Arctium lappa (Burdock) Flashcards
How do you recognise Burdock ?
- A deep rooted, large leaved plant with thistle-like flowers and burred fruits. Grow up to 2m tall. Non spiky thistle.
- In the first year they have a basal rosette, so you harvest root at the end of the first year, but they grow into a bigger plant in the second year. Flowers/seeds hook onto things hence the name ‘Burr’.
- Arctium minor (which hybridizes with A. lappa) in the UK is also used. A. tomentosum is used similarly in other parts of the world
- Native to Europe & parts of Asia.
- Roots eaten as a vegetable in parts of Europe, Japan, China & Korea.
- **In Britain was used in a fermented drink with dandelion root. ** Dandelion & burdock still available as a carbonated soft drink.
What are Burdock ‘s main constituents?
* Polysaccharides – especially inulin. The polysaccharides may have an immunostimulant action
* Phenolic acids – more in leaf & seeds.
* Flavonoids – based upon quercetin.
* Polyacetylenes.
* Lignans in seeds – anti-inflammatory.
* Essential oil – small amount containing sesquiterpenes & sesquiterpene lactones.
* Minerals in root include potassium, calcium, phosphorus & magnesium depending on the bedrock.
* Mostly the actions of the plant are not well explained by the constituents
What family is Burdock?
A biennial member of the Asteraceae.
What is Burdock good for?
Summary: Cooling bitter, demulcent alterative - (something which sorts something out gently OR something that helps remove metabolic waste). Especially good for skin but don’t use too much.
* A cooling bitter alterative.
* Diuretic (clearing waste diuretic rather than increasing urine flow hence why burdock and dandelion a good combo).
* Diaphoretic (the seed more than root)
* Anti-inflammatory.
* Anti-infective.
* Mild hypoglycaemic action in root
* Skin, especially itchy, problems: eczema, psoriasis, acne as removes waste.
* Rheumatoid arthritis - big leaves used to wrapped around inflamed joints and muscles.
* A good prebiotic due to inulin
* Also some say reduces allergies, can help with cystitis, support liver/ gallstones, and alopecia.
What is Burdock ‘s Latin name?
Arctium lappa (the plant that the bear likes that sticks to the bear)
What parts of Burdock do you use?
Parts used: mostly roots, sometimes seeds & leaves
What safety issues might Burdock have?
Safe herb.
What useful research does Burdock have?
External link - not much research and mostly on seeds than the root:
* A review of the pharmacological effects of Arctium lappa from 2010.
What remedies might you use Burdock in?
Dosage: up to 20ml/week of 1:3 tincture.
Bendle did a prescription for a teen boy with acne; his diet was poor - he was given 15% Arctium, 15% Dandelion leaf, 40% Echineacea and 30% Vitex (Chaste tree). To get metabolic waste cleared, hormonal function, and to support anti-infective action; this worked for him (not a standard mix).