Zabanyad Idiom Flashcards
Time is money
وقت طلاست
Spur of the moment
It was a spur of the moment decision
در لحظه تصميم گرفتن
In the nick of time
You just arrived in the nick of time
درست قبل از اينكه دير بشه
Like clockwork
مثل ساعت دقيق كار كردن
To kill time
وقت كشي
Only time will tel
فقط زمان معلوم ميكنه
On pins and needles
I was on pins and needles waiting for the doctor to come answer me
در انتظار چيزي استرس كشيدن، دلشوره داشتن
My heart sank
My heart dropped
دلم ريخت، شوكه شدن، ناراحت و نا اميد شدن
Clear as day
مثل روز روشنه
It’s clear as day that you’re having a hard time
All the livelong day
هميشه، كل روز
He is playing with this loud toy all the livelong day . It’s so annoying
As the day is long
كاملا، صد در صد
He is as selfish as the day is long
Broad daylight
تو روز روشن
I can’t believe that you’re doing this in broad daylight
A cold day in hell
آسمون زمين بياد
It will be a cold day in hall before i let you barrow my car
For a rainy day
براي روز مبادا
The money that i’m saving is for a rainy day
Call it a day
براي امروز كافيه