Zoology (OIA) Flashcards
O - Side of skull
I - Posterior end of lower jaw
A - Elevates lower jaw
Depressor Mandibulae
O - Behind tympanic ring & dorsal fascia
I - Tip of jaw & mouth
A - Depresses lower jaw
Dorsalis Scapulae
O - Dorsal surface of suprascapula
I - Lateral side of humerus
A - Extends arm
Latissimus dorsi
O - Dorsal fascia
I - Lateral border of humerus
A - Raises forelimb upward & backward
Longissimus dorsi
O - Anterior 3rd of urostyle
I - Skull
- Extends back
O - Iliac crest of pelvis
I - Lumbar vertebrae
A - Rotates pelvis & trunk to opposite side
Triceps brachii
O - Base of scapula; shaft of humerus
I - Posterior end of radioulna
A - Extends Forearm
O - Lateral anterior 1/2 of urostyle
I - Arch & transverse process of 9th vertebra
A - draws back nearer the urostyle
O - Lateral side of urostyle
I - Ilium
A - Fixes urostyle in connection with pelvic girdle
O - Outer dorsal side of ilium
I - Head of femur
A - Rotates femur forward
O - Posterior tip of urostyle
I - Proximal end of femur
A - Pulls urostyle to one side
External Oblique
O - Ilium & dorsal fascia
I - Linea alba
A - Supports and reduces abdominal cavity
Transversus (Internal Oblique)
O - Ilium; dorsal fascia; transverse process of vertebrae
I - Linea alba; sternum; coracoid
A - Constricts abdomen
Triceps Femoris
O - Acetabalum (Ventral vastus internus); Two heads from Ilium (Dorsal vastus externus; middle rectus/vastus femoris anticus)
I - Below the head of tibia; Upper end of tibio fibula
A - Abducts thigh; extends shank
O - Dorsal half of ischium
I - Back of the head of tibio fibula
A - Adducts/extends thigh
Gracilis major (Rectus internus major)
Gracilis minor (Rectus internus minor)
O - Posterior margin of ischium
I - Proximal end of tibio fibula
A - Adducts/extends thigh
O - Distal end of femur & triceps femories
I - Tendon of achilles
A - Flexes shank
O - Distal end of femur
I - Lower end of tibiofibula & at the head of calcaneum
A - Extends shank
Tibialis Anticus
O - Distal end of femur
I - At fibulare (calcaneum)
A - Extends shank
O - Zygomatic process of tympanic and quadratojugal bone
I - Lower jaw
- Closes mouth
O - Medial surface of mandible
I - Median line of lower jaw
A - Opens mouth
O - Tip and border of lower jaw
I - At the processes & body of hyoid
A - Lowers mandible
O - Sternum; coracoid
I - Ventral surface of hyoid
A - Lowers the floor of mouth in breathing
O - Thyroid process of hyoid
I - Tongue
A - Retracts tongue
O - Lower jaw
I - Tongue
A - Protracts tongue
Rectus abdominis
O - Pubic symphysis
I - Sternum
A - Supports abdomen
Pectoralis (Pectoralis Epicoracoidea Pectoralis Sternalis, Pectoralis Abdominis)
O - Sternum; fascia of rectus abdominis
I - Deltoid ridge of humerus
A - Adducts, flexes, rotates arm
O - Episternum; Omosternum
I - Proximal end of radius
A - Flexes arm
Cutaneous Pectoris
O - Pectoralis abdominis & anterior 3rd portion of rectus abdominis
I - Pectoral region of skin
A - Draws skin towards tail (caudad)
Deltoid (scapulohumeralis)
O - Scapula
I - Deltoid ridge
A - Adducts & protracts forearm
O - Pubis symphysis
I - Below the head of tibia
A - Draws limb forward
Adductor Magnus
O - Ischial; Pubic symphysis
I - Distal end of femur
A - Adducts thigh/leg
Biceps Femoris
O - Dorsal side of ilium
I - Tibiofibula
A - Extends thigh
Tibialis Posticus
O - Posterior surface of tibiofibula
I - Proximal end of tibiale (astragalus)
A - Extends foot when flexed
Extensor Cruris
O - Distal end of femur
I - Tibiofibula
A - Extends shank
Flexor Tarsi Anterior
O - Anterior surface of middle & distal half of tibiofibula
I - Proximal end of astragalus & fascia of foot
A - Flexes foot
O - Anterior tip of mandible
I - Anterior angle of lower jaw
A - Raises tip of lower jaw
O - Ilium; Pubis
I - Middle 3rd of femur
A - Flexes & rotates thigh
O - Pterygoid bone
I - Mandibular symphysis
A - Opening & closing of mouth
Inscriptiones Tindinae
O - Lateral surface of proximal end of ulna bone
I - Dermal layer of skin near elbow joint
A - None
Linea alba
O - Midline of ventral surface of frog’s body
I - Midline of the ventral surface of frog’s abdominal muscles
A - None