Z Clankov Flashcards
Nadšenci Botcoinu
Bitcoin enthusiasts
Bitcoin je najdôležitejším vynálezom, ktorý sa objavil doteraz v tomto storočí.
Bitcoin is the most important invention to emerge so far this century.
Ponorenie do bitcoinu
Immersion to the bitcoin
For instance
Obe neustále dosahujú nové historické maximá.
Both are constantly reaching new all-time highs.
Zvyčajne mám pocit, že mi chýba vnútorná sila čeliť výzvam
I usually feel that I lack inner power to face challenges
Za koho sa považujete?
Who do you consider yourself?
Vo vzťahoch mám často tendenciu strácať hranice
I often tend to lose boundaries in relationships
Napriek tomu možno čítate toto s určitými obavami.
Even so you may be reading this with some trepidation
Kvôli nemu, všetci čo sedeli za stolom sa pozerali na ňu.
Thanks to him, everyone sitting at the table was looking at her.
Venovala Benovi škaredý pohľad. On sa na ňu len usmial (ako odpoveď)
She gave Ben a dirty look. He just smiled at her in response.
Flat white je kávový nápoj, ktorý pozostáva z espressa a spareného mlieka s tenkou vrstvou mikropeny na vrchu.
A flat white is a coffee drink that consists of espresso and steamed milk with a thin layer of microfoam on top
V posledných dňoch mal John problémy s dýchaním.
For the past few days, John has had some difficulty breathing.
Mal 30 rokov a bolo trochu zvláštne, že niekto v jeho veku má tento príznak.
He was 30 years old, and it was a bit odd for someone of his age to have this symptom.
Možno keby bol fajčiar, veci by dávali väčší zmysel, ale John nikdy v živote nefajčil.
Maybe if he was a smoker, things would make more sense, but John has never smoked a cigarette in his life.