zExtraInspectorCalls Flashcards
Quote to show that Mr Birling is overweight and greedy?
“Heavy looking” his physical appearance is synonymous of being greedy
What does “portentous man” mean?
think they are above other people but desperately seek approval so is insecure and has a fragile ego.
What quote shows that Mr Birling is portentous?
“Finchley told me it’s the exact same port your father gets his from” drinking was a symbol of wealth, this is first thing he says so it reveals his insecurity and wealth as he is name dropping. Foreshadows greed and exploitation he deploys.
What other quotes shows that Mr Birling is selfish?
“For lower costs and higher prices” “your the kind of son in law i always wanted…the Geralds and the Crofts are no longer competing” taking moment away from daughter and focused on business, exploits workers for money.
What is Mr Birling used to do to capitalism?
Ridicule it.
What is capitalism presented to be?
Ignorant way of thinking.
Quote that is said twice where Mr Birling thinks he is showing off?
“Heard headed” flexing how he is foolish as he is not willing to learn.
What is dogmatic (linked to dramatic irony)?
Inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.
Quote to show Mr Birling is sexist?
“Clothes mean something quite different to a women”
Quote to show Mr Birling is possesive?
“My wife”
Quotea to show Mr Birling is anti socialist?
“Community and all that nonsense” and “a man has to mind his own business and look after his own”
Quote to show Mrs Burling is insensitive and unsympathetic?
A rather cold women and her husbands social superior”
Quote to show Mrs Birling is ignorant?
“No of course not he’s only a boy” defending Eric as she sees him as a little boy as he is neglected
Quote to show Mrs Birling is ignorant as she is shocked when she finds out the Eric stuff was true?
Quote to show Mrs Birling is prejudiced?
“She was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in her position” She assumes because Eva is unmarried and pregnant that she is unable have “fine” feelings which is cruel
Quote to show Mrs Birling is snobbish?
“What an expression, Sheila! Really, the things you girls pick up these days”
What does What an expression, Sheila! Really, the things you girls pick up these days show?
Sybil shouts at Sheila for using the word ‘squiffy’ - meaning drunk. Sybil has snobbish opinions that people should speak and behave ‘properly’, not doing so would make her look down upon them.
Quote to show Eric is assertive?
” Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages? We try for the highest possible prices. And I don’t see why she should have been sacked just because she’d a bit more spirit than the others” questions his fathers decisions and is the first to do so
How is Eric shown as emotional?
“(bursting out)…the girls still dead isn’t she? Nobody’s brought her back to life have they?” He is clearly distressed and understands the gravity of the situation, he can’t understand why the others don’t.
How is Eric akward?
At the start of the play Eric is very unsure of himself. He tries to speak up but is often talked down by his father. His behaviour is awkward and stilted.
Quote to show Eric is akward and lacks confidence?
“I don’t know - really. Suddenly I felt I just had to laugh.” The stage directions describe Eric as being ‘half shy, half assertive’ and this comes across in his dialogue. He is awkward and unsure of himself. Here he cannot explain his sudden laughter.
Quote to show Eric represents gluttony?
“I was a bit squiffy” “Could i have a drink first”
Mr Birling sin?
Eric sin?
Mrs Birling sin?
Quote to show Mrs Birling pride?
“Naturally that was one of the things that prejudiced me against her case” After Eva used the Birling name.
Quote to show the inspector is imposing?
!…he creates at once an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness.”
Describes his imposing figure and his tendency to interrupt and control the conversation adds to this impression too
Quote to show the inspector is laconic?
“carefully (and) weightily” shows he uses minimum words to get his point across
Quote to show the inspector is emotive?
“Her position now is that she lies with a burnt out inside on a slab.” This is such a shocking image presented in plain language, it is not surprising that it impacts upon the emotions of the other characters and the audience. The Inspector uses this language intentionally to make the family more likely to confess.
Quote to show the inspector is prophetic and omniscient?
“And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. Good night.” The Inspector predicts a hell like future, filled with a nightmarish vision of ‘fire’ and ‘blood’. Priestley experienced war first hand, so some suspect that what he saw in wartime influenced the Inspector’s final speech.
Quote to show inspector is a radical?
If there’s nothing else we have to share our guilt” and Public men, “Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges”
What is the device you need to remember to talk about>
Didactic device (teaches lesson)
What sin does Sheila represent?
Quote to show Shelia is childish?
“mummy” “daddy” “squiffy”
Quote to show Sheila is materialistic?
“Look, mummy, isn’t it a beauty” “now i feel really engaged”
Quote to show Sheila is assertive?
“I tell you - whoever that inspector was, it was anything but a joke.” gained power and intelligence through accepting responsibility. The change in Sheila here is clear. She has become more assertive, using phrases such as ‘I tell you’. The events of the evening have made her aware of the serious impact one’s actions can have.
How is Sheila insightful?
At a number of points, Sheila shows that she can see things that the other characters cannot
Quote to Show Sheila is insightful?
“Yes, of course it is. That’s what I meant when I talked about building up a wall that’s sure to be knocked flat. It makes it all harder to bear.” Sheila uses the metaphor of a wall that the Inspector will knock down to show her insightful understanding of his methods. She knows that if they try to keep anything from him, it will make things worse. The other characters don’t realise this as quickly as Sheila does.
Stage direction to show Mrs Birling pride?
((triumphantly)) privileged and wouldn’t have believed that a man of lower class would speak to her like that and she only cares about being right even after what had just happened
Quote to show Eric is showing socialist ideas and has accepted responsibility?
“The money’s not the important thing. It’s what
happened to the girl and what we did to her that