
	○ LFT (pre-chemotherapy)
	○ Coagulation studies (can present with DIC)
	○ TFT for head and neck patients
- ECG, cardiac function testing- anthracycline based chemo 
- Audiometry for head and neck patients 
- Sperm banking

- Bone marrow biopsy for all patients
	- Sentinel lymph node biopsy for extremity sarcoma + paratexsticular 
	○ Defining lymph node involvement is critical to staging, but difficult to accurately evaluate
	○ MRI >15 mm or PET Deaville score >liver uptake
	○ Rate of LN involvement in paratesticular RMS ~26% 
	○ Extremity RMZS common to have axillary or inguinal LN, even if radiologically normal

Describe the staging for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


Describe the management paradigm for low and standard risk rhabdomyosarcoma.


Describe surgical and chemotherapy management of paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.



- In localised disease (i.e. stage I-III), surgical resection upfront is recommended
	○ If suitable resection is feasible with acceptable functional and cosmetic outcomes
	○ RADIOSENSITIVE TUMOUR --> do not handicap the child
- If tumour is unresectable upfront:
	○ Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
	○ Reconsider definitive local therapy after 4 cycles (surgery vs RT)
		§ Only proceed with surgery if non-morbid and R0/R1 resection feasible
		§ No benefit to debulking

- Specific cases
	○ Paratesticular
		§ Inguinal approach (trans-scrotal is contra-indicated)
		§ Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is mandated (high risk of nodal metastases)
	○ Uterine –surgery preferred over radiation
	○ Bladder dome –partial cystectomy, 
	○ Bladder/prostate: RT, salvage exenteration only if poor response
	○ Extremity
		§ Sentinel node biopsy should be considered

1) Chemotherapy
	a. Various protocols are provided, depending on the risk stratification protocols
	b. Typically
		i. 14 cycles of VAC (vincristine, actinomycin, cyclophosphamide)
		ii. Q3 weekly for 40 weeks
	c. Low risk: no C in postop cycles
	d. High risk add VI, IE...

Describe radiotherapy management of paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma


2) Radiotherapy
- Very Radiosensitive tumours
- Radiotherapy is considered essential to improve LC for most patients with RMS
○ Exception: Clinical group 1, embryonal histology (FOX01 negative) (localised disease with R0 resection)- not RT for this people

- RT for all involved nodes
	○ including if resected
- RT for metastases for many
	○ usually recommended to treat all sites if possible
	○ IF FAR-RMS favourable- treat all sites; IF unfavourable- randomised to RT or none to mets
- Radiotherapy is given concurrently with chemotherapy  ( on week 13)
	○ Typically administered after 4 cycles of chemotherapy
- Dose and timing of RT dictated by the clinical group 

	○ Complete resection (alveolar histo only) → 36Gy/20F 1.8Gy/F
	○ Micro residual (N0) → 36Gy/20F
	○ Micro residual (N1) → 41.4Gy/23F
	○ Macroscopic dx → 50.4Gy/28F (if <5cm) 59.4Gy/33F (>5cm)
	○ Orbit 45Gy/25F (some use 50.4Gy as lower LC in IRSV)
	○ Metastatic lung/pleural effusion – whole lung 15Gy/10F (12Gy/8F in kids)

Timing of RT: Concurrent with chemo
	○ Historically upfront  for parameningeal or pts with symptomatic cord comp, loss of vision or other function-threatening condition - can consider to delay for appropriate chemo
	○ Low risk and Intermediate Risk: Week 13
	○ High risk: Week 20

Describe the radiotherapy technique for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


REMEMBER: RT Timing !!! (this depends on the COG Risk Group)
* If Low/ Intermediate risk- RT at week 13
* If High risk- RT at week 20
○ Everyone resected embryonal with BONG are low risk
○ All alveolar are intermediate risk, unless metastatic
○ All metastatic are high risk, unless embryonal and <10yo

Based on FAR-RMS guidelines
* Prescribed to PTV as per ICRU83, VMAT, 6MV photon, 9F per fortnight
* Concurrent with 3 weekly VAC (vincristine, actinomycin, cyclophosphamide)
* 2 doses level in sequential phases
* Phase 1: 41.4Gy/23F
* Phase 2: boost to 9Gy/5F to total 50.4Gy (if <5cm prechemo) or 18Gy/10F to total 59.4 (if >5cm prechemo)

