Lingemi Idioms Flashcards
Seize the day
دم را غنيمت شمار
Comfort zone
كنج راحتي، محيط امن
Muster up the courage
شجاعت به خرج دادن
Pluck up the courage
شجاعت به خرج دادن
Window shopping
براي زماني است كه فقط دلمون ميخواد ويترين ها رو تماشا كنيم و قصد خريد نداريم
I’m just browsing
اگه فقط براي ديدن مدل ها وارد فروشگاه شديم يا چيز خاصي مدنظرمون نيست ميتونيم اينو به فروشنده مقابل سوالش كه پرسيده چيزي ميخوايم يا نه بگيم
To lose face
بي آبرو شدن
He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake
To get away with something
قسر در رفتن
She thought she could get away with cheating on her taxes
To take sides
در بحث و دعوا طرف كسي رو گرفتن
My mother never takes sides when my brother and i argue
To beat around the bush
طفره رفتن
Don’t beat around the bush and tell me what’s on your mind
To call it a day
دست از كار كشيدن ، كار رو تعطيل كردن
What do you say we call it a day
To get one’s act together
عزم خود را جزم كردن
If he doesn’t get his act together soon, he will risk losing his job
To give someone a taste/ dose of their own medicine
مقابله به مثل كردن، نتيجه عمل كسي رو به خودش برگردوندن
Don’t be rude to others. You won’t like it when you get a taste of your own medicine
To bark up the wrong tree
در جاي اشتباهي دنبال راه حل گشتن
All along he was misleading us and we were all barking up the wrong tree
To break the ice
سر صحبت رو باز كردن
Someone suggested that we play a partly game to break the ice
To read between the lines
معني ضمني مطلب رو فهميدن، مو رو از ماست كشيدن
Reading between the lines, i’d say he isn’t happy with the situation
To save for a rainy day
پول پس انداز كردن براي روز مبادا
Luckily, she had saved some money for a rainy day
To hang by a thread
به مويي بند بودن
Everyone felt that their job was hanging by a thread
To drive someone crazy
كسي رو ديوونه كردن، كسي رو سخت عصباني كردن
My children drive me crazy when they are tired and in a bad mood
To be/get off the hook
از مخمصه خلاص شدن
Since it was his first offense, he was let off the hook with just a warning
In the heat of the moment
در اوج، در بحبوحه
He really didn’t mean what he said about you. He said it in the heat of the moment
The ball is in your court
توپ توي زمين توئه، تصميم با خودته
I’ve done all i can, now the ball is in your court
The elephant in the room
مشكل مهمي كه معمولا ناديده گرفته مي شه
When i had dinner with my parents, the elephant in the room was the fact that i’m forty five years old and still single
You can’t have your cake and eat it too
نمي شه همه چيز رو با هم داشت، هم خدا رو مي خواي هم خرما
If you want more local service, you can’t expect to pay less tax. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Once in a blue moon
به ندرت، صد سالي يه بار
My sister lives in alaska , so i only see her once in a blue moon
It takes two to tango
وقتي يه مشكلي وجود داره، هر دو طرف مقصر هستن
We will never reach an agreement unless we sit down for a discussion. It takes two to tango
Like two peas in a pod
براي بيان شباهت زيادي كه بين دو نفر وجود داره از اين اصطلاح استفاده ميشه ، مثل سيبي كه از وسط دو نيم كرده باشن
They are as a like as two peas in a pod
Through thick and thin
در همه حال، با وجود همه مشكلات و گرفتاري ها
My best friend has supported me through thick and thin
The tip of the iceberg
گوشه كوچيكي از چيزي، ظاهر قضيه
As with many injuries, the damage we can see is only the tip of the iceberg
Someone’s true colors
چهره واقعي شخص
I thought he was a really sweet guy, but then he got mad and showed his true colors
Not being someone’s cup of tea
باب ميل و طبع كسي نبودن، پسند كسي نبودن
Hiking is not my cup of tea, but my husband enjoys it
It’s water under the bridge
كاريش نمي شه كرد، گذشته ها گذشته
I guess we did have our disagreements but that’s water under the bridge now
Your guess is as good as mine
زماني استفاده مي كنيم كه به طور غير مستقيم مي خوايم بگيم نميدونم
I asked my wife how long it would take for the pie to bake, and she said your guess is as good as mine
You can say that again
موافقم، درسته
A: wow traffic is really heavy this time of day
B: you can say that again
In a nutshell
در يك كلمه، خلاصه
In a nutshell, the problem is that we had to move out of that office
Lost cause
عمل محكوم به شكست
Every day was a lost cause but we kept fighting