Zanthoxylum americanum (Prickly Ash) Flashcards
How do you recognise Prickly Ash?
- Zanthoxylum Americanum Mill & Z. clava-herculis L. Sometimes called ‘Zanthox’ for short.
- Both are small trees up to 10m tall with compound pinnate leaves. They have spines on branches & Z. clava-herculis has knobbly bark, hence the name.
- Not related to Ash (Fraxinus) species - smells citrussy.
- Native to USA – Z. Americanum widespread in N.E states, Z. clava-herculis in some S.E. states.
What are Prickly Ash’s main constituents?
* Isoquinoline alkaloids including chelerythine & nitidine – antiinflammatory.
* Furanocoumarins – antifungal.
* Essential oil.
* Alkamides (including ⍶-sanshool – another name for echinacein - gives the same tongue buzz!) – possibly analgesic & anti-inflammatory
* Amines
* Lignans
* Resins
What family is Prickly Ash in?
Members of the Rutaceae - includes the citrus genus, not the same as an Ash tree.
What is Prickly Ash good for?
Summary: A good circulatory stimulant, Bendle mainly uses it for Raynaud’s disease and with cold hands and feet - also for elderly people. And also as an anti-inflammatory.
* Circulatory stimulant.
* Diaphoretic.
* “Anti-rheumatic” - anti inflammatory
* Analgesic.
* Lymphatic.
* Bitter.
* Carminative.
* Anti-microbial.
* Sialagogue - increase the flow of saliva
* Peripheral vascular disease – increases capillary circulation.
* Reynaud’s disease.
* Intermittent claudication.
* Chronic inflamed joints.
* Chronic skin problems.
* Sometimes used for restless leg syndrome.
* Neuralgic pain.
* As a warming “catalyst” in prescriptions.
* Modern uses echo those of at least 9 tribes of Indigenous American peoples. Other traditional uses include toothache, itchy skin, for kidney problems & as an abortifacient.
What is Prickly Ash’s Latin name?
Zanthoxylum americanum
What parts of Prickly Ash do you use?
Parts used: bark and berries
What safety issues might Prickly Ash have?
Generally seen as being safe although large doses may be emetic. May interact with cardiac glycosides. Care/ unsuitable for pregnancy.
What useful research does Prickly Ash have?
External links:
There are very few research papers on Zanthoxylum – and even less with free access. This is very long and not specific to Z.
Americanum, but may be of interest if you like pharmacology:
Polyunsaturated fatty acid amides from the Zanthoxylum genus – from culinary curiosities to unique tools for chemical biology
Information on Zanthoxylum from Kings American Dispensatory 1898
What remedies might you use Prickly Ash in?
Dosage: as 1:3 tincture 20-30ml/week.
Bendle hurt his calf muscle and applied Turmeric, Comfrey, Aesculus - but also needed a criculation booster so he used Prickly Ash with Echinaecea.