Phase 1 (36 or 41.4Gy):
* GTVpPre: prechemo gross primary
* GTVpPost: residual gross primary after chemo
* GTVnPre: prechemo gross node
* CTV36/41.4: GTVpPre+1cm , ensure to include the nodal basin within 3cm of GTVnPre, GTVpPost+5mm
○ include surgical bed+scar (IF Adj RT) and Bx tract
○ If mets disease at dx, include this in the CTV: met+5mm
* PTV36/41.4: CTV+5mm (adjust according to immobilisation)

Phase 2 [Use if treating > 41.4Gy, except for orbit*, Can boost to 50.4 (<5cm) or 59.4 (>5cm)]
* CTVboost: GTVpPost + 5mm
* PTVboost: CTVboost+5mm (adjust according to immobilisation)

If intracranial involvement then start RT with week 1 or 2 of chemo (<4 weeks)
*If treating the orbit 45Gy/25F, then use only 1 phase


Discuss radiotherapy for specific sites of paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


Describe prognosis and follow up for paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma.


Discuss late effects of radiotherapy for paediatric patients, in regards to:

  • Occular - retinopathy 5% at 42Gy, 50% at62Gy
    • Hearing - related to dose and age <5% at <35Gy; 30% at 50Gy
      ○ 25-40% <5 years, 10% over; severe loss 18Gy higher >3 years
      ○ HL develops 3 years post RT
      ○ 300Mg/m2 platinum = 7Gy
    • Post SCT idiopathic pneumonitis. Post TBI 16%, 50% mortality
      ○ Steep dose gradient in teens
      ○ RR 24/Gy
    • GU <5% renal toxicity with <10/5Gy; 12-14Gy TBI 6-8 moderate, 2-3% renal Failure (* also chemo effects)
    • Spine (limited events) 56Gy to Cx cord seems safe (conventional fx)
      ○ Latency- later with higher dose (doesn’t make much sense)
      ○ Cord tolerance 39.6 with chemo vs 49.7 without
    • H&N limited data - reocmmend adult limits (26Gy)
      ○ teeth <20Gy
      ○ Dose the back teeth rather than the front (smile)

Discuss late effects of radiotherapy for paediatric patients, in regards to:
-Brain Re-irradiation
-Secondary malignancies

  • Endocrine = article central endocrine complications among childhood cancer survivors
    ○ GH D50 24.9-27Gy, 5% with 15Gy and 6.5 % per Gy at 24 Gy
    § TSH D50 39Gy; 20% at 22Gy
    § ACTH D50 61Gy and 20% at 34Gy
    ○ Primary thryoid = higher in girlds and >15Gy
    ○ Male reproductive - 44-88Gy oligospermia <1Gy with 75-100% recoivery at 12 months, over 1Gy 90% at 12 months
    ○ Female reproductive - look at article
    • Cardiovascular for every 10Gy increase in mean cardiac radiatgion dose, HR of 2.01 for CAD
      ○ 1.87 for HF, and valvular disease, 1.88 for any cardiac disease
      § For each 100mg/m2 increase in cumulative anthraacycline dose, the HR for HR was 1.93; Approx 10.5Gy
      § Dose <10Gy with no antracyclines, minimal risk
    • Pulmonary
      ○ RP risk after partial thoracic RTR with mean lung dose MLD <14Gy and total V20Gy <30 is low
      ○ Pt often aasymptomatic; abnormal PFTs common and severity correlates with lung dose
    • Liver
      ○ Hepatic sinusoidail obstructive syndrome
    • Reirradiation
      ○ Recurrent brain tumours, re-irradiation with total EQD2/2 of about 112Gy is associated with less thhan 5-6% incident of brain/brainstem necrosis with conventional prescruption doses after meddian 2.3 years
    • Secondary malignancies
      ○ Pooled EOR/Gy for meningiomas 0.45
      ○ Malignant CS tumours 0.16
      ○ Sarcoma 0.12
      ○ Lung 0.14
      ○ Seems more related to high dose region
      ○ RR rises with dose , except for thyroid (after which dose becomes ablative)
      ○ Chemo aslo increases risks for some
    • Pschosocial
      ○ Less likely to complete education
      ○ Attain emploiyment
      ○ Marry
    • Impaired neurocognition/iQ