Zone 3 Procedures Operations on Roadways Flashcards
Limited Access Roadways (LAR)
Generally considered “freeways” examples include I-5, Hwy18, 405, 509, 518, 167 and other
similar roadways.
Lane Terminology
Lanes are numbered from the outside lane (lane adjacent to the shoulder - Lane 1)
sequentially to the inside lane (lane adjacent to the median).
The direction that traffic is moving as it travels away from the incident scene.
Temporary Traffic Control Zone (TTCZ)
The area where temporary traffic controls are established to create a safe and effective
work area in which we can render aid to victims, provide access to transport and tow
vehicles, and efficiently divert traffic around the scene. Specifically, the TTCZ includes the
following: the taper and advanced warning area, the work area and the termination zone.
Advance Warning
Notification procedures that advise approaching motorists to transition from normal driving
status to that required by the temporary emergency traffic control measures ahead of them.
This is primarily in the form of blocking apparatus but can also include other early warning
devices such as cones or flares.
Positioning a fire department apparatus at an angle to the lanes of traffic, or parallel to the
lanes of traffic creating a physical barrier between upstream and lateral vehicle traffic.
Physical barriers can be established parallel (or lateral) to the work area
The action of merging several lanes of moving traffic on the upstream side of the incident
into fewer moving lanes. This is accomplished by emergency vehicles (fire, police, and/or
DOT) and cone placement.
Striping Cones
Cones that extend from the taper cones along the lane striping to extend the temporary
traffic control zone to its termination. Striping cones can be used with some discretion and
may not be needed along the lateral side of the incident if using a lateral blocking
apparatus. However, cones may still be needed from the lateral blocking apparatus to the
termination zone. Caution: cones will not stop any vehicle from entering Temporary Traffic
Control Zone
The protected work area at a vehicle-related roadway incident that is shielded by the block
from apparatus and other emergency vehicles.
Termination Zone
Area downstream of the incident that returns traffic to normal flow. This area must be large
enough to safely accommodate rescue, aid, medic, ambulance, or tow vehicles to enter
the scene.
Block to the Left
Placement of the tailboard on the upstream side with front bumper to the left, downstream
side, typically at a 45-degree angle across two (2) lanes (lane plus one
Block to the Right
Placement of the tailboard on the upstream side with the front bumper to the right,
downstream side, typically at a 45-degree angle across two (2) lanes
Block Laterally
Placement of apparatus parallel to one (1) side of a work zone accident, typically in normal
travel lane
Safety Benchmarks
Always maintain an acute awareness of the high risk of working in, or around moving
traffic. Never trust moving traffic. Always look before you step! Always keep an eye on
the traffic by never turning your back to upstream traffic and use a spotter if
Safety Benchmarks
Engage in proper protective parking and use additional apparatus if needed to
protect patients, witnesses, and emergency personnel. Block all exposed sides of the
work zone to prevent traffic from entering from either regular lanes of travel or
secondary collisions.
Safety Benchmarks
When possible, angle the apparatus at 45-degrees away from the shoulder/curbside
and create protection from upstream traffic as a first priority. Next, park apparatus
along the lateral side of the incident to protect from traffic being directed into the
scene due to secondary collisions. This will direct motorists around the scene while
protecting the work zone. Apparatus positioning must also allow space for other
incoming fire apparatus, aid cars, medics, and tow vehicles. Apparatus must also
provide enough protection space in the event of a vehicle colliding with a blocking
Safety Benchmarks
Wear approved high visibility reflective vests.
* Reduce motorist vision impairment by turning off unnecessary lights.
* Consider using cones or flares as early warning devices.
* Limit time spent on LARs.
* Limit the use of side compartments on the traffic side of the apparatus.
Dispatch Protocol
A minimum of two (2) apparatus with at least one (1) engine or ladder will be
dispatched to all LAR responses. This is done to ensure that there are sufficient
apparatus responding and to provide for scene safety as indicated below under
Section Apparatus Positioning and Initial Action Plan.
* Valley Com will notify WSP to advise them of all emergency responses located on
* Consider code red ambulance responses on all LARs.
Response Protocol
Members should don their protective ensemble and their traffic safety vest prior to all
responses on roadways. During fires, visibility is obscured for many different reasons
requiring increased vigilance by all members on scene.
* Safety vests are optional during firefighting operations and should only be worn if fire
* Safety vests should not be worn if they could become an entanglement hazard
Apparatus Positioning and Initial Action Plan
Drivers should position their apparatus at (but not over) the striping of
the closed lane with their tailboard angled upstream toward the roadway shoulder
and front of the apparatus pointing in the direction traffic is being diverted.
Apparatus Positioning and Initial Action Plan
The first arriving engine company should position their apparatus to block/shield the
accident scene on the upstream side plus one additional traffic lane
This company should construct a shoulder taper that
continues the line from the apparatus to effectively close the shoulder.
Ladder blocking
- If the first arriving unit is a ladder company, strong consideration should be given as to
the optimal placement of this initial blocking unit. Due to the size of the apparatus,
ladder trucks will provide more protection along the side of the work area and
therefore should be placed as close to this location as possible (see Exhibit A, Figure
3). However, the first priority is protecting the upstream side of the incident.
blovking for fire incident
- If firefighting operations are anticipated to be conducted on LARs, every opportunity
should be taken to position the apparatus as to provide the maximum protection for
the engineer operating at the pump panel. This may include positioning the front of
apparatus opposite from the direction traffic is being diverted and extend the overall
distance of the blocking apparatus from the work zone.
Blocking wheel placement
Drivers should turn the front wheels away from the firefighters.
Middle Lane blocking
If the motor vehicle accident is located in the middle lanes, it shall be the policy of
Zone 3 Fire Departments to strongly consider a 3rd fire apparatus to block at 45
degrees on the upstream side of the incident to divert traffic across multiple lanes
(see Figure 4). With two (2) apparatus at 45-degrees and one (1) apparatus lateral,
traffic will be traveling around one side of the incident only and keeping a safe TTCZ
for all personnel in and around the work zone.
Cone Placement
one FF placing - one FF spotting
Demobilizing the Temporary Traffic Control Zone (TTCZ)
Patients are secured, treated, and transported off the freeway.
* Incident is stabilized and all personnel (including civilians) are out of the hazard zone.
* WSP/Police and tow vehicles have cleared the freeway.
Additional conditions to be considered when blocking
- Speed of traffic.
- Weather, icy conditions, fog, wet pavement.
- Daylight or nighttime.