Zo Serialov Flashcards
tak čo budeš robiť?
So what do you gonna do?
Pracujem v restauracii
I work in restaurant
Ross, mozes prist a pomoct mi so spagetami?
Ross, could you come and help me with the spaghetti?
Viem ze toto bude zniet neuveritelne sebecky
I know this is going to sound ubelievable selfish
keď si bola bacuľatá
When you were chubby
prepáč, že meškám. zasekol som sa v práci
sorry i am late. i got stuck at work
Ako to šlo?
How did it go?
čo tu máme vidieť?
what are we supposed to be seeing here?
Chce (to) niekto vidiet?
Does anyone wanna see?
Nie je nič zlé na tom hovoriť správne
There’s nothing wrong with speaking correctly
Mala by som ist skutocne spat do prace.
Ano, pretoze inak by niekto mohol dostat to, čo si objednal.
I should really get back to work.
Yeah, otherwise someone might get what they actually ordered.
trochu sa mi uľavilo
i am a little bit relieved
Bolo mi s tebou uzasne
I had a great time with you
Ja len nemôžem vystáť tvojich priateľov
I just cant stand you friends
keby som bol na jeden deň všemohúci, urobil by som sám seba všemocným navždy
if I were omnipotent for a day, i’d make my self omnipotent forever